Kalami sat on the shuttle, Serra had given her clear instructions to look after it. She had just stepped out to get some air, when the sky fell upon Rodia. The unmistakable sounds of explosions rang out as the green rain of death descended from the heavens, one such teardrop hitting the shuttle. The shuttle exploded, sending Kalami flying. As she got back up, she pulled her helmet off and her fin flicked up, she began rubbing her ears, trying to get her hearing back. Unfortunately, her sight was unaffected as she saw the vast city now ablaze. She began to run for cover, running towards the palace, any invading force would likely want to take the palace intact so as to more quickly and easily bring the population under heel, whereas any aggressor that was here to cause civil unrest would likely want the planets leaders either confirmed dead or alive as hostages. Planetary bombardments were messy and highly ineffective at confirming the death of a single target. They served more as a means to cause panic than to actually destroy a target. Running through the streets, she finally put her helmet back on as she saw a squad of Stormtroopers advancing. She ignited her Pike and rushed into one of the troopers, impaling him through the chest, as the others in the squad turned their weapons upon her, she used the impaled stormtrooper as a shield, his dense flesh managing to support him on the end of the pike and taking the blaster shots. She rushed into the middle of the group, forcing them to abandon their blasters, as at this close range and surrounded by allies, they were much more likely to wound a squad-mate than the enemy. She flicked the blue blade off and the dead stormtrooper hit the floor, before she began to swing the pole around, cracking a Stormtroopers helmet as the thick pole smashed him into a building wall. One of the Stormtroopers got her in a Full-nelson, forcing her to drop the pike, whilst another tried to kick her in the chest. With a swing of her body-weight, she managed to take the impact in her chest armour, then used the Stormtrooper that was holding her as ballast to throw both of her legs at the stormtrooper that had been kicking her. Her robotic arm then sprung to life, its gyros and servos proving stronger than his muscles as she powered out of the lock. It was at this point that several Rodians opened fire into the stormtroopers. It was obvious that the Rodians were local law enforcement, from their uniforms. Usually not standing a chance against a fully armed military insurgeance team, they had the element of surprise on their side, as, several of the Stormtroopers had pulled back to wait for a clear shot at Kalami, but now they, themselves, lay dead from the police's intervention. Kalami grabbed the stormtrooper that had been holding her, with her cybornetic hand and slammed his head into the ground as she, too, dropped to the floor. As the police's firing stopped, Kalami got to her feet. "Thank you for your assistance." she called, picking up the pike. "What the hell is going on?" asked the Rodian who was clearly the sergeant. "Unknown aggressors posing as Imperial Stormtroopers. Most likely a last garrison attempting one last attempt to bring back the Empire." she replied. She then looked at the rag-tag band. Only 4 of them were police. 2 were armed with blaster pistols, the sergeant was armed with a carbine and the last was armed with an automatic rifle. There was a civilian woman with a hunting-rifle and a ganger with a pair of pistols. With this bombardment, it seems as though it had driven the Rodians together, rather than apart. She was a little glad of that. "Come on, we need to get to the palace and make sure that the governors are safe." she called. The Ganger looked a little annoyed. "Any objections?" she asked. "No..." he replied. It was at this point that Kalami began to strip the robes from her armour until she was left with [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111025170455/theclonewiki/images/4/45/Senate_commando_3.jpg]just the combat armour[/url] The band began to run towards the palace.