[color=f7976a]"Shit! Damn it!"[/color] Yzak said growling as suddenly the hulking presence of Hiling Care came into the area. Grant and his comrades charged forward after seeing the zaku's temporarily distracted by their enemies and then proceeded to shoot the weapons out of their hands. The enemy zaku however were quick to recover and pulled out their axes one of them threw a grenade which forced Grant's team to fall back. Hiling however didn't move to assist as she went up to Jack. [color=39b54a]"I'd recommend going to help them. Unless you want to explain to Captain Jason how you somehow managed to both wreck priceless replacement parts for your gundam, killed a high ranking enemy pilot who could be captured, AND left your allies to die all in one fell swoop. I got this."[/color] Hiling said aiming her main rifle at the enemy gundam pilot. [color=39b54a]"Time's wasting..."[/color] Hiling said with a smug grin and tone. She clearly was egging on Jack one way or another Hiling would get what she wanted in this situation leaving Jack in a rather awkward situation. [color=f9ad81]"I'm not some god damn toy for you fuckers!"[/color] growled Yzak as he tried to move only for Hiling to claw off the top of Duel's right hand. Beam claws tore through the metal of the phase shift with a loud bang. [color=39b54a]"And you...You better fucking sit down."[/color] commented Hiling with disgust as Yzak sat there unable to do anything under the watchful eye of both units. === [b]"I don't care who you are, I'm not so easy to kill!"[/b] Leon Graves proclaimed as he took out his laser torch and quickly attempted to slice the enemy mobile suit in half. It was clear that his mobile suit was getting nowhere with this suit and he had one last chance to beat this guy. He could try running away but he had let a careless mistake cost him that chance. He didn't expect this unit's pilot to be so talented and he had let this man get the advantage of him. [b]"Look kid you can have all the pride you want but it's meaningless if you don't know how to use it!"[/b] ==== [color=fff200]"But...but this is a battle...this girl is threatening my life! She's already killed members of our team why should I calm down!?"[/color] Stella said with a hesitation in her voice and it was clear that she herself was unsure about what she was talking about. Stella was distracted now unsure about how to proceed unable to get it straight in her head as she was shot from behind by an enemy zaku unit as Beta Leader cursed loudly. [color=00a651]"DAMN IT! Stella calm down and wipe out those who are our enemies! Just don't go overboard!"[/color] Beta Leader said as he simply gunned at the enemy opposition as Nena shot out another wave at the wall the separated Paul from the rest of the group. [color=ec008c]"This is getting embarrassing and complicated all forces fall back I don't care what Barton says!"[/color] Fram muttered with disgust as she pulled back using all her remaining weapons to keep Sandrock and the others down while Stella stood there shivering unable to do much other than dodge. The remaining handful of Zaku started to pull back in an uncoordinated rush as the enemy forces from the center were unsure about what was going on. They had been in a heated fire fight with SIGMA whom had done an excellent job of keeping the enemies off Paul and staying alive. [b]"Mr. Barton the walls are breached!"[/b] shouted one of the enemies as Trowa sighed, [color=f26522]"So be it...I will finish this one off quicker..."[/color] Trowa said with an abnormally calm tone. ==== Paul didn't waste much time he charged forward his beam saber in hand as he at the ready as he came closer to Trowa. He barely noticed the explosive blast behind him his Newtype senses shouting at him that it was happening on barely registered. His ally, SIGMA Leader, was asking for orders Paul gave him a simple one, [color=0072bc]"Capture or kill them I don't care which."[/color] Paul muttered intensely as he focus on Barton became acute not allowing him to think of anything else. He didn't hate the enemy gundam pilot nor did he have anything against him personally however he was the last piece in the puzzle. That tank that was the main goal was probably a diversion at this point. It hadn't moved since he arrived it was probably empty. He felt sweat drip down his brown as he continued to dodge Barton's barrage. Those he couldn't he deflected or blocked. Barton was on point but at this point he saw that Barton was now in a bad situation. His allies were dying around him and Paul's men were on the attack again. They shouldn't have let him of all people into this place. Maybe Donna or Nena would've had trouble but not him. Their suits weren't as versatile as Paul or Gabriel when he was still with them. Paul had skill bound by his dedication to his cause and his vengeance for the fallen and dead friends of the past still not quenched. Trowa notice that his weapons were no longer effective and with Paul gaining on him he had no choice but too call on his men to disable the magnetic field generators they had running in order to allow everyone to flee. Even though Barton felt they could still make a comeback it was clear this situation was getting out of hand. He tried to contact Aida only to get the response that she was in trouble. But before Trowa could do much or even get out a word he was forced into a defensive position his combat knife out as he blocked the heavy swing by Paul. [color=f26522]"It would seem that I've been forced into quite the situation. But I'm not so easily displaced."[/color] Trowa said sternly as he kept his cool and easily managed to parry Paul but Paul came back quick and pressed his advantage on Trowa. [color=0072bc]"You're nothing but a coward who relies on heavy weapons! What kind of soldier doesn't have a back up plan!?"[/color] Paul demanded of Trowa who opened up his chest cannons again and riddled Paul's already dwindling power supply to an even lower level forcing Paul to back off as Trowa turned around to flee. Paul grabbed a nearby rifle dropped by a zaku and opened fire but Trowa managed to dodge even though he was dented by the enemy's fire. [color=f26522]"I'm afraid neither of us has time to waste here. I will concede to you this battle but I will not lose again if we meet again gundam pilot."[/color] Paul could only watch as Trowa fled the scene. He growled as he turned his back to Trowa and went to aid Sigma in eliminating the enemy grunts left. Paul could chase him, he could've went after him. But it would cost him too much and with his power battery so low after absorbing so much fire from the guy he needed to get his suit repaired and soon. He only could hope the Sundown was fine...