[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QQq8QFn.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pKgPmGC.gif[/img][/center][center] [u]Time:[/u] 9:30am - 10:15am [u]Location:[/u] The Lake (at Lakeside), then to meet up with her friends at "their spot". [u]Interacting with:[/u] Lexi alone by text - [@HushedWhispers] - the squad by text - Jacen [@Prudence], Esme [@guineamania] , and Lexi in person [/center][hr][hr] The lake was always a beautiful place to be, especially early in the morning when the sun came out. Music filled the brisk air by a small, violet speaker attached to a MP3 player (yeah totally still old tech). The song that was being played was [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSsHvvYw3sA] I Wanna Be Adored [/url] by [i]The Stone Roses[/i]. A girl with vibrant periwinkle and pink hair scribbled in her journal as she sat on a bed of grass. She had sketched a breathtaking dress on a figure that resembled her best friend, Lexi. [center][hider= Lexi's Dress, Version 2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/n4V6JUc.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]Her goal this year was to provide all her friends with something to add to their outfit for prom. For the girls, she wanted to make a complete dress for them. For the guys, she was thinking something smaller perhaps a customized tie/bow, homemade pin for their suit, a unique vest, or even a watch. The watch would take awhile to make... Regardless, she wanted to make something that suited them all. Of course, prom wasn't her thing but she knew Lexi wanted to go... especially since the school was trying to get Adele to come. Good luck with that. Her lips were adorned with dark brown lipstick, her hair was unkempt and dancing with the wind, and her sunglasses rested on top of her head, revealing her jade eyes. She wasn't in the mood to wear colored contacts today. The girl paused and looked out toward the water. The lake was her brother's favorite place. She listened to the song, her face still and contemplative. Her ex had gotten her into a lot of good music, especially from his hometown in Manchester. Though every song on her MP3 that wasn't dance or borderline seizure music, which was a good amount in all honesty, reminded her of him. Her MP3 was basically a big fat reminder of the man... she was no longer with. [center][hider=Ely's outfit] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ySsjdxZ.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] Turning the page, she began writing a quick entry: [i][color=8882be]I had a strange dream... Bran, do you remember the time when you took me to a local fashion show? It was the event of the year! The outfits far surpassed my skill level and some snobby people looked at me weird. All you needed to do for me was grab my hand and press on it twice. Your eyes would always read: Everything is going to be okay. I really... miss that. My dream was like that show but with all my friends as models... but rather than them walking down the runaway. They were fighting with each other. Erin pushed Lexi off the runway making her break a leg... The decorations were falling apart. Grant and Jacen were punching each other's faces while Séamus tried to separate the two from killing each other. Esme was hiding in fear. Otis seemed like he was searching for Esme, passing her multiple times. Cara was the only one doing what she was suppose to do but that's because she's a vain ass bitch. But where was Jamie? Even with how terrible my dream was... I wanted to see him. Right when I thought that, my dream... reenacted the moment when you grabbed my hand... but you weren't beside me. He was. And the next thing I knew, my friends weren't fighting. They were modeling down the runaway. It was like it had never happened.[/color][/i] She stopped writing. Her eyes began to water as she muttered to herself, [color=8882be]"Why do you do this to me? I don't want to replace you"[/color]. Closing her journal and wiping her eyes in a way that wouldn't ruin her make up, Ely grabbed her prepaid flip phone and realized she had received texts from Lexi and one from Esme. [b]To: Lexi[/b] [color=8882be][s]Sorry I left without telling you.[/s] I'm A-OK. [s]I wanted to see the sunrise.[/s] See you soon.[/color] Ely had a terrible tendency to write shorter messages than she intended to. [b]To: The Squad[/b] [color=8882be]Be there in 5.[/color] Trying to forget her dream, she began cleaning out her phone. She noticed in her draft sections a bunch of unsent messages to Jamie, she had written when she was drunk a couple of nights ago... she was thankful her drunk self didn't send the messages. That would of been terrible. Messages like: [color=8882be]"Imma ass. Y I leave u?"[/color] - [color=8882be]"I miss U"[/color] - [color=8882be]"U CUTEST!"[/color] - [color=8882be]"I wan 2 bite u"[/color] She remembered the end results of that get together, she went to Grant's and put all her pent up aggression and desire in a good, rough sex session with him. Ely immediately erased all of her messages. This NEVER happened. Standing up, she began to put her belongings in her [url=http://i.imgur.com/gdI64ba.jpg] small bag[/url], which she made years ago. One of her first creations. Before putting her bag on her back, she took out a brand new box of Marlboros and began packing it (hitting the top of the pack on the palm of her hand). After she was done with the beginning process of new cigs, she took a cigarette out and lit her delicious cancer in her mouth (with a match). Jacen was always up her ass about anything she took that was killing her body. Even fucking cigs. Taking a nice, long drag, the young woman began making her way to "the spot". Before she got to the area her friends were waiting at, she dropped the cigarette on the floor and rubbed her shoe against it. Grabbing the ends of her skirt, she glided her way silently in between her girls, Lexi and Esme, and Jacen, her pseudo-brother, who was standing next to Esme. With an apathetic expression, Ely crept behind them and gently cooed, [color=8882be]"Boo."[/color] Bringing her attention to Jacen, overhearing him say hi to Esme and not Lexi, she scolded his immaturity, [color=8882be]"Well you're an ass."[/color] She gave Lexi a hug and smiled, [color=8882be]"Don't worry babe, I'll always say hi to you."[/color] Then she brought her finger to Esme's cheek, lightly poking it, [color=8882be]"Hey Miss Cutie with the nice, big booty."[/color]