[quote=@Hael Ignis] [hider=Arion Kreyul] Name: Arion Kreyul Age: 17 Appearance: He has Brown hair and kind looking grey eyes, he is pale and has a rather thin and somewhat small physique being 5'11 ft tall Fighting Style: He has a Multitude of styles but mostly likes to fight stylishly. Magic: Summoning Weapons and making them follow his command like strings allowing him to have access to multiple weapons and imbuing himself with magic though it can only transpond through his attacks so it will either leave trails, sending out slash waves or teleporting to where his weapon was. Weapon: He uses his magic but has gauntlets for hand to hand combat or small gadgets/traps. Advantages: He is very skilled in combat and a quick thinker, he is very quick on his feet since he doesnt carry all that much. Disadvantages: He has a limit to how many he can summon and his magic relies on his imagination, he has to maintain the weapons as well as maintain a level head or his weapons may not be called right. Personality: He is a delinquet on the outside and appears to be uncaring but is not actually the case, he cooks and can knit and is very secretive about his hobbies. History: When he was young, Arion would always train to get stronger, he learned anything from hand to hand combat to different weapons with his father and younger sister. But one day his home was attacked by a few magic users wearing masks, he failed to save his parents but was able to run away with his sister. A few months after that, Arion started doing alot of jobs to earn money for his sister. After awhile, they ran into the magic users again, Arion tried to stop the magic users from killing his sister so he tried to fight them, he grabbed his fathers katana and fought them. After a few hours he was able to kill them, feeling both a sense of peace and emptiness, his sister became horrified of the sight before her and as he tried to calm her down, one of the magic users were able to get back up. Surprising Arion, he quickly moved his sister and shielded her and as he closed his eyes he heard a clank as if two blades struck each other. He opened his eyes and noticed a large floating sword protecting them, he slowly picked up the sword and cut the man in half and as that happened, the sword dissapeared. A few years later and Arion learned of his powers and so did his sister. They went back to their old home and saw presents, they took the presents and were each given a necklace and their parent's weapons. The necklace contained locked magical power from their mother and were each given a sword and so they decided to learn more of their abilities. When both of them were 17, they learned of a school that helps in magic and thats how they got to Viewfront academy Likes: Cooking, Drawing, Knitting, sewing, Training, Thinking of new devices and weapons, high places, forrests, Cats, His twin sister. Dislikes: His twin Sister getting hurt, His tools and materials getting lost, tight spaces, forrest fires. Personal Strengths: He is a great cook and good in sewing and knitting and doing housework, he has good eyes and can maintain equipment and weapons fairly well. Personal Weaknesses: He can be a bit hard headed when someone is in danger and first impressions are pretty bad. Other: When he took his fathers sword, he learned of its power of being able to cut multiple times in one swipe or is quick and strong enough to split worlds but he cannot use the full power of this sword to split worlds and such because its other half os lost, he was able to make the one he carried a part of his collection of weapons amd can summon it at anytime but he doesnt like using it. [/hider] [/quote] You misunderstand the premise. Magic is a closely guarded secret here, the world has forgotten about it because it's not strong in the real world, to the point where the strongest users can do little more than cast illusions. What makes the Group's magic strong is their contact with Otherworld, the backside of Viewfront.