Name: Yski T'Thion Age: 38 Species: Bith (long-headed-style, not enormous-bubble-easy-headshot-style.) Appearance: [img][/img] Affiliation: He's one of the guild newbies. He is minorly associated in parts of Wild Space with the eccentric jedi that sold dangerous illegal bio-weapons and got himself killed for it. Background: Yski was a street beggar-turned general store guard and heavy lifter on the planet of Bakura, under the employ of a retired Aqualish gray jedi named Togar Po, often referred to as "Togar the Mad". It was his job to escort thieves, rowdy customers, superstitious persecutors of force-users, or really anyone that Togar thought was distasteful, out of the building, whether they wanted to be or not. Granted, there are much more intimidating people to hire than a Bith, but Togar found it was much less expensive to hire the town drunk and teach him how to fight than it was to hire one of the town mercs and teach them how not to aggress against any customer who looked at them funny. And fight he did, sometimes. It was usually as simple as a quick grapple, but sometimes extended headlong into fistfights and occasionally some blasters being pulled, but Togar usually got involved if things unwound that far and closed down the store. Of course, Bith have... Odd vision, to say the least. Togar often had to let him know ahead of time which people to keep his ears on and which people had just transgressed against store rules before he knew what to do. He wasn't the best bouncer, but he was effective. Nothing exceedingly bad happened at the store, until one moment that changed his life forever. It was late at night when the eccentric old man woke him up from his sleep by slapping him awake. In his meditations he had detected something unknown and living entering the gravitational field of Bakura. Something [i]huge[/i]. He closed down his shop "For maintenance" and dragged Yski along with him for a meteor chase. It fell in a blaze of glory some miles away, and they finally found it a few days later. It appeared to be some massive ball with tendrils that large, powerful-looking aliens had been using as a starship. It looked like the ship had been grievously wounded before it even entered the atmosphere, and the gash, as well as the externally visible wear and tear on the "ship" told that it had been wandering for a very long time after the battle... Possibly long enough to have come from another galaxy entirely... Since there were no living operators, Togar did what he always did when he found ships that fell from Wild Space and decided to loot any weapons he could find... There were no traditional weapons per se, but some of the "sticks" the creatures were holding turned out to have very much survived the landing, were very difficult to destroy, and were also very capable of producing larvae. Togar almost immediately sold the general store in favor of starting a new bio-weapons dealership out in the wilderness, renovating the ship and starting a small amphistaff farm and training school. Needless to say, with a seeing-eye staff in his hands to point things out and fetch objects for him, Yski was a much better bouncer. He was also a very deadly bouncer, since these snakes were apparently very sharp. His amphistaff, (nicknamed "Sticky" by Togar) had to be trained for several months not to turn into a sharp staff unless specifically commanded. Needless to say, selling something this dangerous, while lucrative, is highly, highly illegal. The trade federation shut the joint down as soon as they found it, and took the amphistaves, including Sticky, away for safekeeping. Togar fought them for it, was killed after the third or fourth wave of droids, and with his dying shouts instructed Yski to take everything he could and run. And Yski did run, for years, halfway across the galaxy, until he was dragged into prison by the Trade Federation and questioned. Yski played dumb exceedingly well, and he was let go. Tired, hungry, and with no other work in sight, he decided to turn in a very short, "concise" resume in at a nearby guild hall, managing to get himself a license, and possibly a meal ticket, if this job starts picking up... Equipment: Two bottles of Kyrf, (One new, one half-empty) a DL-44 blaster with a detachable scope, (Allows him to clearly see mid-range in a somewhat shallow depth of field) a grappling hook, a cane to make his way around with, and Togar's yellow lightsaber. Abilities: As a Bith, he has incredible senses, and can pinpoint the details and location all kinds of smells and sounds from even very overwhelming backgrounds. He can even see microscopic details in front of him with his eyes... At the expense of having myopia that puts Mr. Magoo to shame. But hey, at least with smell and hearing like that, he can tell which blobs of color he should and shouldn't shoot at! He has learned a good deal of Teras Kasi from his "master" Togar Po, and even some [i]minor [/i]use of the force, though this was mostly for the purpose of learning to use (or even [i]activate[/i], since it's sometimes tough for him to see buttons) a lightsaber, and keep his Amphistaff from turning on him in the days before they knew how to properly train one. He is fairly skilled in the use of force with his weapons in melee, and if they are capable, he can fairly easily block or deflect lasers. He prefers running away once guns come out, though. As such, he's also an expert at moving quietly, which he's done since he became a fugitive long ago, and found to be a quite handy skill ever since he started bounty hunting. Credits: He only has about 5. food, room and board, and the occassional pocket change was enough payment for him back in his general store days, and what little he's saved up has been spent of food, bartering items, and bribes to make some ship guards look the other way whenever they find Bith stowaways in their cargo...