Haha, you may have it at that, LeeLee... But it's all good, cuz we're still talking about awesome things, so it totally doesn't count as waiting. Nopenopenope. *doles out all of the cake and ice cream* Lurking is wonderful, but yes, include some plotting there, eh? :P Lurking plot attack. >.> I'm remembering from our talks that you have many characters of awesome. *rifles through the pages* Is Yorick someone who can be introduced right away? Or even whom you'd want to? I figure for the moment, Kal and Prhy would be taking Sammy to a remote location just to make sure that she can protect herself adequately from accidents and other things, so there's no bad things happening while they're driving anywhere and so she knows the drill if they have to scatter. So, that'd take up two to four days of time and then they'd buckle up for the long (or short) haul to Haven's. It is possible they could have already arranged a meet up with someone, like Jonas, if they know him, anyway, just in case things don't go too smoothly and they have to get Sammy out fast. I don't know. I'm babbling. But we've also got eventual plans to have a few groups working their way towards Haven's place. Levi's in the other one. And I have no character sheets up for my other characters. Whoops. I should fix that.