[hider=Kyzin] [b]Name(Real life)[/b]: Seth Thomas [b]Appearance(Real life)[/b]: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110424015152/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/5/51/Anime_boy.jpg[/img] [b]Gender(Real life)[/b]: Male [b]Name(In game)[/b]: Kyzin [b]Appearance(In game)[/b]: [hider][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/81a1/f/2008/166/c/3/archer_by_hiliuyun.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Gender(In game):[/b] Male [b]Level:[/b] 05 [b]Short Bio:[/b] Seth had always been the quiet shy kid in his class. He wanted to be involved in activities, but never felt like he had a real opportunity. He was too shy, and everyone knew it. When advertisements for SAO began appearing, Seth determined he would participate. It would give him a chance to be someone new, and to reinvent himself the way he wanted to be. He made himself taller, changed his hair, and determined he would be the life of the party and the center of attention. He spent so long on his character design, that he had only just entered the game when he was teleported to the town of beginnings. After the announcement, he wandered off, determined to find a drop interesting enough to make himself popular. He eventually found his way to a village plagued with aquatic invaders. He stayed there for a long while, believing that if he repelled the aquatic monsters long enough, there was bound to be a good drop. His persistence paid off, and eventually he encountered a rare miniboss responsible for the raids. Having spent so long fighting the invaders, and learning their attack patterns, Seth was able to beat the miniboss and gained the rare drop he was looking for. It was a rare bow. He immediately commissioned matching armor using scales dropped from the weaker enemies. Thus equipped, he set out to find a guild and gain some friends, fortune and fame. Just because the fight was real, didn't mean he wanted to be his normal self in SAO. He was still going to make himself into the ideal he had joined for. [b]Personality:[/b] Seth is inherently shy and quiet, but he makes a conscious effort as Kyzin to be outgoing. he tries to be the life of the party, and is unduly concerned with fashion. So much so, that he will often unequip his armor whenever he is in town to show off his stylish clothes. He is constantly torn between his ideal self in Kyzin, and his natural tendencies as Seth. The bow is nice, since it allows him to maintain his distance in combat and be a little more shy. So he redoubles his efforts out of battle to be the most popular guy around. [b]Skills:[/b] Aim: Allows him to increase his accuracy at the cost of his rate of fire. While aiming, he can target specific points of an enemy to inflict debuffs based on where he hits and how much damage is dealt. This ability can be used in conjuction with other abilities, like pierce. Pierce: Fires a powerful arrow that can pierce through and damage multiple targets. Especially good for clearing waves of weaker enemies. [b]Equipment:[/b] Lizard Lord's Longbow: [hider=image][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/33/4b/1f/334b1f630881c9312205634bc2416536.jpg[/img] [/hider] This bow has the ability to do increased damage with distance from the target. The further away, the greater the damage, although its harder to hit with. Sahuagin Scale Armor: [hider=Image] [img]http://www.maskworld.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/107460_11-Elfenr%C3%BCstung-aus-Leder-dunkelgr%C3%BCn_1.jpg[/img] [/hider] This armor matches his bow, and also allow for a high degree of movement, even going so far as to aid in underwater movement. Its other stats are passable, but not particularly impressive. [/hider]