[h1][center][color=springgreen]The Librarium[/color][/center][/h1][center][sub]"The Book of the Dragon-who?"[/sub][/center] [hider=Analysis of Advancements in Technology and Magic] [hider=Note] For all other technologies, assume standard fantasy tech levels, IE; Wind- and watermills, catapults, tumbler locks, swords and arrows, battering rams, torches and animal-fat candles, or the rarer oil lanterns, iron and steel smithing, etc. There is a system of dry plumbing, basically holes, or "poop chutes" that lead to said holes, in the ground that lead to a sewer. [/hider] [list] [*][b][color=ed1c24]Runic Shackles:[/color][/b] A specially designed and inscribed pair of shackles that negate any, and all magic. This includes other materials or objects affected by magic touching the shackle. It absorbs magic and, provided too much, will grow hotter as magic is fed into it, yet it will never melt or break under the duress of magic. [h1][/h1] [*][b][color=39b54a]Mage Lights:[/color][/b]Little orbs of light contained inside a latern-esque glass device, mountable on walls or held from the hand. It's basically an effective, low-energy enchanted lantern. The orbs can be set to different colors, and any common citizen could activate them once the mage light is created. Most use a runic symbol, enchanted and engrave on the lantern, that siphons the required energy from whomever touches it. It takes little energy and a commoner could light a hundred of them before feeling the strain. The longer the rune is held, the brighter it glows. There is typically a null rune on the opposite sight that dims, or turns off, the mage light.[/list] [/hider] [hider=An Outline of Rankings, Titles, and Social Labels] [indent][hider=Social and Military] [h2][center][b][color=a2d39c]Social and Military Rankings[/color][/b][/center][/h2] [hider=Note] The section below lists the [color=a2d39c]social[/color] classes from top to bottom, in order. Within these labels, possible [color=ed1c24]military[/color] and [color=00aeef]magic[/color] ranks that can be achieved by that social class are listed. A social class may hold any of the titles or ranks of the class above them. For example: Lords do not automatically become generals, and must begin where they are deemed fit, yet never the lowly rank of soldier, but the common folk may not exceed the rank of soldier until they are promoted to an armsman. [i][b]*Note:[/b][/i] Armsman and Knight are Military Promotions. The title of Earl, is given by Duke, is given by Lord, is given by the King.[/hider] [color=a2d39c][b]Citizens/Commonfolk:[/b][/color] The everyday freeman, citydweller, farmer, and so forth. May not own land. [color=ed1c24][b]-Soldiers/Conscripts:[/b][/color] Archers/pikemen/bannermen etc. [color=00aeef][b]-Intiate:[/b][/color] Those who are just beginning a formal education of Magic [color=00aeef][b]-Novice:[/b][/color] Those who have officially been taught the fundamental and basic principles of magic. [color=a2d39c][b]Armsmen:[/b][/color] Serve a knight directly and may hold or manage manors and small plots of land.  [color=00aeef][b]-Apprentice:[/b][/color] Someone who has agreed to learn magic volunteerily, or otherwise. [color=00aeef][b]-Adept:[/b][/color] Someone who is skilled, and proficient in magic. [color=a2d39c][b]Knight:[/b][/color] Serve an Earl directly. May own larger plots of land and manors, and overseer a village or township and raise a levy. [color=ed1c24][b]-Sergeant:[/b][/color] Squad ( 4-10 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-Lieutenant:[/b][/color] Platoon, 3-4 Squads. (16 -40 Soldiers) [color=00aeef][b]-Wizard/Mage:[/b][/color] A person highly skilled, and proficient in magic. Allowed to take on students. [color=a2d39c][b]Earl:[/b][/color] Overseer of a collection of villages/small area and usually has several local knights as armsmen, likewise with their levies. [color=ed1c24][b]-Captain:[/b][/color] Company, 3-4 Platoons. (100-200 Soldiers) [color=00aeef][b]-Master Wizard:[/b][/color] Someone with mastery of their magic, able to perform great and skillful feats. Allowed to command a Team (2-5) of Wizards, or Mages, or teach a class of Adepts or lower. [color=a2d39c][b]Duke:[/b][/color] Usually controls a large city and has both Earls and Knights as sworn armsmen, plus the levies from his lands. [color=ed1c24][b]-Lieutenant Colonel:[/b][/color] Battalion, 3-5 Companies. (500-900 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-Colonel:[/b][/color] Brigade, 3 or more Battalions. (3,000-5,000 Soldiers) [color=a2d39c][b]Lord:[/b][/color] A step below the royal family. May hold a county and all cities/communities therein. All dukes/earls/knights in this territory are his sworn armsmen. [color=ed1c24][b]-Major General:[/b][/color] Division, 3 Brigades. (10,000-18,000 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-Lieutenant General:[/b][/color] Regiment, 2-5 Divisions. (20,000-90,000 Soldiers) [color=ed1c24][b]-General:[/b][/color] Field Army, 2-5 Regiments. (40,000-450,000 Soldiers) [color=00aeef][b]-Archmage:[/b][/color] A wizard, or mage, who governs all other magic users. Allowed to command a Team (2-5) Wizards, or Mages, or teach a class of Masters or lower. [color=a2d39c]King:[/color] The end all of the hierarchy; all knights/earls/dukes/lords/wizards are sworn to him and all armies are his. He may have generals (often the most experienced) to advise him, and even if he follows their advice, his word is law. [color=a2d39c]-Queen:[/color] The second-to-last of the hierarchy; holding authority and command just below the king. Though she does not posses military authority. [color=a2d39c]-Prince/Princess:[/color] Third in command and authority below the King, and Queen. They do not hold political, or military authority. [/hider][hider=Religion of the Millennium Hand] [center][b][h2][color=linen]Religious Rankings and Titles[/color][/h2][/b][/center] [color=aba000][b]Worshipper:[/b][/color] A person who regularily follows and devotes their life to the teachings of a religion. [color=aba000][b]Clergyman/Clergywoman:[/b][/color] A member of a church order, often empowered to do minor, miscelaneous duties during congregation, such as collecting donations, singing, or personal tasks for higher ranking spiritual leaders, such as laundry, cleaning, and other miniscule duties. [color=aba000][b]Preacher:[/b][/color] A member of the clergy empowered to hold congregations and teachings. Preachers are able to absolve sins, and host a confessional. They Empowered to convey holy orders from Pastors. [color=aba000][b]Pastor:[/b][/color] A trusted member of the clergy who oversees a single church or religious grouping. Pastors are empowered to convey holy orders from Bishops. [color=aba000][b]Elder:[/b][/color] A senior, respected member of the church whose opinion is highly valued, and though holding no official authoritity over the clergy or congregation, their advice is often heeded. Elders are often retired members of the clergy. [color=aba000][b]Bishop:[/b][/color] A senior and most trusted member of a religious clergy often in charge of a particular religious district and empowered to confer holy orders from the Archbishop. [color=aba000][b]Archbishop:[/b][/color] A religious member of the highest rank who governs all of the churches, groups, or other religious gatherings of their order. The Archbishop holds the highest spiritual authoritiy. [/hider][/indent][/hider] [hider=An Overview of Acknowledged Gods and Divines] [indent][hider=Calendar Gods] [color=f7941d][b]Aagi, God of Agriculture[/b][/color] This handsome god takes the form of a elder wisened with age. He is inhumanly tall and has a lithe build. His round eyes are gold. His outfit is that of a scribe, and it is mostly burgundy in color. He also wears a amulet. He carries a fuming censer. He causes plants to grow around him. He sometimes takes the form of a pure white fox with silver markings. The first month is named after him and begins the cycle of planting seed. [color=f7941d][b]Tatuna, Goddess of Storms[/b][/color] This antisocial goddess of rain and thunder takes the form of a maiden. She is very tall and has a lithe build. Her hooded eyes are brown. She has dark, ebony skin. She is usually portrayed as wearing a white, nearly transparent silk robe adorned with long ribbons of the same material. She can impart knowledge of weather. She sometimes takes the form of an owl. The second month is named after her, and begins the cycle of rainstorms and monsoons. [color=f7941d][b]Erena, Goddess of Love [/b][/color] This goddess of love takes the form of a young woman. She is tall and has an hourglass build. She has gray hair worn in a style that resembles the rays of the sun. Her wide eyes are pine-green. She has shiny, olive colored skin. She is usually portrayed as wearing revealing clothes from deep reds and light pinks. She is portrayed as carrying the finest sweets. She inspires love in all she encounters. She sometimes takes the form of a dove. The third month is named after her, and marks the final month of planting. She symbolises birth and growth, of new tidings and maturity. [color=f7941d][b]Limysus, God of the Sun[/b][/color] This forceful god of sunshine takes the form of a young man. He is very tall and has a wide-chested build. His eyes glow with the light of the sun. He has