[img]http://i.imgur.com/aA9fuod.jpg[/img] [color=708090][center][h1]The Darkness of Arc Tenès[/h1][/center] A man wearing the colours of Dumat approaches you with a letter. It is sealed with a sigil that you remember well: the illustrious 'A' of the Family du Arlay. [hider=The Letter][i]Dear ......................., It has been a few years since we last spoke. I realise that we may not have departed on the most amicable of terms, but I am in dire need of your help. A menace has taken root in my city, and with it, our beautiful Ophelia. Ophelia was murdered in cold blood, and with her murder there was a message. I cannot identify the words, let alone the language, only that it was written in her blood, an image that will haunt me for all of eternity. I will spare you the details; I know you loved her too. I have seen true horror, ……, but there is something quite disturbing about all of this. Something malign has made its home in Arc Tenès, something that I cannot see, that I cannot touch, that I cannot remove, only feel. There is an uneasiness that haunts the empty streets, and even beyond these walls a chill has settled. It is so quiet, so unnatural, and the nights grow longer even though we are in summer. I may be going mad but, truly, I am afraid, ........................ I have sent for Sethael, who may know how to translate the message. He will be here in a few days hence. And please, if not for me, for Ophelia. With love, Anise [b]du Arlay[/b] Duchess of Arc Tenès & First Enchantress of the Seven Schools[/i][/hider] [h2][b]Premise[/b][/h2][hr]Ophelia du Marge is brutally murdered in the city of Arc Tenès. A message is left at the scene of the bloodbath in an unknown language. You are summoned to the city of Arc Tenès by an old acquaintance, Anise du Arlay, to investigate her murder and find the one responsible for the death of Ophelia. [h2][b]Gameplay[/b][/h2][hr]This is essentially a fantasy adventure, interwoven with darker and grittier aspects. As players delve deeper into the mystery surrounding the murder, a lot of roleplaying will be happening in the background. By that, I mean private roleplaying between myself and one player, or perhaps all players at the same time. Whether you discuss what happens in these one-on-one interactions, OOC or IC, is completely up to you. Character depth and development will be important here. Much of the roleplay will take place in Arc Tenès, however as the mystery unfolds, our journey will take us beyond the city's walls and into the Darrow Mountains. [h2][b]Character[/b][/h2][hr]You arrive in Arc Tenès. It is the height of summer, and as such much of the city has been deserted with many citizens preferring the warmth and luxury of southern Dumat over the mountains. As you arrive, you are greeted by an escort of sorceresses. Something about the city doesn't feel right. It is when you arrive that you begin to understand Anise's urgency. A pivotal part of your character is his or her relationship with the other characters/players participating. This includes Anise, Ophelia, and Sethael. This is certainly something to discuss and mould, as well as each character's motivations for coming to Arc Tenès, and whether they came for Ophelia, for Anise or for their own personal gain. Your characters will have known each other from an event known as the Seventh War of the Well. Whether they knew each other beforehand, or continued to speak after the war, is something you can all figure out.[/color] I am very happy to answer questions any questions and hopefully garner some interest. I don't see this being a very populated roleplay, maybe five - six people, seven at most I'd say.