Would nano-technology exist in any shape or form in this world? I was toying with the idea of a character whose augmentation uses nanites to accelerate healing. Of course there would be cons to this (along with augmentation rejection), I'm thinking stuff like how it has a high risk of causing fatigue/exhaustion depending on how much healing needs to happen and how quickly. The nanites would need to draw material from the body itself (bone marrow, fat, etc) to do the repairs and to keep itself powered through the process. The faster they need to work, the more taxing the process is on the body. There may be some other augmentations that could offset this, but I'll consider it in greater details if the idea is allowed. The backstory to that would involve the character being a volunteer to a military pilot project, which makes him first gen. Let me know what you think. I'm not super attached to the character so I can always think of something else if it doesn't work, but I am interesting in participating :)