[center][img]http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/456597588/A-Ship-In-Stormy-font-b-Seas-b-font-MONTAGUE-DAWSON-100-Hand-Painted-Oil-Painting.jpg[/img] [h1]Isadore[/h1][/center] [b]Epithets:[/b] Maiden of the Seas (simply the Maiden to sailors and fishermen), Mother of All [b]Classic Mythos:[/b] Before all else was the ocean. Isadore is believed to be the first creation of the Old Gods, forged from water and salt to give life to all other forms on Earth. Many mysteries surround her, her origin being as hard to grasp as water between one's fingers – what men do know of for certain is her high judgement. The Maiden is capable of showing great mercy to those whom do right by the sea and punishment of the coldest and darkest depths to those whom do the sea wrong. Women have long worshiped Isadore as the giver of fertility and beauty. [b]Brief History:[/b] For as long as men have known the sea, they have worshipped Isadore’s rule over it. She is known to swallow ships whole in the blink of an eye, or calling creatures out from the deepest oceans to do her bidding. Men built many shrines for her and worshiped often in an attempt to appease her, having learned to give as they take. [b]General Attitude:[/b] Being the eldest of the sisters, Isadore places great emphasis on order. She is the most level-headed and lawful, and has a strong sense of what is right and wrong in all situations. Most often Isadore is silent, preferring to perceive and only opening her mouth when speech is absolutely necessary or when she sings. Isadore is most fierce when she is required to protect her sisters or the sea. [b]Popular Opinion: [/b]Men remain fearful of her powers but also hold awe for her vastness and beauty. While they dread being sent to the depths of the sea and being crushed by the weight of the water, they trust that the Maiden rarely punishes without reason. [b]Common forms of Worship:[/b] Burning of incense and praying at her temples near a source of water, the planting of willow. Fishermen often consider it in good faith to utter thanks before taking anything from the waters. If a woman wishes for children but cannot bear them, her husband must row out to where the sea is calm, and by the full moon offer his most valued possession to the depths. Legend has it that if Isadore accepts the gift she will render the man’s wife fertile. [b]Dominant Magic Abilities:[/b] Can usher rain and all bodies of water. She changes forms most unpredictably, slipping from the body of a human to a cloud of mist to a thousand fish. Most powerful when near a source of water. [b]Appearance: [/b] Isadore adopts a most feminine appearance in the human form, with waves of hair as black as the abyss. Her eyes vary between shades of blue depending on various factors. There is a tattoo of black runes at the back of her neck, in the shape of a waterdrop.