[@Rekaigan] [quote][color=a2d39c]"My name is Kazuma Watanabe. Please, call me 'Kazu' for short. It is a pleasure to meet you, Amie. I apologize for my lack of response. I cannot speak."[/color][/quote] [color=ed145b]"Kazu! I like that. That's cute. Kazu~ Kazu~ Kazu~" [/color] She giggled to herself enjoying the sound of his name rolling off her tongue. Then her face turned serious as she nodded in full understanding, [color=ed145b]"Can't speak... this is the first time I've met someone who couldn't speak, well besides that actress who got laryngitis." [/color] She thought back at that time when she was up against a female who had similar talents as her but wasn't as expressive. Her name was Rachel Kidd and she was a complete bitch. Her competitor was extremely passive aggressive to the point that Amity just wanted to take a baseball bat and slam it against her face. An entitled prick in Amity's opinion... or she could of just rubbed her off the wrong way by flirting with Maxwell Tatum. She was all over him. Well, Rachel got laryngitis and had to email the director saying she couldn't be considered for the role. Thank god! She would have ruined the film. [@Daxam] [quote]"Hi," he says with his trademarked grin, "I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but could either of you help me? I am hopelessly lost."[/quote] Suspicious of this new arrival entering out of the blue, Amity walked closer to the man and looked at his face with narrowed eyes. He had relatively long hair for guy, didn't reach Luke's level though. She gestured him to bend down closer to her height level and then the questions rushed out. [color=ed145b] "You're not a [i]cop [/i]are you? Are you truly [i]lost[/i]? Did someone send you to look for me?"[/color] She poked her head around him to see if the trio was lurking in the park. She saw another guy walking by [@Haeo], she couldn't quite see him from this distance... but that wasn't going to stop her from using Zac's body to hide her. Grabbing Zac's shirt and bringing him closer to her, his face inches away from hers, she let her ice eyes look dead into his as she whispered, [color=ed145b]"If you're being honest. I'll help you get where you need to go with my GPS."[/color] Her eyes filled with paranoia, Amie continued, [color=ed145b]"There's a guy watching us. I don't trust him. Nope, Nope, Nope! Not one bit."[/color] Letting go of Zac's shirt, she brought her attention back to Kazu and offered, [color=ed145b]"We should all walk together! I wouldn't mind learning this area myself." [/color] Plus, she'd like to know where her acquaintances lived and if Zac's intentions were pure. Picking up the fedora off the ground, she put it on and tried to hide her pink hair in the best way she could. [color=ed145b] "Wait, do you hear that?"[/color] Sirens were heard passing the park and heading toward Shine Junction... She muttered to herself, [color=ed145b]"I wonder what happened..."[/color]