Kierven watched his pursuer go the other direction and grinned to himself. he strolled into the temple in a seemingly causal manner, though anybody that knew him was well aware that he was more than ready to react to anything at any given time. He made a mental note to repay the mercenary as he made his way towards the warrior. He was in awe of the temple, it was so grand, a majestic sight to be sure, he could definitely feel a strong magical force, it wouldn't take a powerful music user to tell this place was special. It filled him with determination, to do what, he didn't know. His eyes widened as he noticed the imposing lizard, he almost warned Lux until he noticed the lizard seemed likely to be have been called by the spirit. As he reached the trio, he interrupted whatever conversation they might've been having without hesitation. [color=indianred]"So, a Lizalfos, a mercenary, and a travelling musician walk into a temple..."[/color] he stated, mocking a typical joke format to call out the odd collection of people in the area. He split an infectious grin as he did so, then going on to introduce himself as Kierven.