It had been such a nice occasion. Two new people, which was always a pleasant surprise. He'd watched with keen interest as Lucas rummaged through their belongings, something which Nick himself had gone through as well. He still didn't really understand the power all too well, but it was pretty well in any case. And that's when the girl, Thumper, had given them the warning of an in-coming mob. The man was off in an instant, bowling into the nearest vehicle and quickly donning his own unique outfit. If he was quick enough he could get out there and maybe disrupt the in-coming goons before they arrived, take a few of them in the wrong direction. But he had clearly underestimated just how close the attackers were. Even as he threw on his bomber jacket Nick heard it. Gun fire. Screams. All hell breaking loose. "No," he muttered, bolting out of his makeshift changing room just in time to see the carnage begin to unfold with a ruthless swiftness. Through the continuing downpour Nick watched as a large group of angry citizens crashed into their convoy, a number of Hypes getting cut down in the initial onslaught. They hadn't stood a chance. And he hadn't been fast enough. "[b]NO![/b]" Nick's legs moved before his brain had time to think. Fuelled by a sudden and violent rage, Nick exhibited a feat of acceleration which was impressive even for him. Rain pelted against his goggles as he tore a tent pole from its place in the ground and in one smooth movement hurled it Olympic-javelin-style straight into the windscreen of an on-coming pickup. It was thrown at such a speed that the first thing the driver knew about it was when it cut through the glass and dug into his flesh, pinning the man against his seat. The pain, being surely immense, caused the man to wail in pain, quickly losing control of his vehicle and crashing into a nearby car of the convoy. Those who had been in the back of the pick-up were quickly scattered, either being thrown over the side or across the top of the roof. But Nick was already onto his next targets, going hell for leather across the grounds of the plantation toward a group of gunmen. They were too caught up in their orgy of bullets to notice their fast-approaching assailant. Suddenly one of them was hammered into, their jaw bone noticeably cracking under the impact as Nick threw a devastatingly rapid punch. As their comrade slowly dropped to their ground, the other two yobs turned to their latest victim and laid their eyes upon the strangely dressed man, the American flag baseball helmet an easily recognizable feature. They would have laughed if it wasn't for the fact that the man was upon them before they could even swing their guns up. Putting his hand on the wrist of the local, Nick then proceeded to deliver a karate-chop blow to his elbow joint, creating a satisfying [i]crunch[/i]. Although this all happened extremely fast, normal human reaction time was enough to allow the third assailant to bring his shotgun to bear and even to pull the trigger. Nick turned to face what he thought must surely be his own brutal end. His life didn't flash before his eyes or anything. No, all he felt was a jolt of fear shake through him. Then a green wave suddenly enveloped the buckshot, crunching the whole thing and stopping it a few inches short of his chest. Both Hype and human stood dumbfounded, before the newly formed ball of lead was thrown back at the man's face, knocking him out cold. If Nick was a religious man, he'd say it was divine intervention, but he knew that he had a nearby fellow Hype to thank. He'd have to seek them out later. But for now, the man with the broken arm was still groaning, though a swift kick to the face from the speedster soon put an end to that. His near-death experience had allowed Nick a brief moment of respite. Looking here and there quickly he noticed that the Hyperhumans were falling back, and though every enraged bone in his body was telling him to go and punch more faces, the man knew he had to help with the retreat. In this moment of calm he managed to spy Lucas on his knees, hands over his head. Fortunately Thumper was right there with him, and though he wanted to go and help someone who'd been nicer to him than most others, Nick knew there were those who were potentially wounded and needed the help now. So with that he sped over to a group of Hypes taking cover, trying their best to stay out of the firefight. Crouching down with them, he gave what he hoped was a reassuring nod. "Anyone here hurt?" he shouted over the crackle of guns. "Angie got shot up pretty bad, I don't think she can walk," one of them answered, a young boy, not much older than eighteen. The girl, Angie, looked pale and was bleeding from her left leg. Nick wasn't the strongest of people, but he could at least carry her on her back quicker than anyone else. With some help he got Angie onto his back as carefully as possible, and with a perhaps inappropriate salute set off again, accelerating a bit slower due to the added weight, but still faster than anyone else could hope. With bullets and tazers whizzing here and there, Nick did his best to use as much cover as he could before getting to one of the convoy's vehicles which was far enough away from the fighting to be considered safe-ish. Settling Angie into one of the vehicles, Nick got the attention of a another nearby convoy-member and instructed them on the basics of putting pressure on a wound, though honestly it was all just stuff he had seen in the movies. "Stay here, there'll be more Hypes coming soon," he stood back up at full height "I've got to get back out there." And with that he was off again, darting through the disarray of vehicles and bodies.