Name: Prudii Kyramud Age: 23 Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: [img][/img] Affiliation: Independent Mercenary Background: Early Life Prudii was born on Mandalore to father Kronos Kyramud and mother Droma Kyramud. His father worked part time for MandalMotors while home, but worked primarily as a bounty hunter. His mother, too, worked at MandalMotors, and was a supervisor over starship design. The Kyramuds lived in compound like house that was rather large roughly 50 klicks south of Keldabe. The homestead was fortified to withstand an attack for a short period of time, and featured bunkers and reinforced walls, custom designed by Kronos himself incase one of his jobs ever followed him home. Prudii's father was killed while hunting a bounty. Prudii, who had been training under his parents to become a warrior as well, was devastated by the loss of his father. At age 13 he passed his Verd'goten and was christened as a true Mandalorian. Shortly later when Prudii was 14, Droma Kyramud died of a respiratory infection from an accident with starship coolant at MandalMotors. This left Prudii emotionally scarred and alone on Mandalore. Running from the pain, and wanting to escape his traumatic past he left Mandalore with armor that had been fitted for him after passing his trials. Time on Nal Hutta Achute Bukee, uba ye wanya kouwahh, an kouiohe. «Hello Boy, you look weak, and cold.» The words had been spoken to him by a Hutt that Prudii had been thrown in front of so many years ago. He had run away from Mandalore like a batt out of hell, and to the Outer Rim he had been flung. Like a bad piece of meat each world had spat him out, and to another world he had landed. One of those worlds he found himself on was 'Hutta, and on the plate of the Desajilics. Prudii had been dressed in rag tag armor. The least amount of plates possible to constitute as 'armor', a cheap blaster rifle, a an accurate shot had made him a cheap gun for hire, but the Hutts had seen something more than just a cheap gun. Jee neu cuee ai wa becmi keepuna du uba. Jeejee caiot bapheu uba, jeejee caiot bapheu uba, jeejee caiot woy uba wa killee, hatkocanh uba doth chalanh du da? «I see more than a simple blaster in you. We can hone you, we can sharpen you, we can make you a killer, would you be interested in that?» The Hutt had spoken in Huttese, and at that time Prudii hadn't understood a word of it. However there had been a poorly painted green protocol droid standing beside him that had earlier inquired about Prudii's native tongue, specifically mando'a or basic. Prudii had told him basic, and thus the droid had transferred all of the pertinent words from the Hutt into basic for him. "I... I am.. yes..." Those had been the words that sealed his fate for the next three plus years. It had been half a year before the Hutts had been able to use Prudii for anything profitable. Those months had been spent in training, converting the young thin boy into something more dangerous. Exercising him, training him, and outfitting him improved weapons and armor. Now here he was three years later, still in the service of the Hutts. Prudii hopped on the first transport off world, which took him deep into the Outer Rim. There he bounced around, riding transport from world to world taking on small jobs. He made a bit of a name for himself as a hired gun with a lackluster moral compass. While bouncing around Prudii found himself on Nal Hutta. Shortly after arriving Prudii was hired by Majordomo Nor'baal for a series of debt collections and bounties. The Hutt was pleased with his results, and hired him on regular for a number of years for varying jobs between a bodyguard to a debt collector to a bounty hunter. While in Nor'baal's employment Prudii was trained by the Hutt's security specialists. Weapons were bought for him, and new armor pieces procured when he outgrew his previous pieces, imported from Mandalore. Move to Chandrila After years in the service of Nor'baal the Hutt paid for and secured him a spot on a transport ship bound for Chandrila, the capital of the Republic, where Prudii would grow in skill and begin taking on higher jobs. Upon staying on Chandrila for a short period Prudii became rather self sufficient. Prudii in his personality is a very walled veiled person. He usually carries a sarcastic aggressive attitude with him wherever he goes. This sarcasm and aggression that lies on the outside of his personality though, is just a defense mechanism. He developed the personality that he displays to the rest of the world. A cold, callused individual with little care for anyone or anything. He keeps most things pent up, which causes him to have a smoldering hate and short temper most of the time. Having been dealt massive emotional blows as a child Prudii is rather tender and sensitive on the inside. He's constantly trying to find something to fill the void his parents left. Prudii suffers from clinically diagnosed mild-moderate depression. Due to his gruff exterior he has difficulty getting close to people, and when he does his short temper and self destructive tendencies often push them away. This feeds his depression, which plagues him when he isn't working. A psychiatrist he has recently been visiting on Chandrila has advised him to develop more relationships with people, a task very daunting to Prudii. Prudii has developed a rather bad drinking habit, and could be classified as an alcoholic. The drinking problem, like many of his other personality flaws, stems directly from the loss of his parents. He has difficulty getting close to anyone in his life, due to the aforementioned issues, which just goes to feed this alcoholism. Prudii is a rather quiet person, and rarely is talkative or outgoing. he is professional on jobs, and a very serious person. Equipment: PRIMARY WEAPON(S) Stock EE-3 EE-3 SECONDARY WEAPON(S) Flash Bang Grenades (2) | Thermal Detonators (1) ARMOR(S) [img][/img] Abilities: Expert long range / sniper. Okay with close range weaponry. He's a horrible pilot and horrible at social skills as well. He's stronger than most humans, but not agile at all. Credits: 8,000 Credits