[hider=House Stanton]House Stanton Description: House Stanton is a newly formed house in the Reach. The house words are ’To dare is to do’ and the sigil is a white dog sitting with a star above his head on a dark blue background. They own a modest castle called Yellowmoor keep formally owned by House Cockshaw which is located around fifty to a hundred miles north of Tumbleton, it’s the most northern house in the Reach. The land that they own is fairly large for a family who had never been Lords before. Yellowmoor makes it’s money like most of The Reach through farming their fertile lands, mainly gathering rapeseeds to make vegetable oil. This is were the name, Yellowmoor, comes from. When the rapeseed flowers blossom all you can see in any direction is yellow. The lord of Yellowmoor is simply known as the Lord of the Moors. Recent History: Daven Stanton was a hedge knight from the reach, originally born in the Stormlands but recognised himself as a Reachman. He was born to farmers. At the age of just nine he went off to be a Page for a tourney knight named Robert Redwyne, a third born son to the third born son of the current Lord at the Arbor. Daven was basically sold to Robert unbeknownst to him. The main reason being Davens father was a degenerate with eight children and no wife. He drank too much, spent too much money on whores and gambling until he ended up owing some dangerous people money. By chance Robert was riding through his farm, heading to a tourney at Storms End, when they struck up this deal. Robert was fairly repulsed by Davens offer but felt pity on the young boy living under this mans roof, he also needed a Page after his former one was too old and became a Squire for the knight. The debt wasn’t much to him being from one of the richest houses in the Reach. Robert took Daven all over Westeros training the boy in everything he knew about being a knight. Daven earned his knighthood on a starry night as they camped in the Westerlands and were set upon by bandits. The fight only lasted a few minutes but the other two squires were dead and a sheep dog that had been following them for a few weeks also died attacking one of the bandits. The main reason Daven was knighted was for the fact he saved Roberts life tackling down and killing one of the bandits who nearly stabbed the knight in the back. As another thanks Robert gave Daven one of his horses, the horse was on the later side of life. (Robert had previously won a prize horse in a tourney in Riverrun by knocking another knight off his horse.) Also when they arrived in the Arbor, Robert had one of the many smiths fashion Daven some plain plate armour and a sword. He was nineteen years of age. Daven set off on his own with his very own squire, a pot boy who had overheard Robert talking about Davens rise from nothing to a knight, who begged Daven to take him along on his adventures. Robert decided to stay in the Arbor wanting to relax, believing himself too old to be travelling all over Westeros. Davens adventures would not take him out of the Reach though as he headed up the Rose Road to Highgarden were he was hired as a sworn sword after Jamie Tyrell was impressed by his jousting and melee skills at a small tourney that Jamie had hosted. Daven stayed there for a number of years, until a land dispute came to court over who should inherit the lands of the recently deceased Lord Cockshaw, who was a sickly boy who had no heirs. Jamie not seeing anyone with a legitimate claim to the land held a huge tourney for any knight of the Reach and the prize was Yellowmoor Keep. Out of everyone who competed Daven somehow won, in thirty years of living Daven had gone from a farmers son to a Lord. Daven could not believe it and so couldn’t the other Lords who wanted the lands. Quite a lot of the Lords didn’t believe Daven was worthy of the lands, calling him an upstart, lowborn filth and other names, but it didn’t really bother him. One of the names that made Daven laugh the most was when he found out certain Lords called him the ‘Farmer Lord’ given to him because of his background. He laughed mainly at the fact that he thought all Lords of the Reach were Farmer Lords because that’s how they made their money. When he arrived at Yellowmoor Keep the small folk instantly loved him because of his background. They gave him names like ‘Daven the bold’ and ‘Daven the daring.’ This is were he came up with his house motto ’To dare is to do.’ His first act as Lord was to make Robert Redwyne his chief advisor. The next action he did angered some of the Lords even more by marrying a random handmaiden he had courted for years in Highgarden. She died giving birth to a son who survived. Daven named his son Robert in honour of his advisor and closest friend. He never remarried. Daven turned out to be a natural Lord and kept his lands safe and prosperous. He was alive to see all of his Grandchildren born but died peacefully in his sleep at the age of sixty. His son Robert took over from him, who wasn’t as good as a Lord as his Father. When his oldest son, named Jamie (after the Tyrell Lord). Was twenty five years of age, he conspired to kill his own Father and paid an assassin to get the job done but the assassin was caught and tortured until he gave Jamie’s name. When guards came