tan skin. His outfit is that of an artisan, and it is mostly yellow in color. His hair appears made out of strands of sunshine. He sometimes takes the form of a lion. The fourth month is named after him, and marks the beginning of the cycle of sun. He symbolizes endurance, and confidence. [color=f7941d][b]Aohr, God of War[/b][/color] This sarcastic god of killing takes the form of a mature man. He has an elegant build. He is bald. His eyes are more like the eyeholes of a skull. He has silver skin. He is usually portrayed as wearing a suit of deadly armor in hues of black and red. He carries a garotte of barbed chain. He has a pair of demonic wings. He sometimes takes the form of a monster so hideous it causes people to die of fright. The fifth month is named after him. He symbolizes good fortune in combat and is the token god of Soldiers. [color=f7941d][b]Idos, God of Doorways[/b][/color] This young god takes the form of a teenage boy. He is very short and has a graceful build. He has scruffy chestnut hair. His large eyes are bright blue. He has dark skin. His outfit is made from the finest of silks and velvets, and is that of a minstrel. He carries a lute. He can change, or create, any doorway so it leads to any other location. The sixth month is named after him, and marks the passage from the cycle of sun to the cycle of low sun. He symbolizes transition and mischief. [color=f7941d][b]Ebius, Goddess of Life and Death[/b][/color] This goddess is said to take many forms of age, from that of a child, to a voluptuous lady, to a decrepit old woman. Thus, she is depicted in many styles, looks, and fashions. Her eyes remain the only constant, with one pure white, and the other abyssal black. The seventh month is named after her, and symbolises creation and destruction, of all things. Ebius has the power over all creatures, and can both give, and take a creature’s life, or soul. Ebius is credited with the creation of humans, and beasts. [color=f7941d][b]Dasona, Goddess of Snow[/b][/color] This goddess of snow takes the form of a mature woman. She has a curvy build. She has white hair worn in a loosely upon her shoulders. Her round eyes are amethyst. She has light-colored skin. Her outfit is made from a mysterious frozen liquid, and is that of a queen. She sometimes takes the form of a white tiger. The eight month is named after her and represents the cycle of snow. [color=f7941d][b]Aulla, Goddess of Night[/b][/color] This goddess of the night and the lunar cycle takes the form of a young woman. She is very short and has a leggy build. She has slate-gray hair worn in a style that resembles a comet's trail. Her round eyes are black. She is usually portrayed as wearing an elaborate outfit that is mostly purple in color. She has tanned skin. She sometimes takes the form of a crow. She represents the end of all the cycles. [/hider][hider=Major Gods] [/hider][hider=Minor Gods] [/hider][hider=Divines] [color=f7941d][b]Nylphi, The Divine of Archons[/b][/color] This Divine of Archons is depicted as a beautiful young elf, with leaf green hair worn in a style resembling a tree's foliage. She is tall and has a slender build. She has eyes that swirl with gold, silver, and white, resembling the chaotic nature of magic that brought her to ascension. She wears a cloak said to be made from the raw material of the universe itself, a visage of the cosmos swirls upon her robes. It is said that her soul fragmented, and that she is reborn a hundred times over, in a hundred different bodies, so that one day when the seal should crack, there would always be a means to reconstruct it. These people of great magical aptitude are called Nylphites, and are perhaps the most feared of the Magi. It is said that the power of a Nylphite is limitless, and that they can reach a state similar to their Divine, of ascendance, glowing with the radiant power of Nylphi herself. [/hider][/indent][/hider] [hider=Correspondence on the Mysterious Issians] [center][color=gold] By [@FantasyChic][/color][/center] [i]So the race is called Issian. They are human looking figures, except they have gray skin, either dark or light gray, their eye colors are typically purple, red, or yellow (males are typically red, women typically purple). They are the same height as humans, but are typically thinner. Their hair colors are mainly black until they get to older ages, and then it turns to dark gray, but they could also have red, purple, or white hair. In terms of skills they are good with psychic magic (teleportation, telekinesis) with the use of a crystal. These crystals allow them to harness their powers and they receive one after adolescence. Due to this, Issians have a natural affinity with one another; they can freely "Mind Link" with each other without penalty. Issians could Mind Link to other races, but at a cost to their mental fortitude. The crystals are usually white. However, if the crystal doesn't react to its owner, they cannot receive the blessing and are cast out. So there could be outcast Issians around. For Lifespan purposes, here's what I have Infancy: 0 - 12 months Childhood: 1 - 12 Adolescence: 13 - 20 Adulthood: 20 - 49 Middle Age: 50 - 89 Old Age: 90+ Average Lifespan 100 Max Lifespan: 120 Lemme know what you think.[/i][/hider] [hider=Delineations on the Elusive Silverfangs] [center][h3][color=silver]The Silverfangs:[/color][/h3][/center][center][color=gold]By [@Crucible][/color][/center] The creation of the Silverfangs isn't much of a tale, a group of runaways that found shelter in a system of caves southeast of Aelholt. They slowly cleared the caverns and claimed them as a safe-haven from the law. These six made their living by stealing and looting from travelers, hunters and others that came near during the night, and then sending their more talkative member an elf with a particular gift for persuasion into the city to sell what they could gather. With time they begun organizing a bit more, leaving three of their members to find earnings stealing from those that lived in the constantly growing city of Aelholt, and three to travel, hunting and pillaging. As these endeavors continued, the six began finding others in situations like theirs, outlaws trying to find a living, and they embraced them, bringing them into their safe-haven. Allowing them to their own devices as long as they gave the six a share of their earnings. In the next decade this group grew, they began calling themselves the Silverfangs and the leaders, The Serpents. the cavern was sculpted and carved into a continuously growing hideout for outlaws, demanding only that those under their protection give them a share of their winnings. Eventually, rumors of this group began spreading through Aelholt, and eventually the elf was found, not however to be incarcerated, a powerful merchant wished to hire their services to eliminate the competition. And so began the contract system that the Silverfangs hold to this day. Two centuries passed, the six are long dead but the fangs live on. Under the ruling of the Serpents they have the Paedator kingdom in their grasp from behind the curtains, this group has grown from a simple safe-haven to the scum of society to a guild of its own. most believe this group to be a rumor, but those that truly need its assistance, are drawn towards the Whisperers and find what they seek. The Hideouts are no longer only filthy living halls, as they have grown into complex underground systems where the majority of the guild finds their home. [Hider=Ranks:] The guild is sustained by a delicate pyramid, the lower members keep to gathering money and living for the guild, by enacting contracts and obtaining valuable items. as one raises through the ranks they begin acting on more valuable and difficult contracts, typically assigned by rich merchants, or nobles wishing to enact “politics”. Eventually the pyramid reaches a point in which the few members there don’t enact any form of contracts, they take and give direct messages to and from the Serpents. [color=DimGray][b]Fledglings:[/b][/color] Outlaws that have only recently caught attention of the guild, they are not allowed in Hideouts yet and are contacted by a Mentor that invites them to the Silverfangs, proposing first that they prove themselves by taking their first contract. [color=DimGray][b]Members[/b][/color]: Fledglings that succeeded in their first contract and where allowed in the closest den, receiving the key for it, they receive fairly simple missions that were paid by smaller clients or simply set out by the mentors of the hideout to steal goods for selling, they are the majority of the fangs and act as a basis for the group. [color=DimGray][b]Protegés:[/b][/color] Members that caught the direct attention of local Mentors, to the point of being brought under their wing. At this point they are trained to further enhance their skills and begin taking slightly more important contracts. Mentor tend to share their own personal skills, varying from teaching Hadian magic to sharing trade secrets of their own makings [b][color=DimGray]Puppets:[/color][/b] Not quite a rank, but a form of limbo between Protegé and Mentor. When a Protegé reaches a high enough point of their training, they begin taking contracts that act as trials, to see if they are apt enough to be a Mentor. These contracts tend to be both