[color=f49ac2]Name(Real life):[/color] Karen Lachance [color=f49ac2]Appearance(Real life):[/color] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/169899361/superthumb.jpg[/img] [color=f49ac2]Gender(Real life):[/color]Female [color=9e0b0f]Name(In game):[/color] Sol ReapR [color=9e0b0f]Appearance(In game):[/color] [img] http://s1.favim.com/orig/150521/anime-anime-guy-art-black-and-white-Favim.com-2751471.jpg[/img] [color=9e0b0f]Gender(In game):[/color] Male [color=9e0b0f]Level:[/color] 5 [b]Short Bio:[/b] Karen came to be trapped in the game by chance. She wasn't a gamer in the least bit. She was a highschool aged girl who was extremely popular and fun in her grade. She constantly went to rallies for women's rights and other issues that were important to her. Her Uncle, Kevin Lachance, is the representative of NerveGear in America, and Karen made a bet with her cousin, Benjamin, that she could clear the first level before him. Ben was a computer nerd and a beta tester. He hacked the NerveGears so that their avatars would be more beautiful than the rest of them. However, what he didn't plan on was the cousins putting on the wrong helmets. Karen's helmet had the hacked male avatar, and Ben's had the hacked female one. It was just supposed to be friendly competition, but now they were lost in Aincrad, and lost to each other, as they have no idea what the other one looks like! [b]Personality:[/b] As Karen, she was a girly, passive-aggressive teenager, who loved binge watching TV shows and painting her nails. She had no idea of privilege or the respect others may deserve. But once she was trapped in the game as Sol, he became a survivor. Fighting in an unknown land, he was out of his element. He grew to be untrusting and defensive. (Even though his attack style is primarily offensive.) He does occasionally show signs of his old self, however. [b]Skills:[/b] [b] Dual Class Proficiency [/b] - Sol has a hybrid class of Mage/Swordsman. [b] Burst [/b] - Once a day, Sol can increase his speed x 1/4 of his level for X1/4 of his level. [i]Ex: If he is level five, he moves X1.25 faster for 1.25 seconds.[/i] [b] Elemental Control [/b] Using his Elemental Star, Sol can summon fireballs and streams of fire. This drains energy. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b] Elemental Star [/b] - Sol has a magical item that was hidden in the starting town. The star is a pendant with a four pointed star on it. Sol has only unlocked the Fire element so far. [hider=Star] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e8/09/1b/e8091b3a31d3b4093b3bb7c86f4f6e6a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b] Basic Cloak [/b] - A basic level five black hunting cloak that Sol purchased in the starting town. [b] Basic Sabre [/b] - A basic, one handed slashing weapon. [hider=Sabre] [img]http://globe-views.com/dcim/dreams/sabre/sabre-03.jpg [/img] [/hider]