[center][img]https://missgallo.wikispaces.com/file/view/Woods_Fable_2_by_COEURDECRISTAL.jpg/205501328/Woods_Fable_2_by_COEURDECRISTAL.jpg[/img] [h2]Gria[/h2] [/center] [b]Epithets:[/b] Witch of the Woods, Forest Child [b]Classic Mythos:[/b] Gria is said to have been moulded out of the soil of the earth. She looked after the animals and plants of the woods alike, harmonizing all life in the forest until one day the first hunter tricked her, and trapped her to a tree for so long moss grew over her skin. The Witch became mischievous and troublesome after that, swearing to never allow another man to walk into the woods without having to constantly be looking over his shoulder. It is rumoured that she sees all that happens in the forest, even in the darkest of night - whether it is through the spaces between leaves or through the eyes of an owl. [b]Brief History:[/b] The Forest Child is said to be as old as the First Tree. She has not always had a good reputation with men whom came into her territory to hunt or chop wood, sometimes chasing them through the trees riding a bear, or even using illusion spells to trap them in the woods until they starved to death. However Gria has been known to be fond of children and animals, and have healed sickly children and animals brought to her on the brink of death. [b]General Attitude:[/b] It is uncertain in which order the sister came about after Isadore, but Gria certainly acts like the youngest. She is notoriously playful and at times, childish - and has the most odd sense of humour. She enjoys playing tricks on mortals and her sisters alike, though they have mostly learned of her ways throughout the centuries. Gria grows bored easily and can cause much havoc when she does. [b]Popular Opinion:[/b] In general men and women alike are wary of Gria's temperament, despite recognizing her otherworldly ability to heal the wounded and the sick. If they seek her help they must really have no other road. [b]Common forms of Worship:[/b] Burning of fragrant herbs, song and dance rituals by the edge of the woods. If a great favour is being asked of Gria, more superstitious peoples sometimes sent their firstborn child into the woods alone. [b]Dominant Magic Abilities:[/b] Summoning of animals, illusion, healing. [b]Appearance:[/b] Despite her rumoured to have green skin in her natural form from the moss which grew over her, in her human form Gria has skin the colour of warm wood. Her eyes however are a moss green. Her light brown hair is usually tied up or braided to accomodate for her running through the woods and climbing trees. Gria has a light, athletic build, and resents the wearing of shoes.