actual contracts, as well as missions developed by the guild itself. [color=DimGray][b]Mentors:[/b][/color] Of the Silverfangs that typically reside in the Hideouts, these are the strongest. From assassins, thieves to mages and warriors they ascended above being a Protegé and continued increasing their skills by themselves with time. They have access to all of the Hideout’s privileges and have ways of contacting the Whisperers. [b][color=DimGray]Whisperers:[/color][/b] The eyes and ears of the guild, Silverfangs that have infiltrated and integrated into society, posing from the local smith, to a member of high nobility. The whisperers are priceless for the guild as they bring with them the greatest influence within the Kingdom. having their grasps around all of the kingdom, they are the one that are contacted when someone wishes to hire the guild, as well as the ones that contact the mentors. although the higher whisperers, those that are disguised for a more political purpose of manipulation cannot afford the risk, so they don’t reveal themselves, ever. [b][color=DimGray]Serpents:[/color][/b] Those who have taken on the place of the Original six, The identity of these figures is unknown to all but themselves and a few whisperers, they are spread through the lands, disguised much like Whisperers. They send their commands through the whisperers and control the guild, spending their time plotting and manipulating the kingdom, leading it into their favor. [/Hider] [hider=Hadian Magic] The members that the guild had through centuries have come from many places, different continents, many of those have been strong magic wielders, cultists, sorcerers and many others. this has left an imprint in the guild, bits and parts of their knowledge were held, in the form of notes, books, scrolls, items and other trinkets. with time some Mentors and Whisperers devoted themselves to putting these bits together, eventually creating an arcane alphabet originating from a mixture of dozens of other forms of magic. in honor of the whisperer that wrote several tomes on this form of magic, Hadia, it was officially called the Hadian alphabet, although it’s more commonly referred to as Snake’s tongue. This form of magic uses the arcane essence of the caster itself, channeling small bits of the energy and refining it into spells, that are stored within arcane focuses. due to this nature, the caster can’t store to many spells at once since it shares space with his own essence as well as needing to give time for the that essence to ‘recharge’. The more accustomed to the magic the caster grows, the more spells they can wield. The uses of the Hadian alphabet vary from incantations and spells that can be used at will as long as they are stored, to more time consuming spells that imbue themselves into objects or constructs. like enchantments, traps, or arcane tinkering. some spells attempt to replace the long time consuming rituals by creating, one use or a few uses enchantments. in these ways, it is a very flexible and intricate spell system. [/hider] [hider=Hideouts] The hideouts scattered over Aspharia bring a safe haven to all sorts of people that have been outcast by the law. They are present all over the Paedator kingdom, and each other region has a single hideout, the areas with hideouts are: Aelholt, Srohl, Corhall, Westedge, Eastedge, Lormere, Reinholt, Kinesly, Mor. Some of the Paedator hideouts are considered the main dens, and the hideouts in other regions are called outposts. [color=DimGray][b]Main dens:[/b][/color] [b]* Westedge: [/b]this city, known for it's intense commerce and essential role in the trade routes and economy of the kingdom. mirroring this, many merchants are more willing to buy stolen goods to make a profit, and the Silverfangs took notice of this, making this den have the best commercial contacts of all the hideouts. [b]* Aelholt:[/b] This hideout where most knowledge on Hadian magic converges, as well as other subjects. there is a fairly large library complex within this hideout accessible to protegés and above, it contains many books, from stolen copies to books written by mentors or whisperers. [b]* Corhall:[/b] This den is known for being the only den that deals with slave trading, from selling and buying, to giving refuge to runaway slaves. Although if slaves prove not to be worthy of the guild they are captured and thrown into the trading and selling many times ending back to their owners, they also have other forms of human trafficking. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Documented Lifespan of Accepted Sentient Races] [center][b]Racial Lifespans[/b][/center] [b]Human[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-12 Months [*]Childhood 1-11 [*]Adolescents 12-16 [*]Adulthood 17-29 [*]Middle Age 30-44 [*]Old Age 45+ [*]Average Lifespan 60 [*]Max Lifespan 110 [/list] [b]Dwarf[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-2 Years [*]Childhood 2-15 [*]Adolescent 16-28 [*]Adulthood 29-199 [*]Middle Age 200-325 [*]Old Age 326+ [*]Average Lifespan 400 [*]Max Lifespan 700 [/list] [b]Elf[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-4 Years [*]Childhood 5-18 [*]Adolescents 19-34 [*]Adulthood 35-299 [*]Middle Age 300-500 [*]Old Age 501+ [*]Average Lifespan 600 [*]Max Lifespan 1000+ [/list] [b]Halfing[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-18 Months [*]Childhood 2-13 [*]Adolescents 14-20 [*]Adulthood 21-44 [*]Middle Age 45-70 [*]Old Age 71+ [*]Average Lifespan 90 [*]Max Lifespan 150 [/list] [b]Gnome[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-18 Months [*]Childhood 2-13 [*]Adolescents 14-20 [*]Adulthood 21-44 [*]Middle Age 45-70 [*]Old Age 71+ [*]Average Lifespan 90 [*]Max Lifespan 150 [/list] [b]Orc[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-6 Months (Roughly) [*]Childhood 1/2-8 [*]Adolescents 9-14 [*]Adulthood 15-25 [*]Middle Age 26-50 [*]Old Age 51+ [*]Average Lifespan 35 [*]Max Lifespan 120 [/list] [b]Goblins[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-6 Months (Roughly) [*]Childhood 1/2-6 [*]Adolescents 7-13 [*]Adulthood 14-29 [*]Middle Age 30-54 [*]Old Age 55+ [*]Average Lifespan 40 [*]Max Lifespan 90 [/list] [b]Tiefling[/b][list] [*]Infancy 0-4 Months (Roughly) [*]Childhood 0.5-5 [*]Adolescents 5-15 [*]Adulthood 16-29 [*]Middle Age 30-64 [*]Old Age 65+ [*]Average Lifespan 80 [*]Max Lifespan 1000+ [/list] [/hider] [hider=Observed Classification of Residency by Population] [center][b]Observed Classification of Residency by Population[/b][/center] [b]Villages[/b]: 20 - 1,000 (Unmapped) [b]Towns[/b]: 1,000 - 8,000. (Unmapped) [b]Cities[/b] 8,000 - 12,000. (Mapped) [b]Grand Cities[/b] 12,000 - 100,000 (Mapped) [b]Metropolis[/b] 100,000+ (Mapped) [/hider] [hider=Speculations on the Previous Sate of Affairs] [indent]Imagine a land, much like any other. Divisions of religion, politics, and social etiquette; which bring about unavoidable wars of ideals. Where the soldiers die in foreign lands, or defending their own. Where disease plagues those who are unfortunate, and liars as doctors make a living selling fake tonics and cures that do more harm than good, provided they do any good at all. Not unlike manner other lands, yet, it had been this way for a long time. A king passed down through generations from a royal family, their position solidified as long as their legacy lasts, surrounded by silver tongued snakes who wrestle each other for favor and power. Even those of a more magical nature were subject to everything a normal man is, love, desire, greed, wrath.[/indent] [indent]Unfortunately, this world, is not that world. No, this world is plagued by something much worse. Over 5,000 years ago, a great war was waged, but not between the common man. When a purple hued fire spread across the sky, so did a horde of the same color stampeded across the ground. It's unknown how, or why, they came to this land. Magic, perhaps, or a punishment from the gods. The creatures of the void shook every man to the core of his soul, filled with such a terror that entire battalions of men would not sleep. These creatures have no specific characteristic other than they are usually black and purple colored, as most things subject to void energies are. Wave after wave of these creatures spilled across the land, heading east and devouring everything in their path. The entirety of the land's collective empire's armies rallied forth, making a valiant stand in front of the widest bulk of the horde. The proper way to describe this was not a battle, but a massacre. Hundreds of thousands of men were engulfed in such a way that the horde didn't even pause in it's war path.[/indent] [indent]Entire cities, fortified from edge to center, fell within a day. Winged beasts tearing men from walls, snatching children from the street. Larger, giant voildings crashing through stone walls as if they were make of wood. Even the forces of magic were powerless to stop them. Every man, woman, and child were slaughtered, every beast that crossed paths with the voidlings were eradicated. The areas following the wake of the horde were barren, nothing but dirt and ash, trees remained as dry, broken stumps. Nothing survived in the blighted lands, at the time, there was nothing to stop the violet horde, or the blight. Any areas the creatures missed, quickly turned to corruption and a blight would begin, poisoning all of the plant life, in turn killing the herbivores that fed from them, and the carnivores from them. It seemed the horde unstoppable. But it wasn't.