[@DJAtomika] [i]To some warriors, a fight could be a blur of emotion, over before they knew it. Gonad saw things as they happened though, in perfect clarity. He was a watcher. That single eye burned steady and calm. By moving even closer to the mythical grappler, King Galliard would have all but signed his death warrant. Gonad let go of the shield. He stopped grabbing for the sword arm. He let the Emperor enter his embrace. There was no unbalancing this grandmaster of close combat, his center of gravity was absolute. The barbarian's arms moved like twin serpents of lightning, the right surging to lock the shield arm against the body in a bear hug and the left set to loop over the sword arm to inescapably trap it in Gonad's armpit. Gonad was no perfect fighter, he had flaws to be sure. This was his territory though, the sphere of the wrestler. He knew exactly what to do, his body knew what to do. He had no need to think about how to handle such a situation, one that was likely far less common for Galliard, even if he did often tangle with rough Northerners back home. Every day of his life Gonad had devoted to his art. All in all, the point would be a simple one. The King's chances of keeping up in this situation would be like a fencer that had taken several BJJ classes trying to wrestle a professional mixed martial artist in the octagon. A split second after they bumped chests, Gonad would have another bump prepared for his friend. A headbutt, done proper. It was like a sudden sneeze, his head snapping forwards with outrageous ferocity. It was virtually unpredictable, at near point blank with little wind up. If all went accordingly, the unyielding forehead would thunder into Guzman's face with more than enough pepper to put out the lights, sinking him into the unthinking oblivion of unconsciousness. Even if it landed, Gonad would immediately launch three more just to make sure. Perhaps the fire ring would stop a normal man in his tracks, even kill him. It would be no instant death for the berserker. Were he to be set alight, and were his opponent rendered fully lost in dreamland, then Gonad would complete the finale with a massive flaming belly to belly suplex, his lone eye a narrowed ember of demonic wrath, body arching steeply backwards whilst on the tips of his toes to fatally smash Galliard's cranium into the ground so hard that when next he was revived, it would be with a reflexive gasp of shock. [/i]