[hider=Sebastian] [b]Name(Real life): [/b] Sebastian Floyd [b]Appearance(Real life):[/b] [img]http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb370/AnonymousLolita/Anime%20Male/neku_grow_up_version____by_llano.jpg[/img] [b]Gender(Real life): [/b] Male [b]Name(In game):[/b] Mightous [b]Appearance(In game): [/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YGcWT.jpg[/img] [b]Gender(In game): [/b] Male [b]Level: [/b] 5 [b]Short Bio:[/b] Sebastian Floyd. If you said the name in his school, everybody would know who you were talking about. Sebastian is probably the most popular student at his school. Compared to some of the other guys, he was great looking with his flowing blonde hair and smooth skin. He got decent grades and was the star of the soccer team. He was the best shooter the school has had in years. For Sebastian, life was perfect, and he had no worries about anything at all. Sebastian didn't hang out with many popular kids though. His friends were all kind of the students who didn't have many friends and didn't really fit in. There was Nick. Nick generally disliked people but he was fond of Sebastian... maybe a little too fond. Alex, who was probably Sebastian's best friend, had Verbal Dysdecorum. This basically meant he couldn't censor what he said. Whatever came to his head just kinda, popped out. And then there was Dylan. Dylan was an avid gamer and was very excited for the release of SAO. As a birthday present, Dylan got Sebastion a NerveGear... Sebastion didn't play video games. He was into sports. Soccer, kickboxing, frisbee, he enjoyed them all but sitting inside wasn't extreme enough - even with a helmet on. Dylan was looking forward to playing SAO with him though, so Sebastion couldn't say no. However, once in the world, he couldn't get out. It was terrifying, and he searched for Dylan, only to find his friend, dead. Killed by someone who didn't believe that you would truly die. As a reminder to survive, for Dylan, he took his miaodao. [b] Personality:[/b] Sebastian Floyd is caring. He is kind, funny, just an average kid. He doesn't want to be popular, he just happens to be good looking. He doesn't play soccer to be noticed as athletic and cool. He plays it because he enjoys playing the game. He wants to be left alone most of the time because he doesn't really like talking too much. He'd rather express himself through movement. However, if somebody needs help, Sebastian wouldn't sit by idly, no matter how much he feels like being alone. [b]Skills: [/b] [b][i]Pinpoint[/i][/b] Mightous gains a much greater focus, enabling him to see further and notice important details. [b] [i]Blinding Dash[/i][/b] Mightous can dash forward about 5 meters in any direction at an insane speed. However, it drains energy from him and while dashing, he can't attack or defend. This means if somebody anticipates his dash, they could attack him without him being able to defend. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Mighty Miaodao[/b] When Dylan died, Sebastian took his sword. It was forged and engraved by Dylan. It may not be the best, but it'll keep Sebastian fighting to survive. [b]Mystic Tunic of Orochi[/b] A tunic named after an eight-headed serpent. Made of quality fabrics and cost quite a lot. The blue on his tunic seems to shine in the moonlight. [/hider]