[/indent] [indent]The remaining masters of magic debated their ideals on how to stop the blight, how to combat the voidlings. Each made a point, and each point was argued, and each argument was picked apart, and even those pieces were discussed. Even when the creatures were on the very doorstep to the great tower, it's guards slaughtered like helpless children, they erected a great barrier to hide beneath, as they discussed and hypothesized. It was one revered woman who came up with the most favorable idea, Arch Magus Nylphi. She proposed something akin to earth magic, but on a much grander scale, with the aid of alchemy and enchantment. After much discussion, and only when the barrier began to wane, and those who maintained it in shifts began to tire, was it accepted. A potion was brewed, enchanted and distilled into an elixir. The collective knowledge of Master Magi in a single vial.[/indent] [indent]The empty vial shattered soundlessly against the floor, drowned out by the collect hum of the collected magi channeling their powers into Nylphi. Nylphi gasped as she fell against the magic battering its way into her body, the ancient ritual too powerful for a single being, The magic threatening to tear her apart. A bright light shot from her lips, her body arching into the air as pain tore through her. She blinked and her eyes became two luminescent beams of energy. More of the beams erupted from her body, sporadically. As her mortal body burned into nothing, a single spell fell across the land. Nylphi screamed as the luminescent energy destroyed her, until only the glowing form of her soul was left, and that too began to fade away. Dark clouds swirled above the tower, and just before Nylphi became nothing, when she was but a withering specter, the magic erupted from her. The Magi were helpless as it enveloped them, instantly turning them into ash. The power shattered the tower, and shot out in a massive shock wave, spreading out across the land. Tearing it apart, reforming it. Bathing it in rampant magic and chaos.[/indent] [indent]This event has been named The Shattering. Less than a year since seeing the voildings and humankind's desperation drove them to shatter their own lands. Each empire, every kingdom was broken a part. Islands of varying sized drifted away from their mother landmass, some broke apart and sank into the water. The earth trembled as the magic destroyed fault lines, volcanoes erupted spilling ash and molten rock into the air, and then fell in on themselves. Entire forests formed and then burned away beneath waves of fire. Magical ley lines shattered as the fabric between dimensions became strained. The chaotic upheaval destroyed all that humankind knew, but it worked. Many areas of refuge remained for the surviving races, if just barely. separated by vast bodies of water. The once solid stretch of land now fragmented into continents and smaller islands. [/indent] [indent]Now, we come to the Isle of Aspharia. A continent large enough to support the rise of four separate kingdoms. For almost 5,000 years they prospered. So long so that the voidlings faded into myth and legend. Becoming stories used to scare children. Fading into history as the kingdoms dealt with each other, and those from across the waters. Until the creatures became mere rumor upon the people's lips. Yet, a vigil stands ever watchful. A small beacon in the north, set upon the precipice of a wall of mountains. High peaks that separate the common lands of man and beast, from the barren, ashy wastes of the blight. The only remnant of Nylphi's magic, The Seal. The only thing holding back the tide of shadow from once against besieging all of mankind.[/indent][/hider] [hider=The Listing of Noble Houses] [indent][hider=The Free Vale] [indent][hider=Epell] [indent][hider=The High House of Boneshade] [center][b]The House of Boneshade[/b] [b]Status:[/b] High Nobility [b]Fortune:[/b] Engineering, Architecture [b]Residency:[/b] A small castle in Epell [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Kzabm Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 56 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Fifties [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] Engineering [b]Lineage:[/b] Husband to Nudg Boneshade, Father to Mgazen, Kxust, Knet, Neszart, Rkexz, and Zogn Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This intelligent gentlegoblin has wide gray eyes. His coarse, wavy, gray hair is neck-length and is worn in a precise style. He's got a long beard and a mustache. He has a graceful build. His skin is olive-colored. He has a pointed chin and large feet. His wardrobe is functional and practical. He is wise, clever, and sophisticated. [b]Name:[/b] Lord Nudg Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Fifties [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] Architecture [b]Lineage:[/b] Husband to Kzabm Boneshade, Father to Mgazen, Kxust, Knet, Neszart, Rkexz, and Zogn Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This thoughtful gentlegoblin has large black eyes. His fine, wavy, black hair is medium-length and is worn in a severe, uncomplicated style. He is very short and has an intense muscular build. His skin is dark ivy. He has a square chin. His wardrobe is businesslike. He is patient, intelligent, and understanding. [b]Name:[/b] Mrax Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 51 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Fifties [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] Engineering Lineage: Surrogate for Kzamb and Nudg Boneshade, Surrogate Mother to Mgazen, Kxust, Knet, Neszart, Rkexz, and Zogn Boneshade. Summary: This personable lady has deep-set eyes the color of yellowed ivory. Her silky, curly, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of wilted leaves. She is tall (for a goblin) and has a scrawny build. Her skin is emerald colored. She has small feet. Her wardrobe is dignified, and is mostly green and black. She is jubilant, promiscuous, and loving. [b]Name:[/b] Mgazen Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] Architecture [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter to Kzamb and Nudg Boneshade, Oldest Sister to Kxust, Knet, Neszart, Rkexz, and Zogn Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This girl makes you think of a dashing cheetah. She has deep-set beige eyes. Her silky, curly, green hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a pennant blowing in the wind. She is short and has a wide-hipped build. Her skin is pale sand. She has prominent ears and small hands. Her wardrobe is *chokes on air* ..sexy. She is haughty, sharp, and calculating. [b]Name:[/b] Kxust Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] Tinkerer [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Kzamb and Nudg Boneshade, Oldest Brother to Mgazen, Knet, Neszart, Rkexz, and Zogn Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This wily gentlegoblin has slanted blue eyes that are like two sapphires. His luxurious, curly, shoulder-length hair is the color of ripe lemons, and is worn in a carefully-crafted style. He is tall and has an elegant build. His skin is yellow-green. He has small hands. His wardrobe is mysterious, with a lot of red and white. He is shrewd, erratic, and queer. [b]Name:[/b] Knet Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] Sapper [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Kzamb and Nudg Boneshade, Brother to Mgazen, Kxust, Rkexz, Neszart, and Zogn Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentlegoblin puts you in mind of a malevolent demon. He has slanted blue eyes that are like two windows on the afternoon sky. He is bald, with angry red veins covering his head. He is tall and has a lean build. His skin is china-white. He has pointed, knobby ears. His wardrobe is complicated and strange, with a lot of purple. He is disdainful, unpleasant, and excitable. [b]Name:[/b] Rkexz Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Kzamb and Nudg Boneshade, Brother to Mgazen, Kxust, Neszart, Knet, and Zogn Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentlegoblin reminds you of a mysterious raven. He has narrow brown eyes that are like two patches of dried blood. His luxurious, curly, black hair is very short and is worn in an uncomplicated style. He is very short and has a broad-shouldered build. His skin is the color of dirt. He has hollow cheeks and a large mouth. His wardrobe is strange and unconventional, with a mostly yellow and black color scheme. He is puzzling, abrupt, and swift. [b]Name:[/b] Neszart Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] Seamstress [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter to Kzamb and Nudg Boneshade, Sister to Mgazen, Kxust, Knet, Rkexz, and Zogn Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This girl puts you in mind of shooting star. She has large jet black eyes. Her fine, curly, slate-gray hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a turtle's shell. She is short and has a lithe build. Her skin is dark green. She has a large mouth. Her wardrobe is bizarre. She is boisterous, wild, and humorous. [b]Name:[/b] Zogn Boneshade [b]Age:[/b] 6 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Child, Early Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Kzamb and Nudg Boneshade, Brother to Mgazen, Kxust, Knet, Neszart, and Rkexz Boneshade. [b]Summary:[/b] This goblin makes you think of a lost baby bird. He has wide obsidian eyes. His silky, straight, jet black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a peacock's tail. He is tall (for a goblin) and has an elegant build. His skin is the color of seaweed. He has a large mouth. His wardrobe is no-nonsense and severe, with a lot of blue and green. He is curious, shy, and mischievous. