As Icarus finished his question to the men he looked down at them and with a quick startle realized they were all asleep. "But.. I could have sworn they were awa-" he stopped as his words became slurred and after a moment noticed a soothing song being played throughout their camp "A bard? I didn't know we had one of those.. How lovely.." he thought as he turned around to find the source of the enchanting tune. Head swimming Icarus tried to focus and scan the camp for the player of such sweet melodies, but to no avail, the drowsiness seemed apt to overtake him soon as he muttered "Well a nap couldn't hurt.." and he had just noticed that he had already fallen to his knees on the beaten dirt path beneath him. Eyelids fluttering his head began to roll forward until a shout and seeing stout man, what he realized must be a dwarf but was too hard to tell through the heavy half closing of his eyes, running axe raised toward a lone goat like figure that had emerged from the tree line. "Oh my, I believe that is.. is.. a satyr.. quite the tricksters I've read.." he mumbled lazily to no one in particular as he know rested on his haunches staring at the peculiar scene. With his body feeling many times his normal weight, and head fixed toward the only thing holding his attention long enough to slip into the sweet lulling embrace of sleep, Icarus is only able to halfheartedly watch the events between the mad shouting dwarf and the satyr and wonder whether they are the silly hallucinations of those long overdue for rest.