The entire pace of the evening seemed to change pace all within a matter of a few moments. What was supposed to be a few quick moments away from their friends to plan a prank quickly turned into a moment of distress as part of the party just up and left. Kassey blinked, but before she could open her eyes, Cassandra and Vanessa were already headed away from her, Riley, and the older boy, Kade. "What's going on?" Kassey questioned. She waited anxiously as the three stood there waiting in the darkness before Kade spoke up. "What do you mean Billy is hurt, how do you know that? Where's Evan then?" But before she got her answer, Vanessa and Cassandra returned, with none other than an injured Billy draped across the shoulders of the older woman. It was all becoming a bit too peculiar for Kassey's liking. "This isn't part of the prank, is it? You turn the tables, Riley? Very funny, but I'm not falling for it." Her eyes looked to Billy's ankle and saw the swollen and bruised nature of it, and her face turned to stone. No amount of fake blood could do that, and none of them paid close enough attention in theater to pull that kind of stage makeup off. "Holy shit, Billy!" Kassey covered her mouth and her eyes widened. This was no joke, they really did need to get back to the campfire. If his ankle looked that terrible in the dull blue glow of just the moon's light, they needed to look at it with the real light of the fire or the RV. "Dammit, well what are we waiting for! Let's go then, I'm sure Evan is worried without any of us there anyways."