Sans watched as Frisk scampered down the stairs, grining at how energetic she was. Sometimes he envied that about her and Paps, how they were just so full of life and energy, while he was lazy. The only thing lively about him were those aweful puns he told, but hey, can't win 'em all. Without further adieu he opened the door and walked out, letting Frisk close it behind him. He may not be a perfect gentleman, but it never seemed to be an issue, so he didn't really care to change. Walking out on the crisp snow, he kept a leisurely pace. He wouldn't be Sans if he didn't. Shoving his hands into his pockets, his posture slouched, and not a care in the world(at least on the outside) , he was the poster child for bad influence, but everyone in Snowdin loved him. As he passed by a few of his... Not quite friends, but too close to be called acquaintances, he waved and replied a quick hello. A few of them tried to sucker him into going to Grillby's(their treat), but begrudgingly he refused for another time. He was sure Frisk was still full from breakfast, and Toriel would skin him(if he had any) for making such a ridiculous stop. Once out of the busy little town, Sans couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. Followed. But by who, he wasn't sure. He subtly walked closer to Frisk, though didn't say anything about it. He didn't want to worry her after all. He could do enough of that for the both of them. "So, you cold yet, Frisky? If ya need some extra warmth, my hugs are for free," he joked, bumping her shoulder playfully. And the the most girly, earth shattering squeal echoed behind them. Sans turned around to see none other than Alphys, fallen in the snow with a big sweet grin on her face and her cheeks flushed an embarrassing shade of red. "O-oh my god! Sans! Y-y-you tease," she giggled. Quickly the yellow monster stood and waddled over to the pair, her eyes pretty much all over them. Sans could tell they would probably have to ditch her if they wanted to make it to the Ruins by noon. Her flush only seemed to deepen as she giggled like a flustered little girl,"So, where are you two love birds headed? Off on some secret date? Oh no! Wait! Don't tell me! You're going to take her somewhere romantic and-" "Actually, we're headed to see Tori," Sans interrupted, knowing he didn't want to hear the end of that, and Frisk more than likely didn't need to. He was already iffy on her staying the night with the hentai-loving scientist, he didn't need another reason for Frisk to come back home asking strange questions. He'd made the mistake of letting Paps stay there one time and... Let's just say Undyne and Alphys didn't have a good time when Sans came to visit the next day. Alphys seemed to catch his drift and gulped,"Oh, y-yeah, r-r-r-right! W-well, I ummm..... I-I'll see you l-later then!" And as quickly as she had appeared, she scuttled off at record speed. Without another word, Sans turned back down the path to the Ruins and carried on, trying silently to calm the erratic throbbing of his soul.