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Erinor] [indent][hider=The High House of Hester] [center][b]The House of Hester[/b] [b]Status:[/b] High Nobility [b]Fortune:[/b] Blacksmith, Armorer [b]Residency:[/b] A Castle in Erinor[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Theron Hester [b]Age:[/b] 54 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Fifties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Blacksmith, Armorer. [b]Lineage:[/b] Husband to Annabelle Hester, Father to Carlene, Charlotte, and Benjamin Hester. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentleman puts you in mind of a prowling jackal. He has large gray eyes that are like two pieces of steel. He is bald, tall, and has a lithe, but masculine build. His skin is tanned. He has high cheekbones. His wardrobe is severe and unusual, with a mostly gray color scheme. He is firm, straightforward, and serious. [b]Name:[/b] Lady Annabelle Hester [b]Age:[/b] 44 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Forties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Wife to Theron Hester, Mother to Carlene, Charlotte, and Benjamin Hester. [b]Summary:[/b] This woman puts you in mind of a mysterious monolith. She has beady brown eyes that are like two drops of chocolate. Her fine, wavy, yellow hair is short and is worn in an artistic style. She has a weak build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has a hooked nose. Her wardrobe is unusual and professional, with a lot of blue and black. She is witty, judgmental, and snobbish. [b]Name:[/b] Carlene Hester [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter of Theron and Annabelle Hester, Older sister to Charlotte and Benjamin Hester. [b]Summary:[/b] This girl puts you in mind of a randy rabbit. She has wide blue eyes that are like two lagoons. Her silky, straight, red hair is neck-length and is worn in an attractive style. She is tall and has a curvy build. Her skin is pale. She has knobby ears and a strong chin. Her wardrobe is strange and risque, with a mostly orange color scheme. She is intelligent, manipulative, and flirty. [b]Name:[/b] Charlotte Hester [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Twenties, Late Teens [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter of Theron and Annabelle Hester, Middle sister to Carlene and Benjamin Hester. [b]Summary:[/b] This girl reminds you of a fluttering hummingbird. She has round chocolate-colored eyes. Her thick, curly, lemon-yellow hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flower's petals. She is short and has an hourglass build. Her skin is light-colored. She has a pointed chin. Her wardrobe is strange and attractive, with a mostly blue and white color scheme. She is flirty, kind, and silly. [b]Name:[/b] Benjamin Hester [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Teens, Mid Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Blacksmith, Armorer [b]Lineage:[/b] Son of Theron and Annabelle Hester, Younger brother to Carlene and Charlotte. [b]Summary:[/b] This laid-back guy has hooded blue eyes. His fine, wavy, charcoal-colored hair is very short and is worn in a bizarre, carefully-crafted style. He is very tall and has an athletic build. His skin is white. He has thick eyebrows. His wardrobe is businesslike and simple, with a lot of blue and black. He is casual, mysterious, and quiet. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Oldwyn] [indent][hider=The Low House of Elavalur] [center][b]The House of Elavalur[/b] [b]Status:[/b] Low Nobility [b]Fortune:[/b] Bowyer, Hunter, Fletcher, Gatherer [b]Residency:[/b] A Manor in Oldwyn [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Daenelis Elavalur [b]Age:[/b] 267 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Bowyer, Hunter, Fletcher [b]Lineage:[/b] Husband to Faewen Elavalur, Father of Eilphine and Ailphine Elavalur [b]Summary:[/b] This sturdy elf has slitted eyes the color of the midnight sky. His thick, curly, chestnut hair is medium-length and is worn in an attractive style. He is tall and has a narrow, toned build. His skin is deeply-tanned. He has a strong chin. His wardrobe is unusual, with a lot of green and red. He is serious, open-minded, and efficient. [b]Name:[/b] Lady Faewen Elavalur [b]Age:[/b] 227 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Herablist, Gatherer [b]Lineage:[/b] Wife to Daenelis Elavalur, Mother of Eilphine and Ailphine Elavalur [b]Summary:[/b] This girl reminds you of a prowling minx. She has almond-shaped smoke-gray eyes. Her luxurious, curly, red hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a wet dog. She has a leggy build. Her skin is nut-brown. She has a worried, serious forehead. Her wardrobe is tight and practical. She is loving, protective, and generous. [b]Name:[/b] Eilphine Elavalur [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Herbalist, Gatherer [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter to Daenelis and Faewen Elavalur, Twin sister to Ailphine Elavalur [b]Summary:[/b] This lady puts you in mind of a brightly-shining star. She has narrow sky blue eyes that are like two turquoises. Her fine, wavy, waist-length hair is the color of dark chocolate, and is worn in an exotic style. She is short and has a busty build. Her skin is nut-brown. She has an elegant nose and stubby-fingered hands. Her wardrobe is revealing. She is alluring, playful, and kind. [b]Name:[/b] Ailphine Elavalur [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Bowyer, Hunter, Fletcher [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter to Daenelis and Faewen Elavalur, Twin sister to Eilphine Elavalur [b]Summary:[/b] This lady puts you in mind of a midnight sky. She has narrow dark blue eyes that are like two deep pools of water. Her fine, wavy, waist-length hair is the color of dark chocolate, and is worn in an exotic style. She is short and has a busty build. Her skin is nut-brown. She has an elegant nose and long-fingered hands. Her wardrobe is modest. She is casual, observant, and astute. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Lormere] [indent][hider=The Low House of Orudri] [center][b]The House of Orudri[/b] [b]Status:[/b] Low Nobility [b]Fortune:[/b] Medicinal [b]Residency:[/b] A Manor in Lormere [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Lokur Orudri [b]Age:[/b] 63 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Forties [b]Race:[/b] Gnome [b]Profession:[/b] Doctor, Surgeon, Dentist, Haircutter. [b]Lineage:[/b] Husband to Lady Seldysa Orudri, Father of Ianji and Kasbar Orudri, Brother-in-law to Lady Sala Rosimyra. [b]Summary:[/b] This tense gentleman has droopy violet eyes that are like two small moons. His luxurious, straight, salt and pepper hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a gush of water. He's got a thick moustache. He has a slender build. His skin is light-colored. He has knobby ears. His wardrobe is plain. He is lively, caring, and precise. [b]Name:[/b] Lady Seldysa Orudri [b]Age:[/b] 50 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Gnome [b]Profession:[/b] Nurse, Haircutter. [b]Lineage:[/b] Wife to Lord Lokur Orudri, Mother of Ianji and Kasbar Orudri, Older Sister to Lady Sala Rosimyra. [b]Summary:[/b] This woman puts you in mind of a cautious chipmunk. She has wide brown eyes that are like two acorns. Her fine, straight, very short hair is the color of chestnuts, and is worn in an elegant, exotic style. She is short and has a thin build. Her skin is light-colored. She has a high forehead and small ears. Her wardrobe is unconventional. She is steadfast, happy, and unsual. [b]Name:[/b] Lady Sala Rosimyra [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Gnome [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Sister-in-law to Lord Lokur Orudri, Younger sister to Lady Seldysa Orudri, Aunt to Ianji and Kasbar Orudri. [b]Summary:[/b] This lady puts you in mind of a crazed lunatic. She has large green eyes that are like two emeralds. Her thick, straight, lemon-yellow hair is very long and is worn in an elegant, precise style. She is very tall and has a thin build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has hollow cheeks. Her wardrobe is strange. She is irregular, weary, and absentminded. She suffers from Insomnia, and Demensia. [b]Name:[/b] Ianji Orudri [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Gnome [b]Profession:[/b] Alchemist, Herbalist [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Lokur and Seldysa Orudri, Nephew to Sala Rosimyra, Older brother to Kasbar Orudri. [b]Summary:[/b] This serene man has droopy coffee-colored eyes. His thick, curly, yellow hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a drifting cloud. He is tall (for a gnome) and has a slender build. His skin is light-colored. He has a small mouth. His wardrobe is strange. He is peculiar, contemplative, and intelligent. [b]Name:[/b] Kasbar Orudri [b]Age:[/b] 2 months [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Infancy [b]Race:[/b] Gnome [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Lokur and Seldysa Orudri, Nephew to Sala Rosimyra, Younger brother to Ianji Orudri. [b]Summary:[/b] This chubby infant has a soft face, and brilliant orange eyes. