[h2]Day 8[/h2] [center] The cold morning was once again full with activity. Many of the troops were preparing the castle defenses, Anthro Elite Rangers positioning themselves strategically on the wall and even a few atop the high towers, where one could get a rather spectacular view of the surroundings…or at least would, if it weren’t for the dense morning fog that blanketed the surrounding area. The weather conditions presented a bit of a problem as the lookouts couldn’t see very far in the distance and as such it was difficult to tell if any troops were coming towards them. They would just have to wait and see. The fog may also be somewhat beneficial to them as the enemy troops would actually have to get pretty close before realizing that Castle Northspark is no longer under their control and end up with no way of escape from the Dwarven army pursuing them. General Bulkwyn was already perched atop the front wall, just above the main gate, quietly observing the murky distance, her helm removed and her gazed affixed forward looking for any sign of movement. She flinched when Aleko greeted, apparently being so focused she momentarily disregarded her surroundings. “[b]Oh, sir. I didn’t notice you there…ummm.[/b]” She cleared her throat “[b]Good morning, I trust you rested well?[/b]” After the greetings were exchanged, Aleko asked of any news to which the general indicated to the surroundings as she responded, puffs of steam escaping from her small snout as she spoke “[b]Well we have manned the defenses and are keeping our ears to the grounds. It shouldn’t be particularly long before we see some Old Empire troops heading our way. [/b]“ she sighed and gazed briefly back into the distance before returning her attention to her emperor “[b]Of course, the fog does not help in the slightest but we’ll manage…[/b]” she muttered. Fresh puddles of snow could be seen in various places, inside and outside the courtyard, testament to a probable snowfall that occurred during the night. This combined with the brisk, cold air and the potential fog would define the overall general weather of the Northern Human Kingdom of Winterpeak. One would have to wonder just how drastically different it was further North in the Dwarven lands where snow and rocky mountains ruled supreme. All of the Elite Rangers were stationed on the defensive positions of the fortress while their Highlander comrades were dallying in the courtyard, their large, two-handed swords being of little use atop a wall. Some Dark Elven Vanguards could be seen patrolling the wall as well, appearing as pitch black shades wandering around due to their cloaks and shadowy hoods. The Infiltrators have not been seen since after the battle has ended, probably already off to deliver their reports to their superiors as their services would no longer be required. There was still a bit of time, sufficient for Aleko and the general to converse a bit, him inquiring about her apparent experience when fighting against the Wizards the other day. Oddly enough, general Bulkwyn avoided answering “[b]I am a general in the Anthro Army. It is expected of me to be fluid and adaptable to any situation that may present itself. Expect the unexpected and be prepared for the worse, as they say.[/b]” Was her response yet a deep sigh followed after Alkeo pushed the issue a bit “[b]I’m sorry, sir but I don’t think now is the right time to neglect our surroundings and reminiscent about the past. If you wish, we can discuss this after returning to the Escalyber. Promise.[/b]” Was all she said regarding the issue, keeping her attention to the task at hand. A few hours have passed and it was well after morning when some activity was spotted in the distance. The fog had receded to a some degree in the mean time, allowing for better visibility. The sound of a march came first, followed by an array of silhouettes emerging from the grey distance. Several rows of Human Spearmen, clad in their signature armor bearing the blue colors of the Old Empire were now heading straight for the fortress, followed behind by a more diminished number of Musketeers and Tactical War-Mages. At the very back, one could spot the hulking giants know as the Juggernauts, their heavy plate clattering loudly with every stomping step. Simply looking at the army coming their way, Aleko made a few key notices. Compared to the original report, they were fewer in number, suggesting that they have suffered quite a bit of casualties in their attempted siege. Two squads of Spearmen, three squads of Musketeers, less than half a squad of War-Mages and only three Juggernauts were all that was left of them. The Juggernauts at the back also appeared to be empty-handed and unarmed, suggesting that the Infiltrators were successful in sabotaging their equipment. “[b]Here they come…[/b]” the general muttered as she rose her hand, signaling all the Elite Rangers to take position and aim at the upcoming army. Once the enemy troops were within shouting range, general Bulkwyn’s voice could be heard calling out to them “[b]That’s far enough![/b]” The Human army stopped in their tracks, only now noticing that the fortress was no longer a safe place for them, the blue flags of the Old Empire being replaced with New Empire’s crimson and finding themselves within the sights of an array of Anthro Elite Rangers. The Human troops immediately took combat positions, clearly startled and panicked by the precarious situation they found themselves into. The formation was different this time. The Spearmen formed a thin circle around the main body of the troops, clearly expecting something behind them. Their expectations were matched by