Kara sighed. Instead of having to communicate with a bounty hunter, she wanted to get out and drive away the Empire's troops not sit in the cockpit and watch her comrades potentially die. To that effect she sounded rather impatient over the comms. "I can allow you to dock, but I'd advise you against leaving your ship until we can get a security team to the hangar. The situation is precarious enough, so we truly don't need another person lounging around in our ship. Otherwise, if you don't agree with that, you can land in one of the adjacent space port bays and walk to us." With that Kara broke off the comm channel and launched herself out of the pilot's chair and quickly stormed to the armoury. In a speed that seemed pretty impressive to the armoury guard, Kara put on the black and red armour of the Republic Marines, specifically designed for her alien body form, her tail sticking out behind her as well as her ears from the top of the helmet. She could hear well enough without the audio enhancing equipment in the hi-tech helmet and comm-wise, two in-ear "headphones" were mounted on a part that was fixed with the ears and turned with them. From her locker, Kara grabbed her E-15 rifle and her Vibrosword placing the latter on her back. For now, she left the rocket launcher in the armoury, she didn't expect any resistance that heavy on a neutral planet. "Alright. Showtime.", she exclaimed, the voice panel on the helmet-front distorting her voice to a more threatening version and the small solider marched out directly to the exit ramp, her blaster trained in front of her. As soon as the light sensors of the helmet sensed the outside light and the fireworks going on outside, Kara opened fire burning holes into the back of the helmets of two stormtroopers about to fire on one of the Jedi from behind with her blue blaster fire. "Imperial Scum! Go seek somebody else to bother!"