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=The Paedator Kingdom] [indent][hider=Aelholt] [indent][hider=The High House of Sinclaire] [center][b]The House of Sinclaire[/b] [b]Status:[/b] High [b]Fortune:[/b] Religion [b]Residency:[/b] Aelholt Castle, Aelholt Church [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Archbishop Ishmael Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] 53 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Fifties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Archbishop of the Millennium Hand, Mage. [b]Lineage:[/b] Father and Spiritual Leader to Julian, Raven, Orane, and Kaley Sinclaire. [b]Summary:[/b] This guy puts you in mind of a noble eagle. He has narrow brown eyes. His fine, wavy, heavenly white hair is worn in a style that reminds you of flat parchment. He's got a full beard and a moustache. He has a strong build. His skin is light-colored. He has large feet. His wardrobe is grand and elegant, with a lot of white and gold. He is authoritive, thunderous, intense, wise, powerful, and cunning. [b]Name:[/b] Julian Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Preacher. [b]Lineage:[/b] Son of Archbishop Ishmael Sinclaire, Eldest Brother to Raven, Orane, and Kaley Sinclaire. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentleman reminds you of a regal dragon. He has wide moss green eyes. His luxurious, straight, ash-gray hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a fluttering flag. He's got stubble. He has a feminine build. His skin is light-colored. He has bushy eyebrows. His wardrobe is elegant, and is mostly white and gold. He is gentle, manipulative, craft, and passionate. [b]Name:[/b] Raven Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Preacher, Mage, Arcane Healer. [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter of Archbishop Ishmael Sinclaire, Sister to Julian, Orane, and Kaley Sinclaire. [b]Summary:[/b] This generous girl has wide violet eyes that are like two drops of wine. Her thick, straight, bone-white hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a river. She has a curvy build. Her skin is tanned. She has a small mouth. Her wardrobe is flattering and unusual, with a mostly white and gold color scheme. She is benevolent, polyamorous, thoughtful, and optimistic. [b]Name:[/b] Orane Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] 7 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Childhood [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter of Archbishop Ishmael Sinclaire, Sister to Julian, Raven, and Kaley Sinclaire. [b]Summary:[/b] This curious child has slitted brown eyes that are like two discs of wood. Her silky, straight, black hair falls haphazardly about her head. She is short and has a boyish build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has a low forehead. Her wardrobe is child like, with lots of pale cream colors and accents of gold. She is playful, high-spirited, polite, and a quick learner. [b]Name:[/b] Kaley Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] 5 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Childhood [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter of Archbishop Ishmael Sinclaire, Sister to Julian, Raven, and Orane Sinclaire. [b]Summary:[/b] This micheivious toddler has wide brown eyes that are like two pools of water. Her vibrant, elegant golden hair reminds you of a slow stream. She has a graceful build and narrow ears. Her skin is lightly tanned. Her wardrobe is child like, with lots of pale cream colors and accents of gold. She is lively, jubilant, pleasant, and adorably silly. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Mor] [indent][hider=The Low House of Roneiros] [center][b]The House of Roneiros[/b] [b]Status:[/b] Low [b]Fortune:[/b] Medical [b]Residency:[/b] A manor in Mor [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Waeslen Roneiros [b]Age:[/b] 654 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Fifties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Doctor, Surgeon, Haircutter, Dentist [b]Lineage:[/b] Eldest Brother to Chaelee, Keinna, Aldar, Adwyn, Sylona, and Phiyra Roneiros. [b]Summary:[/b] This intelligent guy has almond-shaped white eyes that are like two plates of fine china. His fine, curly, long hair is the color of ripe plums, and is worn in a bizarre style. He is short and has a boyish build. His skin is china-white. He has a domed forehead. His wardrobe is unusual, and is completely green and gray. He is methodical, fatherly, and wise. [b]Name:[/b] Chaelee Roneiros [b]Age:[/b] 540 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Forties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Mercenary, Bodyguard [b]Lineage:[/b] Eldest Sister to Waeslen, Keinna, Aldar, Adwyn, Sylona, and Phiyra Roneiros. [b]Summary:[/b] This girl reminds you of a cobra waiting to strike. She has slitted chestnut eyes. Her thick, curly, silver hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a seashell. She is tall and has a feminine build. Her skin is pale. She has knobby ears. Her wardrobe is unusual and professional, with a completely black, brown, and red color scheme. She is short-tempered, moody, irascible, and abrasive. [b]Name:[/b] Keinna Roneiros [b]Age:[/b] 421 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Forties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Minstrel, Poet [b]Lineage:[/b] Brother to Waeslen, Chaelee, Aldar, Adwyn, Sylona, and Phiyra Roneiros. [b]Summary:[/b] This innocent girl has droopy coffee-colored eyes. Her fine, straight, black hair is very long and is worn in a carefully-crafted style. She is very tall and has a plump build. Her skin is dark. She has a small mouth and wide feet. Her wardrobe is businesslike. She is jolly, gluttonous, and optimistic. [b]Name:[/b] Aldar Roneiros [b]Age:[/b] 372 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Family Scribe [b]Lineage:[/b] Brother to Waeslen, Chaelee, Keinna, Adwyn, Sylona, and Phiyra Roneiros. [b]Summary:[/b] This guy makes you think of a falling tree. He has wide brown eyes. His silky, curly, beige hair is neck-length and is worn in wild, unruly style. He is very short and has a graceful build. His skin is brown. He has a crooked nose and large hands. His wardrobe is professional. He suffers from narcolepsy. He is absentminded, lackluster, and apathetic. [b]Name:[/b] Adwyn Roneiros [b]Age:[/b] 269 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Weaver, Seamstress, Dyer, Hatter [b]Lineage:[/b] Sister to Waeslen, Chaelee, Keinna, Aldar, Sylona, and Phiyra Roneiros. [b]Summary:[/b] This nimble-fingered lady has slanted eyes the color of ripe tangerines. Her luxurious, straight, silver hair is neck-length and is worn in a bizarre, elegant style. She is very short and has an angular build. Her skin is deeply-tanned. She has full lips and a weak chin. Her wardrobe is no-nonsense and dignified, with a lot of bright colors. She suffers from bad allergies to seems like just about everything. She is kind, loyal, and easygoing. [b]Name:[/b] Sylona Roneiros [b]Age:[/b] 214 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession:[/b] Dancer, Acrobat [b]Lineage:[/b] Sister to Waeslen, Chaelee, Keinna, Aldar, Adwyn, and Phiyra Roneiros. [b]Summary:[/b] This woman reminds you of a fluttering hummingbird. She has beady brown eyes that are like two splotches of mud. Her thick, curly, midnight black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of an overused mop. She is very tall and has an angular build. Her skin is brown. She has small ears and bushy eyebrows. Her wardrobe is modest. She is shy, polite, quiet, easily startled, and gentle. [b]Name:[/b] Phiyra Roneiros [b]Age:[/b] 135 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Profession: [/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Youngest Sister to Waeslen, Chaelee, Keinna, Aldar, Adwyn, and Sylona Roneiros. [b]Summary:[/b] This lady makes you think of a curious squirrel. She has round brown eyes that are like two drops of water. Her wild, violet hair is worn in a style that reminds you of an explosion. She has a narrow, lithe build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has large ears. Her wardrobe is colorful and silly. She is mute. She is silly, friendly, and naive. