Slowly the chosen began to move, two of them made their way towards the temple as soon as they heard her call. The Hero and the Guide. One more, the Musician, followed shortly after. But none of them entered the temple. They stood outside the doors, far enough away from each other that they probably hadn't even noticed that more than one person was there. The Princess and the Sage stayed where they were, The Princess did have a country to run after all, and the Sage likely had duties of his own that stopped him from coming. Still, she'd send out another message to them, just in case. It was nice talking to people after so long anyway, even if they didn't reply back. She wasn't sure why the chosen who were outside the temple weren't doing anything. Maybe they were waiting to be invited inside? Usually the heroes just barged right in, startling her more times than not. Ashi rose from her spot next to the Master Sword and walked to the edge of the large room, reaching her hand out, it hit what seemed like an invisible barrier, one that only stopped her and nothing else. Her tie to the Master Sword meant she'd couldn't go too far away from it. And this large room was as far as she could walk. She had been wondering if perhaps she could move further away if it meant going towards the hero, but that didn't seem to be the case. Reaching out telepathically again, she sent a message to the three outside the doors. [center][color=lightblue][I]"Go ahead, you are the chosen, you can open the doors. I would open them for you, but I cannot get to them."[/I][/color][/center] Maybe it was a little cryptic, but she would explain all once the entire group had arrived. No use explaining bits and pieces, only to have to do it all again. Ashi returned to the Master Sword's side, brushing her fingers against the crystal that housed her spirit when she chose to enter that form. The only form that she was immortal in. But she liked it better that way, knowing she could one day die was comforting. Once this journey was over, she wouldn't have to stay trapped in the Master Sword for eternity, completely and utterly alone. As she waited for the three chosen to enter, she sent out two more messages. One to the Princess. [center][color=lightblue][I]"I understand you duties are important, but so is this. Please Princess, try to sneak away some time today."[/I][/color][/center] The other to the Sage. [center][color=lightblue][I]"You are near the Princess yes? Do the land a favor, help her get away if the need arises. Ah and, if you want to talk back to me, just project your thoughts towards the Temple of Time. I'll be able to hear them."[/I][/color][/center] The last part Ashi added to the Sage's message, because she knew that with his magic, he would be able to pull of response telepathy. He may not have been able to start the conversation, but when their minds were connected like this, it would be easy to hear him. Some of the other chosen may have been capable of this as well. But the Sage was the best one for it at the moment. He was near the Princess and could keep Ashi updated on the situation. If they did have to wait until tomorrow for the Princess to get away, then she would have to tell the three who were already here. Perhaps they would be willing to spend the night in the temple? It would be nice to have some people around again.