[center][color=98FB98]Name(Real life):[/color] Mikoto Zukamori [color=98FB98]Appearance(Real life):[/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/8c/7c/ca8c7c906870337b5518dbab6072fcfb.jpg[/img] [color=98FB98]Gender(Real life):[/color] Female [color=98FB98]Name(In game):[/color] Isa [color=98FB98]Appearance(In game):[/color] [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Nephenee.600.1107911.jpg[/img] [color=98FB98]Gender(In game):[/color] Female [color=98FB98]Level:[/color] 5 [color=98FB98]Short Bio:[/color] Mikoto has loved video games her entire life. All through elementary school, she was the one everybody came to when they needed level grinding done. She earned herself the nickname, The RPG Queen, for her love for turned based combat. When the announcement was made that there was a virtual reality MMO in the making, she jumped on the chance to beta test, but unfortunately never made it in. Instead she had to wait until the game came out. Becoming trapped in the game honestly didn't bother her that much, death was a threat everyday anyway. But still she wanted to work her hardest in order to get back out to the real world. The sequel to her favorite RPG of all time was coming out in six months, there was no way she was missing that. [color=98FB98]Personality:[/color] Mikoto/Isa, is an extremely quiet and serious individual. She is focused and disciplined, putting her all into everything she does, even if she doesn't like it. She's intelligent and gets bored easily with things that don't make her think. Observant and level headed, she is known to be stone faced almost all the time. She can come off as cold and uncaring, and in some ways she is. She's socially awkward and doesn't really do well with other people, she prefers to get things done on her own and not rely on others. Something that is going to have to change if she wants to survive the game. [color=98FB98]Skills:[/color] [b]Dragon Dance[/b] A skill that basically sums up Isa's incredibly unique fighting style. While most spear users focus on strength and defense, Isa focuses on speed, agility, and jumping power. Making her a self proclaimed dragoon. Her fighting style is very light footed, nimble, and graceful, thus making it look like she's dancing with the enemy. [b]Dragon's Flight[/b] A leaping skill that makes it look as if Isa is flying for a short period of time. Isa jumps high into the air, then comes back down spear first on top of the enemy. Great for grounding flying targets, or bringing large targets down to size. [color=98FB98]Equipment:[/color] [b]Sonic Spear[/b] Made from a light, but durable metal, it is the lightest spear in the early game. Increases attack speed and can be wielded one or two handed. A rare drop from a wind slime enemy. [b]Wind Armor[/b] Light weight armor made from the same material as her spear, it gives equal boosts to defense and agility. Received as a reward for completing a quest.[/center]