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Westedge] [indent][hider=The Mid House of Calderon] [center][b]The House of Calderon[/b] [b]Status:[/b] Mid Nobility [b]Fortune:[/b] Merchant, Mercantile [b]Residency:[/b] A Manor in Westedge [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Brendan Calderon [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Forties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Merchant [b]Lineage:[/b] Father of Gabriela and Noah Calderon, Foster Father of Cynthia Mosley, Galden Fuentes, and Burl Vaughn. [b]Summary:[/b] This trusting guy has almond-shaped gunmetal-gray eyes. His luxurious, curly, brown hair is medium-length and is worn in a bizarre, attractive style. He has a boyish build. His skin is black. He has a pointed chin. His wardrobe is businesslike. He is focused, patient, and kind. [b]Name:[/b] Gabriela Calderon [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] Merchant [b]Lineage:[/b] Daughter of Brendan Calderon, Eldest Sister of Noah Calderon, Foster Sister to Cynthia Mosley, Galden Fuentes, and Burl Vaughn. [b]Summary:[/b] This witty lady has slanted eyes the color of polished amber. Her fine, straight, midnight black hair is waist-length and is worn in a simple style. She is very short and has an elegant build. Her skin is dark ebony. She has a wide chin. Her wardrobe is risque and revealing. She is flirty, composed, and intuitive. [b]Name:[/b] Cynthia Mosley [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Kelpei [b]Profession:[/b] Stage Magician [b]Lineage:[/b] Foster Daughter of Brendan Calderon, Foster Sister to Gabriela Calderon, Noah Calderon, Galden Fuentes, and Burl Vaughn. [b]Summary:[/b] This woman makes you think of a mysterious raven. She has large burgandy eyes. Her thick, wavy, white hair is worn in a style that reminds you of the rays of the sun. She is tall and has a curvy build. Her skin is light-colored. She has thin eyebrows and a small, pert mouth. She has four small horns on the forward crown of her head. Her wardrobe is uncomplicated, with a lot of red and blue. She is flamboyant, showy, and exuberant. [b]Name:[/b] Galden Fuentes [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Half-Orc, Half-Human [b]Profession:[/b] Bodyguard [b]Lineage:[/b] Foster Son of Brendan Calderon, Foster Brother to Gabriela Calderon, Noah Calderon, Cynthia Mosley, and Burl Vaughn. [b]Summary:[/b] This man makes you think of a playful, enraged grizzly bear. He has slanted orange eyes. His fine, straight, brown hair is neck-length and is worn in a simple style. He is tall and has an overmuscled build. His skin is cream-colored. He has hollow cheeks and long-fingered hands. His wardrobe is practical, with a lot of black and brown. He is headstrong, powerful, and reserved. [b]Name:[/b] Burl Vaughn [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Foster Son of Brendan Calderon, Foster Brother to Gabriela Calderon, Noah Calderon, Cynthia Mosley, and Galden Fuentes. Summary: This brooding teen has hooded eyes the color of milk. His luxurious, wavy, slate-gray hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a monk's cowl. He has a thin build. His skin is pale. He has a low forehead. His wardrobe is unotable, consisting of mostly dark colors. He is cynical, devious, and observant. He suffers from unknown illness which causes insomnia, hallucinations, migraines, and body aches. [b]Name:[/b] Noah Calderon [b]Age:[/b] 9 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Childhood [b]Race:[/b] Half-Elf, Half-Human [b]Profession:[/b] [b]Lineage:[/b] Son of Brendan Calderon, Younger Brother to Gabriela Calderon, Foster Brother to Cynthia Mosley, Galden Fuentes, and Burl Vaughn. [b]Summary:[/b] This sneaky child has deep-set gray eyes that are like two windows looking out on an overcast sky. His thick, wavy, shoulder-length hair is the color of obsidian, and is worn in an uncomplicated style. He is tall and has a thin build. His skin is light mocha. He has wide feet and pointed ears. His wardrobe is artistic and odd, with a lot of blue and black. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Srohl] [indent][hider=The Mid House of Witchhammer] [center][b]The House of Witchhammer[/b] [b]Status:[/b] Mid Nobility [b]Fortune:[/b] Porter [b]Residency:[/b] A Manor and Plantation Estate in Srohl. [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Hidri Witchhammer [b]Age:[/b] 315 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Forties [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Profession:[/b] Porter [b]Lineage:[/b] Husband to Lichi Witchhammer, Father to Hek and Dahosi Witchhammer. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentleman makes you think of a suave gazelle. He has almond-shaped eyes the color of black coffee. His fine, straight, beige hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a seashell. He's got a beard and mustache worn in a style that reminds you of, also, a seashell. He has an angular build. His skin is bronze He has stubby-fingered hands. His wardrobe is unusual and classy, with a lot of violet. He is rough, tough and unruly. [b]Name:[/b] Lady Lichi Witchhammer [b]Age:[/b] 329 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Forties [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Profession:[/b] Porter [b]Lineage:[/b] Wife to Hidri Witchhammer, Mother to Hek and Dahosi Witchhammer. [b]Summary:[/b] This woman puts you in mind of a strutting cat. She has smokeyeyes the color of wild moss. Her thick, straight, alabaster hair is very short and is worn in an utilitarian style. She is tall (for a dwarf) and has an athletic build. Her skin dark caramel. She has a wide chin and large feet. Her wardrobe is strange and bizarre, with a lot of brown and violet. She is strong, friendly, and proud. [b]Name:[/b] Hek Witchhammer [b]Age:[/b] 67 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Profession:[/b] Porter [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Hidri and Lichi Witchhammer, Brother to Dahosi Witchhammer. [b]Summary:[/b] This man makes you think of a curious squirrel. He has narrow magenta eyes. His fine, straight, auburn hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a shark's fin. He's got a beard. He is very short and has a broad-shouldered build. His skin is light mocha. He has a domed forehead. His wardrobe is severe and strange, with a lot of black. He is curious, focused, and upset about his forehead. [b]Name:[/b] Dahosi Witchhammer [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Profession:[/b] Porter [b]Lineage:[/b] Son to Hidri and Lichi Witchhammer, Brother to Hek Witchhammer. [b]Summary:[/b] This guy reminds you of a vicious otter. He has wide gray eyes that are like two pools of mercury. His silky, straight, chocolate-colored hair is medium-length and is worn in a precise, practical style. He is stout and has a stout build. His skin is the color of fine mud. He has a large nose. His wardrobe is plain with a lot of black. He is temperamental, fierce, and usually drunk or getting there. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Thanao Dynasty] [indent][hider=Glanyre] [indent][hider=The High House of Malakos] [center][b]The House of Malakos[/b] [b]Status:[/b] High [b]Fortune:[/b] Military [b]Residency:[/b] Glanyre Castle [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Shalie Malakos [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Forties [b]Race:[/b] Tiefling [b]Profession:[/b] Archmage [b]Lineage:[/b] Eldest Sister of Zakaria, Shatarii, and Mislaia Malakos. [b]Summary:[/b] This womanling reminds you of a raging river. She has almond-shaped eyes the color of autum leaves. Her fine, curly, sun-colored hair is short and is worn in a weird style. She is very short and has a busty build. Her skin is dark purple. She has hollow cheeks and a weak chin. Her wardrobe is odd, and is mostly gold and black. She has two short horns protruding from her crown above her temples. She has a long, smooth, prehensile tail with a spade tip. She is immoral, clever, nimble, and manipulative. [b]Name:[/b] Zakaria Malakos [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Tiefling [b]Profession:[/b] Court Wizard, Enchanter, Arcane Healer. [b]Lineage:[/b] Lover of Shatarii Malakos, Sister of Shalie, Shatarii, and Mislaia Malakos. [b]Summary:[/b] This composed womanling has deep-set blue eyes that are like two lagoons. Her fine, straight, medium-length hair is the color of the midnight sky, and is worn in a complex, attractive style. She has an athletic build. Her skin is ocean-colored. She has delicate ears. Her wardrobe is fanciful and revealing, composed of mosly sheer materials and neutral colors. She has a split tongue, and two thin tails. She is collected, perceptive, and sarcastic. [b]Name:[/b] Shatarii Malakos [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Tiefling [b]Profession:[/b] Mage, Diviner, Conjurer. [b]Lineage:[/b] Lover of Zakaria Malakos, Sister to Shalie, Zakaria, and Mislaia Malakos. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentle womanling has beady gray eyes. Her luxurious, straight, orange hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a fluttering flag. She is short and has a wide-hipped build. Her skin is azure. She has prominent cheekbones. Her wardrobe is strange, with a lot of dark colors. She has two thin horns protruding from her crown, about a hand's length. She has long fingered hands. She is compassionate, strong, tolerant, and understanding. [b]Name:[/b] Mislaia Malakos [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Adolescents [b]Race:[/b] Tiefling [b]Profession:[/b] Adept, Illusionist. [b]Lineage:[/b] Youngest Sister of Shalie, Zakaria, and Shatarii Malakos. [b]Summary:[/b] This hateful girl has almond-shaped eyes the color of ripe plums. Her thick, straight, very short hair is the color of charcoal, and is worn in a simple style. She has an amazonian build. Her skin is abyssal purple, almost black. She has prominent cheekbones and sharply pointed ears. Her wardrobe is fashionable and modest, with a lot of dark colors and gold hues. She has two large horns splitting from the middle of her crown that curl back behind her ears and angle forward, and upwards, almost akin to a ram's horns. She is uncaring, aggressive, and dark. