[@Doc Doctor] The barbarian's head crashed into his. Sound rang about his ears as he saw stars. The flames from his ring engulfed his opponent as he struggled to regain control. The man had him in a bear hug. A tight one. But both his arms were free. He knew only one move to do. As he was lifted from the ground he readied his sword and angled the blade against the barbarian's back. Without a thought for himself, he drove the blade straight into him and through himself. The pain from impaling himself on his own sword was nothing compared to what he'd experienced before. Swiftly his right thumb rubbed the pearl ring on his index finger. He withdrew the sword immediately as the healing magic within the pearl went to town on his body. His head cracked into the stone as regenerative magics filled him, repairing the damage done within seconds of impact. His ice ring fully charged again, he used his last few seconds of movement to rub it, pressing his ring right against the side of the barbarian's head. The next blast of frost would end the battle, one way or another.