[@DJAtomika] [i]Gonad's skill had layers. Beneath each coverlet of lethality was another obstacle, another trap obscured by the rushing smoke. He could have grabbed for a place higher on Galliard's arm, for the forearm or the wrist, but Gonad knew below the elbow was best. He had enjoyed years of practice manhandling enemies with those catchers mitt-sized hands, and knew well the mechanics of the human body. Motion was always slowest, most predictable at the point of origin. That way if an opponent tried to shift a limb, one could still adjust to grab it by reaching just a little ways more towards, say, the bicep. That part was rooted to the shoulder, its range of movement was far more limited. Gonad wouldn't have launched his destructive knee unless he had succeeded in securing his opponent, to prevent them from moving away or defending. Why attempt an attack that was not guaranteed? Gonad relied not on luck or chance. When he struck, it was with the certainty that whatever was on the receiving end would be in for a very, very bad day. He would keep the power in check for a wee bit longer. Just long enough to drop the aim of his grab to seize upon the Emperor's bicep as he tried to move his arm away. The fingers were penetrating and powerful, capable of badly bruising whatever flesh and muscle they caught. Forget catchers mitts, they were bear traps. Gonad would pace neatly with the King were he to try and retreat. Taking a step back was giving ground, the beginning of the end where Gonad was concerned. Sometimes foes even tried running backwards when confronted with the bestial warrior, but it was more natural to advance and he had no trouble giving pursuit. Were the bicep to be grabbed and the slash momentarily stopped, then Gonad would slide his left leg backwards before releasing the monstrous knee he had been keeping under wraps. Frost had settled on his body hair, two thin trickles of blood just now making their way down from his chest. The ice magic was nasty stuff, but plenty more would be required before the hulking berserker was damaged enough to relinquish his onslaught. [/i]