[center][hr][hr][colour=007236][h1]Séamus Ruaidhrí Whelan[/h1][hr][hr][/colour] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 8:30 - 10:00 A.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Whelan Residence. [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b]| Jacen via text - [@Prudence] | Manky via text - [@OfficerHeadbutt] | Everyone else via text[hr][/center] Séamus woke up to the sound of his phone alarm going off. Séamus groaned, regretting the decision to keep it on. He reached over, turning it off. Séamus rolled off of his bed, opening his eyes. Thankfully, Séamus's room had blackout curtains, which meant that it was almost completely dark in his bedroom. He carefully stepped over the mess in his bedroom to his mini fridge, and opened it. Séamus looked over the selection of beers, and then also at the spirits he had on the top of it. He settled for a simple can of lager, he didn't have much of a hangover, but he wanted a drink anyway, in case he started getting cravings again. He wasn't an addict though, he was sure of it. After all, he still functioned normally. As long as he had a drink inside of him. Maybe he would talk over it with Jacen. Maybe he wouldn't. After having some of his drink, Séamus heard the texts come through from Lexi: [b]The Squad[/b] [colour=577ff0][b]Lexi:[/b] Want 2 meet @ Lakeside?[/colour] Séamus quickly replied: [b]To: The Squad[/b] [colour=007236]Yeah! Can't wait to get there![/colour] Séamus also decided to text Jacen and Manky: [b]To: Jacen[/b] [colour=007236]Hey, I need to talk to you about something. Can we talk when I get to Lakeside?[/colour] Séamus knew that he wouldn't tell him about the alcohol unless he was forced to. Part of him regretted sending the message as soon as he pressed send. Maybe Jacen would forget about the message. Séamus went onto the message to Manky: [b]To: Manky[/b] [colour=007236]Hey! Can't wait to get to lakeside! I'll bring the alcohol, you bring the rest?[/colour] Once he was done sending the messages, Séamus decided to get going, and got into his car, driving to lakeside.