[hider=Appearance (Big Pics)][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/062/4/5/kagami_taiga_____desu_by_lukia_lokelani-d5wtoo9.jpg[/img] [img]http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120204165225/kurokonobasuke/images/4/49/Kagami.png[/img] [/hider] [Center] David Crossrow Human 19 || Male || Bisexual David is a rash individual who runs into things without thinking, and is easily angered. He is too proud for his own good, but he is not selfish. Although he thinks himself greater than he is, he always helps people he is friends with. Despite being fit and tall for his age, he has little combat experience, normally limiting his fitness to sporting endeavours. He, despite his rash nature, is quite intelligent in that he has a lot of information in his head.... he just never uses his head. Most of his intelligence is in chemistry and physics, and he is working part time as a waiter in a café which is only used by those rich enough to enter this sanctuary, one of the few places in New York that still seems to be safe. Then again, who knows what forces are at work, it only seems a matter of time before these few sanctuaries too are extinguished. David also has an unnatural fear of fish, for some reason with everything happening with the vampires fish creep David out. Perhaps a way for David to find humour in the anarchy that has occurred from the vampires. [/Center]