[@Letter Bee] [b][color=#ff9933]SECONDARY QUEST - THE DOGS OF DIJON STREET[/color][/b][hr] [color=#99ff66][LK 5][/color] [color=#33cc33]"Ah, underground entry? Why, we have - LOCATION REDACTED - ha-ha, just kidding, sir. I'm not at clearance level to say anything. In fact - I know exactly where most of our defense is. The royal scientists have no idea how to override something as complicated as a synth, sir!"[/color] The skeletal synth said, giving an artificial chuckle as he brushed off his suit, straightening his posture. [color=#33cc33]"I just say "REDACTED" to throw off newcomers - they always think a synth is no more than an automaton. Goodbye, sir! Hope you enjoyed the tour of our [i]wonderful[/i] facility."[/color] With that, the skeletal synth trotted off - most likely, to trick another poor sap into following along with his whole "malfunctioning" robot routine that he so liked to do - leaving Par Rapids amongst a sea of sensibly dressed and sophisticate bankers, with waxed and whisked mustaches and polished clogs. The likes of two protectrons would notice him in the ocean of nobles, and began to lumber forth, sputtering the same, old repeated phrase - "PROTECT. AND. SERVE." as they would both edge him out of the bank, using their rather powerful servo arms and bulky body to essentially shove Par out of the bank - obviously taking notice to his less than banker appearance and almost still stance. The skeletal synth would give a small wave goodbye as Par Rapids was shoved out of the bank, leaving him standing there in the busy cobbled streets of the Savreaux District, the skeletal synth artificially laughing behind his bank.