to Jamie to bring him to trial he slayed the two guards and fled but was eventually caught. His father not wanting to kill his own son sent him to the wall, leaving the second son, Theo as heir to the moors. Household [hider=Lord Robert Stanton, Lord of the moors]Name: Lord Robert Stanton Age: 45 Seat: Yellowmoor Keep Heir: Theo Stanton Personality: Robert Stanton is known as a very loud man, who you wouldn’t expect to be a Lord. He likes to drink, get in fist fights and tell vulgar jokes. That what most of his nights ended up being, in the local Taverns of Yellowmoor. The actual skills needed for running the land, Robert doesn’t really have. Luckily most of his advisors took care of that. Robert was a good leader though, with most people respecting and liking him, mainly due to his usual loud, outgoing personality. He isn’t really the brightest of men and can be quick to anger making him quick to act. His Father, Daven, always used to say he got his brains off his mother. Appearance: Robert is a small man at 5’6 over the past few years he’s started to loose his muscular frame and started to get a beer belly. Many people like to wind him up, telling him that if he was a foot taller and not as ginger, he’d be very similar to the old King Robert. In his 30’s he noticed his hair on the top of his head was thinning out, so he decided to just shave it all off, thinking it looked stupid to be bald on top and have hair on the sides. He kept his big ginger beard though and has had it since his early 20’s. He isn’t really the best looking, a complete opposite to his wife. Biography:Robert was the only child of his Father after his mother died in childbirth. All of his life he was raised in Yellowmoor being raised by everyone who had helped teach his father how to be a Lord. He often travelled around Yellowmoor with his father, meeting with all the smaller houses sworn to their house. One of these visits was were het met his future wife. A tall pretty girl called Kyra Risley who was a few years older than him. Robert fell in love with her straight away and eventually her father agreed to let Robert marry his daughter after he'd turned 19. Robert was pleasantly surprised that Kyra was quite happy with getting married to him, finding his shyness very cute. Around a year later they had their first child who they named after Jamie after the Tyrell, at the request of Daven. For the fact it was him who gave the lands to the Stanton family. They then had two daughters and two sons as the years went on. Two years after his last son was born, his father passed away making Robert the new Lord of Yellowmoor. Over the next ten years he left most of the running of his lands to his advisors. Mainly because Robert didn’t really understand it. A few weeks prior to the death of King Aegon X, Roberts own son had conspired to kill him with one of the advisors; Addam Appleton who took care of the finances in his land. He and Jamie found an assassin and paid the man, unfortunately for them the assassin was caught and confessed almost immediately. A week later after catching them he sentenced them both to the wall, originally planning on just executing Addam and sending him to the wall, Robert decided against it not wanting to seem biased to his son. After the death of Aegon, Robert got the message the mobilise his troops.[/hider] [hider=his wife, Lady Kyra Stanton]Name: Kyra Stanton Age: 47 Personality: If someone someone had to describe Kyra in only a word, the two that would usually come up would be kind and quiet. She is a typical woman of the Reach and acts as a proper lady does. Since her oldest son was sent to the wall she rarely talks. Appearance: In her 20s and 30s was very beautiful with long blonde hair and a tall slender frame. She has started to age noticeably in the past few years, her hair turning slightly white. She has bright blue eyes.[/hider] their children: [hider=Ser Jamie Stanton, ex-heir]Name: Jamie Stanton Age: 25 Personality: Since it was found out that Jamie had tried to kill his own father people believe Jamie is completely evil because what kind of person would conspire to kill their own father? But in all honestly he isn’t truly evil just easily influenced, manipulated and controlled. That’s not to say he’s the dumbest person in the world just gullible. He wanted power but had no idea how to get it. Appearance:[hider][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/51/r169_457x256_9886_Vanguard_2d_fantasy_warriors_army_medieval_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider] Jamie is similar to his mother in looks, but doesn't take after her in height and frame, this is he takes after his father, being 5'9 and muscular. Biography: Jamie Tyrell lived a normal life for a Lord’s son, from an early age he had been raised to rule Yellowmoor. He excelled at sword fighting, something that he was naturally good at. Nothing really exciting happened in his childhood except for travelling around Yellowmoor with this Father visiting different holds. Has he grew up all he cared for was being a ruler. When Jamie turned 21 his father arranged a marriage with one of the local Lords daughters, Margaery Ashurst. Over the four years they were married they failed to actually have a child. When he started to attending