[hr][hr][centre][h1][color=82ca9d]Esmeralda Anna Alves[/color][/h1][/centre][hr][hr] [centre] [u]Time:[/u] 9am - 10:10am [u]Location:[/u] Her home then Lakeside [u]Interacting with:[/u] Everyone by text and her dad by note [/centre] [hr] Esme moaned rolling over in bed as her phone chimed with a far to happy ring for this hour in the morning. They were on break and Esme was enjoying her lie in thank you. Slowly her hand emerged from under the duvet that was wrapped around her in a cocoon and fumbled around on her bedside table for her phone. After knocking it onto the floor along with a book and her wallet, Emse finally managed to retrieve it and huddled back in on herself under the covers. "Oh god," Esme cursed, squinting at the too bright screen as she tried to turn the brightness down to actually be able to read the text. [b]From: Lexi[/b] [b]To: The Gang[/b] [color=577ff0]Want to meet @ Lakeside[/color] Esme muttered under her breath but it was with a smile. She did really want to see everyone today, she would have suggested a slightly later hour but why not. [b]From: Esme[/b] [b]To: The Gang[/b] [color=82ca9d] Sure heading out soon once I am actually awake! :p [/color] Esme threw her phone back onto the table and ever so slowly inched her way out of her warm blanket nest. Once she was actually concious and moving it didn't really take her that long to get ready just running a brush quickly through her tangled waves, throwing on the first outfit she found which happened to be a tshirt that said "I'm having a 'picture of a whale' off a time!" and a pair of skinny bright blue jeans. [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/WgqNb4D.png[/img][/centre] She put on some minimalistic make up and jogged down the stairs after grabbing her phone and wallet. Her dad wasn't anywhere about but he had left a box of muffins and a note on the table. [i]Had to go into the shop early so I'll see you tonight. Have fun, take the muffins with you and the keys are in the teapot in the living room. Love Dad xx[/i] With a soft little smile, Esme grabbed one of the muffins and took a bite as she filled the kettle and turned it on. Dancing through the kitchen she turned the radio on and immediately started dancing along while getting ready. She slid into the living room grabbing her keys from where her dad had hid them this time. He was getting more creative with the hiding places. She placed the rest of the muffins in her shoulder bag, poured the coffee into her travel flask and grabbed her skateboard before hurrying out of the door. She boarded through the streets, taking in the morning hustle and drinking her coffee with a smile. She let the wind rush past her, whipping her hair into a mess behind her but she didn't care. Drinking her coffee as she skated in a salom around the morning crowd all tutting at her as she almost ran them over. She arrived at the lakeside about ten minutes past ten and could see Lexi's car parked. "Hey Lexi!" Esme waved as she raced down the hill, skidding to a stop and pulling her board underneath her arm, walking towards the other girl.