the emerging of new troops from the distant fog. A large army of Dwarven Infantrymen, Bear Knights, Rune-Meisters and Grenadiers presented themselves in the horizon, steadily approaching the outmatched and outnumbered Humans who found themselves between hammer and anvil, as the expression goes. “[b]You are surrounded! Outmatched, outnumbered and with no way to go! I suggest throwing down your weapons and surrendering before this gets ugly![/b]” general Bulkwyn shouted with confidence yet the Human troops did not seem keen on obeying as they maintained their formation. Among them there was one who stood out. This man was dressed in a heavily decorated version of a Spearman’s armor. White plates with golden trims, a deep blue cloak draped over his right arm, buckled at the shoulderpad with a series of medals and a full helm decorated with the golden wings of an eagle sprouting on the sides of its visor. The general of the Human army stepped forward between the ranks of his soldiers. He was armed with an equally decorated spear which he held onto firmly, holding it straight as a beacon while pushing aside his heavy tower-shield, revealing and exposing himself. The general removed his helmet. Underneath it was a grizzled old veteran, with a receding hairline and finely trimmed beard and mustache, both of a snowy color. His face bore the marks of several battles, the most noticeable being him missing his right eye, covered by a simple black eye-patch. His voice boomed loudly towards the castle, hoarse and fitting to his appearance “[b]Are you the general of those men, woman? If you truly wish to avoid bloodshed than present the one who is charge so we may reach an arrangement![/b]” General Bulkwyn responded “[b]I am indeed the general, yet I am not the one in charge here.[/b]” As if on cue, Aleko presented himself next to Pepper, making his presence noted while the general presented him “[b]This is his highness, Aleko Sendrakon! First of his name, heir of the Sendrakon bloodline and true Emperor of the realm![/b]” The Human general appeared taken aback for a mere moment, clearly not expecting to her what he just heard yet he regained his composure almost instantaneously. “[b]Sendrakon? So the rumors were true then? There really was a bastard child of the late Emperor.[/b]” He stated, clearly wanting to say more yet deciding against it, instead proceeding to present himself “[b]My name is Asimov Dunngard. General of the Human army of the Old Avalon Empire, under the command of Sir Allister Stormreaver. You will forgive me if I won’t bend the knee before you, ‘your grace’… [/b]“ sarcasm was made evident when he uttered that to Aleko “[b]…But I am old and not as flexible as I used to. Bones ache in this cold, you know.[/b]” Some of the soldiers behind General Asimov could be heard chuckling as he addressed Aleko. “[b]Now…We seem to be at an impasse…[/b]” the general’s tone lost all sarcasm as he continued “[b]You certainly pulled a fast one. Stealing our own fortress from right under our noses while our backs were turned. Leaving us out in the cold like this…[/b]” A few moments of silence passed in which the general gazed back at the troops behind him and then stomped his spear on the ground in a fit of frustration “[b]I admit you got the better of us this time but if you would rather not kill us all like a sloppy butcher than listen to this proposition. Spare my men and allow them safe passage from the province. In exchange I will gladly surrender and become your prisoner..-[/b]” “[b]NO! Sir, you cannot do this![/b]” the female voice came from one of the Human soldiers behind the general. The woman rapidly presented herself to the general’s side, clad in the armor of a Spearman but with some light decorations, denoting a higher rank than a mere soldier. “[b]Sir, this is what they want![/b]” General Asimov was clearly angered by his subordinate “[b]Stay out of this, captain! You will do as you are told and that’s final.[/b]” Yet the general’s words did not seem to dissuade her “[b]With all due respect, sir. I believe I speak for all the men under your command when I say that this is an order we cannot obey![/b]” A shout of approval made itself heard from each of the Human soldiers as they quickly broke formation and rallied around the general. The general and the captain had an inaudible discussion while the troops rallied around them, eventually the general felt silent as the captain removed her helmet, revealing a comely, freckled female with shortly cropped orange hair. “[b]Emperor, disregard the general’s proposition.[/b]” She addressed Aleko with a fiery determination in her tone “[b]Myself and the rest the men will surrender and become your prisoners instead if you will allow general Asimov and a handful of guards to safely leave the province. We will not settle for anything else, either accept this or go on right ahead and kill us all but don’t expect us to go out without a fight![/b]” To that statement, general Bulkwyn turned to address Aleko, frustration apparent in her tone “[b]Ugh, Human loyalty. Always has to complicate things…[/b]” she muttered before continuing with “[b]That FSC and her troops are obviously far less valuable to us than the general himself, but she clearly won’t listen to any sort of a counterdeal. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better to have them all dead rather than a general still out there strategizing against us?[/b]” The idea of yet another battle made her grimace for a moment before resigning herself with a deep, fatigued sigh “[b]You have the final word, sir. I will follow your lead and trust in your decision..[/b]” [/center]