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Kinesly] [indent][hider=The Low House of Quinlan] [center][b]The House of Quinlan[/b] [b]Status:[/b] Low [b]Fortune:[/b] Enchanting, Runic Inscriptions, Magic Trinkets [b]Residency:[/b] A Manor in Kinesly [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ribul Quinlan [b]Age:[/b] 67 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Forties [b]Race:[/b] Halfing [b]Profession:[/b] Enchanter [b]Lineage:[/b] Eldest Brother to Dannad, Arzin, and Uridal Quinlan. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentleman puts you in mind of a clever stage magician. He has wide brown eyes that are like two drops of chocolate. His thick, wavy, brown hair is shoulder-length and is worn in an elegant, intricate style. He's got a beard and moustache. He is tall and has a feminine build. His skin is nut-brown. He has a domed forehead. His wardrobe is flashy and colorful. He is charming, silver-tongued, and skillful. [b]Name:[/b] Dannad Quinlan [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Late Twenties, Early Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Halfing [b]Profession:[/b] Gemcutter [b]Lineage:[/b] Brother to Ribul, Arzin, and Uridal Quinlan. [b]Summary:[/b] This eccentric halfing has almond-shaped green eyes. His silky, straight, purple hair is very long and is worn in a practical, businesslike style. He is very short and has a narrow build. His skin is deeply-tanned. He has large hands and small feet. His wardrobe is dazzling and elegant. He is focused, thoughtful, and silver-tongued. [b]Name:[/b] Arzin Quinlan [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Twenties [b]Race:[/b] Halfing [b]Profession:[/b] Goldsmith, Silversmith [b]Lineage:[/b] Brother to Ribul, Dannad, and Uridal Quinlan. [b]Summary:[/b] This gentleman makes you think of a joyous songbird. He has beady brown eyes that are like two acorns. His silky, straight, white hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a cascading waterfall. He is very tall (for a halfing) and has a lithe build. His skin is light mocha. He has hollow cheeks. His wardrobe is attractive, with a lot of black. He is mirthful, generous, and silver-tongued. [b]Name:[/b] Uridal Quinlan [b]Age:[/b]29 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early Twenties [b]Race:[/b]Halfing [b]Profession:[/b] Runic Inscriber [b]Lineage:[/b] Youngest Brother to Ribul, Dannad, and Arzin Quinlan. [b]Summary:[/b] This cunning halfing has slitted eyes the color of fine silver. His thick, straight, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a wave of water. He is short and has a graceful build. His skin is chocolate-brown. He has high cheekbones. His wardrobe is impractacal, with a lot of blue and gray. He is artistic, precise, and silver-tongued. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Dangar Hold] [indent][hider=The High House of Doradall] [center][b]The House of Doradall[/b] [b]Status:[/b] High Nobility [b]Fortune:[/b] Military [b]Residency:[/b] Dangar Hold Fortress [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Karagul Doradall [b]Age:[/b] 39 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Half-Orc [b]Profession:[/b] General [b]Lineage:[/b] Eldest Brother to Gnaogur Doradall [b]Summary:[/b] This gentleman reminds you of a monstrous predator. He has round coffee-colored eyes. His silky, straight, amber hair is worn in a style that reminds you of an overused mop. He is tall and has a ery muscular build. His skin is dark green. He has a strong chin. His wardrobe reflects his profession, with lots of gunmetal gray and red colors. He has wicked lower fangs, protruding slightly over his upper lip. He has a magnificent amber-colored beard worn in uncomplicated braids. He is affable, devious, stalwart, and powerful. [b]Name:[/b] Gnaogur Doradall [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Mid Thirties [b]Race:[/b] Half-Orc [b]Profession:[/b] Lieutenant General [b]Lineage:[/b] Younger Brother to Karagul Doradall [b]Summary:[/b] This guy reminds you of a sturdy tree. He has slanted violet eyes. His silky, straight, ivory hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a burning fire. He has a strong build. His skin is ivy-colored. He has a small mouth, will small fangs, and wide feet. His wardrobe is practical and reflects his profession, with a lot of red and gray. He has a neat, chiseled ivory-colored beard, worn in small braids. He is solemn, dishtinguished, and straightfoward. [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=The Nuisite Empire] Messenger was mugged, document recovery not yet resolved. [/hider][/indent] [/hider] [hider=The Recorded Theory of Nylphites I] [indent]It was said during the darkest period of man's legacy, the years following The Shattering, that there were... perhaps a select few chosen by Arch Magus Nylphi after her ascension. Chosen not because of their skill, morals, heritage, or fortune, but for reasons unbeknownst to we, the more common folk. Divines work in mysterious ways, and the Gods even more so than that. It'd be impossible to try to foresee their plans or ideals, for even the world's greatest diviners can only glimpse at but the tiniest fragments of our fate. These Nylphites are beings of incredible power, and yet, this is not limited to those who can wield the source, or harness essence. No, it goes beyond those fortunate enough to feel the vibrations of that which makes up the human soul, far beyond the frail lines that hold our dimension together, beyond the rawest lines of the universe. When the world became rife with famine, disease, and darkness. Even as the world shattered and the hole between realities was sealed, effectively stemming the unstoppable flow of void beasts that poured across ours lands, many problems and challenges remained. Who would defeat the monsters already devouring our lands? Who would band the people together and turn them from base desires into a higher purpose, one of rebuilding and reforming civilization and all of its wonders? Perhaps Nlyphi foresaw these problems, in the last second of her life, perhaps that moment was an eternity of thought. It is rumored that rather fade out completely, she split apart her own soul and scattered it, though there is naught a single source to back up this theory. Did she dust herself across the patterns of time, to surface when she deemed it most necessary? Or, instead are the fragments joined with our very souls, to be passed down through the ages, to fade in and out of the world's view? Forever to be but rumor and speculation? Nylphites, should we ever be graced with their presence, are beings to be both revered, and feared. There is no divine hand to guide such a person bestowed with the gift of Nylphi, each path is to whom walks it and heavenly intervention has always remained subtle. Yet, how do you face a man that can swing a blade with the force enough to crack the earth until fire spews from its bowels? Who can stop a man that can bring columns of wind so fierce as to tear the very armor from your body? Some, rumored to be more subtle in their ways. Stories and legends of people who could divine the future, see entire chapters of a person's life; Of druids and forest kin who could reach into the mind and bodies of a man, and stitch him together from the inside out without ever moving their hands. Such tales a purely fantastical at best. There are no known recordings of such a person, but it does breed a certain train of thought. A collection of thoughts that only lead to what if, and could it be possible? It is said that these persons, perfectly hidden among us, can reach such a state as to channel the very essence of Nylphi herself, harnessing the power of the hundred mages that lost their lives to save ours all those years ago. Glowing with a divine light, completely enshrouded in a cloak made of the very illumination given from the sun. Soaked in a smokey mire of blackness, resembling the very void itself. Or the graceful light of the moon, glowing softly. The reflection of their soul, as it's told around many nomadic campfires. I've encountered many folk tales and legends, yet they all seem to agree on one point: May the Mother help us if we can not control them once they are triggered into such raw, primal forms. Fortunately it is said that the Soul State is not a given power, but a reaction. There was one such story of a noble knight, who could swing his sword with such force as to rend the skies open and pour down heavenly rain. He was unable to enter his Soul State at will. However, the death of his beloved betrothed at the hands of his brother sent him into such a fury that he became the golden visage of the rarest of beasts. The ancient dragon, yet, made of holy vengeance and the light of the sun. Such a thought is truely frightening. [/indent] [/hider]