[hider=Keiji] Name: Keiji Age: 29 Race: Saru Hengeyokai (Monkey) Class: Monk (Allowed?) Appearance: Keiji isn't the most attractive man in Azmier, but there seems to be something... soothing about his appearance. He stands at normal height, 5'9 or so but he carries himself so well he it's as if he's taller. He is lanky and has long limbs, with his arms reaching down to about his knee. His fingers and toes are especially long. Speaking of toes, his feet can act almost as if they were hands, able to grab objects with ease. He has a short, stubby nose and small brown eyes. He has a long, black tail that he can move around at will, but it can also be moved by wind, water, etc. Keiji has short, spiky black hair with long sideburns that almost reach his mouth. He is in very good shape with well toned muscles and a great cardiovascular system. (Monkey form) Small, when standing on back legs is only 3 feet or so, and when on all fours is 1 1/2 feet tall. Black fur and black eyes. The skin on his face and hands/feet is dark brown, like a tanned leather. He has very sharp teeth, capable of ripping fingers from hands and toes from feet, noses from faces, etc. Personality: Keiji is a very cheerful and optimistic person. When things are looking down, he can usually get his companions moral way up. He loves having as many friends as possible because he dislikes being alone. Keiji needs not just allies, but friends to make him satisfied. Although Keiji is a very friendly person, when he gets mad, his temper is extreme. He is more vicious than a Inu Hengeyokai (dog). However, he doesn't know how to utilize this temper so the rage goes usually unused. Keiji is very smart and wise, but you wouldn't know that by just looking at him because he appears to be foolish and too silly. Alignment: Neutral Good Diety: None Skills: Martial arts Persuasion? Things that monkeys can do (climb, jump far, swing by ropes, etc) Weapons: Kusarigama (chain-sickle) made of a synth handle and a rope about 2-3 feet long connecting the handle to a smaller, palm sized synth ball (also used as weapon). The blade is made of sharpened bone. (Allowed?) (Recommend looking it up to see what it looks like) Light crossbow made of synth with animal fat and guts stringed down to make an elastic string. Bolts made purely of bone. Items: Fingerless gloves and toeless shoes made of flesible synth-like material. Tunic made of a combination of seal skins and sea lion skins. A journal about his adventures, his hopes and dreams, etc. Family heirloom passed down to Keiji just days before the the flood (small crystal sphere with engravings, very dear to Keiji and he would kill anybody who tried to take it). Fishing spear with synth handle and bone point. Limit a few items. Boat: Small, rickety wooden canoe made as a life boat. New Background: When Keijin was born, it had already been almost 170 years. His father was dead, apparently killed by looter goblins before he was born. He heard his dad was a great man, the leader of their ship. But when he died, someone else took charge... Botan. He was a brute, a mad Inu Hengeyokai (dog). He would abuse and slap the shipmates around like they were his slaves. He took advantage of Keijin's mother, saying he would kill her son if she didn't do what he made her do. And what he made her do... it made Keijin furious. As he grew older and watched the pain he put people through in a world that was already pain enough. When Keijin became 16, he decided he had to do something. In the night when most of the crew was sleeping, he snuck into the captain's quarters. Inside was Botan, sleeping with bottles of empty alcohol abundant on the floor. Keijin saw Botan's weapon leaning on the wall, grabbed it, and whacked Botan with the mighty club. However, Botan seemed unaffected. He woke up and grabbed Keijin, pulled him to the top of the ship and held him over the ledge. Botan screamed and strangled Keijin. His mother woke up, and so did the others. They screamed and yelled at Botan to stop, but he laughed and once Keijin had almost lost consciousness, dropped him into the water. Keijin awoke on one of the life boats that somebody must have dropped down after Botan had walked away. The ship was gone... he had to start over... a new life... new people, a new family. [/hider]