his Fathers council, were he formed a close friendship with Addam Appleton who dealt with the finances. He slowly convinced Jamie that his Father was bankrupting the land and that Jamie would be able to fix all of their problems by getting rid of his father. He eventually agreed to take up Addam on his offer and gave the go ahead to hire an assassin. A few days later two guards burst through the door when Jamie and Addam was writing messages to send to different Lords. Jamie killed them both and fled Yellowmoor Keep, the next part was a stupid decision on their part, they stayed in an inn a days ride outside of the Keep. The word had already spread through Yellowmoor and they eventually was surrounded by people wanting their arrest. Straight away they were sentenced to the wall. Robert sent a message to everyone in Yellowmoor telling them if any of their prisoners wanted to choose the wall instead of their punishment now was the time. All in all there was 30 prisoners including Jamie and Addam, with an armoured escort and a black brother travelling towards the wall. The only thing Robert did for his disowned son was give him black clothing, a massive black cloak, a suit of armour and a sword.[/hider] [hider=Jane Stanton]Name: Jane Stanton Age: 22 Personality: Jane is kind of dumb. That is probably the best way to describe her. She definitely takes after her father in that respect. But it takes people a while to realise it because jane is a very quiet woman, just like her mother. Appearance:[hider][img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6217/6323020867_0959947b7f_b.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Leyla Stanton]Name: Leyla Stanton Age: 20 Personality: Leyla likes to dream, she always has her head in the clouds. From her personality alone people would think she‘d be younger than she actually is, still thinking that everyone are like the stories of famous knights are princesses. Appearance:[hider][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4c/a9/25/4ca92539a366ceb529034f01880e93e9.jpg[/img][/hider] Biography: Leyla for most of her life grew up in Yellowmoor Keep, playing the part of the Lords daughter quite well. Learning everything that someone in her position would, loving all aspects of it. The music, poetry, singing, dancing, embroidery and everthing else. When her younger brother was in Highgarden, he caught word that the Tyrell Lady, Alerie, needed a handmaiden. So he recommended his sister who was accepted. A week later she travelled to Highgarden and has been close to Alerie ever since.[/hider] [hider=Ser Theo Stanton]Name: Theo Stanton Age: 19 Personality: Theo is a very calm, laid back person. He doesn’t really let much get to him and still hasn’t come to terms with his new responsibilities of being the next Lord of Yellowmoor. He likes to be sarcastic and have a laugh with his friends and family. Appearance:[hider][img]http://diannethegeek.com/knights_tale/will12a.jpg[/img][/hider] In his early teenage years he was slightly chubby and some of his time in Highgarden he got teased about it by the other squires and girls, which to the current day has made him slightly nervous around women. In his sixteenth year he hit a growth spurt growing to just over six foot. He lost the weight and became fit slender frame. He definitely takes after his mother. Biography: From the age of eight, Theo had been living his life in Highgarden being a page and then a squire for a sworn sword for Highgarden who was held in high regard, Ser Will Middlebury. They used to occasionally travel around the Reach going to various Tourneys, never straying too far away from Highgarden. Theo tried to visit Yellowmoor as much as possible. When Theo was in his sixteenth year, they both travelled to a tourney in The Arbor for the Lord of Redwynes sons tenth name day. Theo couldn’t wait to see the Arbor, he remembered being a young child and his Grandfathers stories about how amazing it was and what his Grandfathers mentor was like. He certainly wanted to impress for his family because if it wasn’t for a Redwyne, Theo wouldn’t be alive. Theo entered in the jousting lists without the permission of Ser Will. The knight was furious with his squire and didn’t talk to him until they faced each other when there were only eight men left. Will pleaded with Theo to step down not wanting to hurt him but Theo declined. The joust happened but it was Theo who came out on top knocking Will off his horse. Unfortunately Theo lost in the next round. After the joust Will knighted Theo believing there was nothing else he could teach him about being a knight. They both headed back to Highgarden but only for a little while. Theo wanted to see his family again and decided to go and live back in Yellowmoor, were he acted as a standard knight of the Reach. He travelled to two tourneys winning one of them and losing the other in the semi finals again. It was clear that Theo was a natural on horseback, just like his Grandfather. (He never stood out in a sword fight though.) He planned on travelling to the wall and a week before he was going to leave the news about his brother had went around Yellowmoor and suddenly all the responsibility had suddenly fallen on his shoulders.[/hider] Ser Ethan Stanton, seventeen.[/hider]