[img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/6e65/th/pre/f/2013/339/c/d/dragonborn_npc_portrait_by_psuede-d6wsh90.jpg[/img] Name: Mzark Fireheart Race: Dragonborn Gender: Male Age: 7 Class: Paladin Equipment: Mithril: Longsword, Shield, and battle plate Simple Rations (typically bread and some fish, and a flask full of fire whiskey) A flask of water Symbol of Bahamut Bio: Mzark may seem young by human standards but whilst only 7 years old he's already as developed and astute as a human 20 year old. As a boy his parents forced him to study hard, joining the local shrine of Bahamut as an inmate when he was 3. He has studied and learnt much at the shrine, but he is no idle priest, he learnt to wield a blade and was the shrines protector alongside his master. At least until he was sent at the age of 5 on a pilgrimage to search for an ancient lexicon removed from the shrine long ago. Since that time Mzark has wondered the world, for 2 years he has travelled the world and he is still no closer to his prize. In this time he has learnt much of the world beyond his village, and he has earned himself a fair number of friends and a great deal of gratitude in this time. However, he has also made himself a few enemies in the process. Personality: Mzark is extremely pious and extremely honourable, Dragonborn and Paladins are this way by nature, one need only think what a combination of the two is like. Loyal, honest, ernest and protective, Mzark is usually quite upfront in his dealings with others.