[hider=Travis Ziegler] [CENTER] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/2839/f/2009/197/7/8/ageha_render_by_galkian21.png[/img] [i]"He who fights monsters will become a monster himself, huh? Kind of the point, isn't it?"[/i] [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name::[/b] Travis Ziegler [b]Nickname/Alias::[/b] Hasn't earned one yet [b]Gender::[/b] Male [b]Age and date of birth::[/b] 16 - June 6th [b]Guild::[/b] Golem's Hand [b]Rank::[/b] B [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality::[/b] Somewhat happy-go-lucky, fun loving, and mostly friendly though he can be a bit bristly. Likes having a good brawl, almost a little too much, but at least keeps it to the missions/competitions. It's easy to see when something bothers him, but he typically tries to swallow it down without causing too much trouble for other people around him. However, every once in a while, something sets him off--a lot of times it's even something stupid and minor, but the fact is he just lets things build up too much. When this normally amicable goofball really gets pissed, it takes a long time to calm him down and he won't act rationally at all. Not an idiotic hero, surprisingly enough. Tends to have fairly good insight into people's thoughts and behaviors, and the reasons behind them. Can sometimes be annoying as he'll barge into other people's groups or conversations. [b]History::[/b] Travis comes from a decent line of mages, and was pretty well-off as a kid from what little he says about his childhood. But his father insisted that he would do some kind of work for a living--he couldn't live like this forever. At some point Travis decided he would give magic a try like generations before him, so he and his father decided on a suitable magic together and started their training. Despite not being super talented or anything, he always vaguely implies he got the hang of the spells pretty quickly. About a year ago his father decided he was good enough to join a guild and start trying to make it on his own--a big change for a teenager, but Travis has handled it pretty well. Especially considering he'd never really been out of the house before. But he'd been home-schooled thoroughly and figured out guild-life soon enough. His father helped him obtain his first Monster Take-Over, and he earned the other two doing missions that were on the rather easy side at the Guild. Now he's looking to start hunting down stronger beasts for the purposes of improving his abilities, but rather than make a team of his own he'd prefer to join someone else's. [h2]Magic[/h2] [b]Magic Name::[/b] Monster (Beast) Take-Over [b]Description::[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Beast_Soul]Beast Soul[/url] - A form of Take Over magic that requires the caster to defeat and then absorb the power of a magical or otherwise unusual monster. This differs from Animal Take Over in that most times these creatures have special abilities or some form of higher intelligence. [b]Known Spells::[/b] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/0/02/MHX-Arzuros_Render_001.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/400?cb=20151001084819&format=webp]Arzuros[/url] - A monstrous bear with great strength and sharp dermal spikes on its back and arms. Typically used for brute strength by transforming the caster's arms. [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/1/16/Urukususu.png/revision/latest?cb=20110510162202]Lagombi[/url] - A rabbit-like beast from the snowy mountains that can slide around on its smooth belly. Preferred for speed, and usually used by transforming the legs and torso. [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/0/04/MHX-Volvidon_Render_001.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/400?cb=20151001094224&format=webp]Volvidon[/url] - An armored insectivore, still large and mean enough to be considered a dangerous beast. Its hard shell has excellent durability, and it can roll over foes or lash them with a long tongue. Travis transforms a large portion of his body, save for his head and legs, but including his tongue. [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/c/cb/MH4-Kecha_Wacha_Render_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20140120060935]Kecha Wacha[/url] - A strange-looking tree climbing monster with a variety of abilities. Most often, Travis uses this spell to transform his hands into long, sharp claws capable of cutting just as well as a sword. But by changing other parts of his body he can gain the ability to glide for short distances, enhance his hearing, use a prehensile tail, or even shoot globs of spit with enough force to hurt. However, compared to his other monsters, the Kecha Wacha isn't very strong--rather than power, endurance, or speed, its advantage is the utility its abilities provide for moving and climbing. [h2]Other[/h2] [b]Relatives::[/b] Father Step-Mother [b]Possessions::[/b] A small framed picture of himself, his father, and his stepmother from when he was younger. Everyone's all smiles. Another picture, the same size as the first, but filled with only one person. A beautiful woman who shares his hair color. [b]Theme Song::[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhSA9H9Iaqw]Imagine Dragons - Monster[/url] [/CENTER] [/hider] [hider=Travis' Relations] "When two guilds are based in one town and have a lot of job competition, you tend to run across people at the market or just hear rumors from the townsfolk. I don't really dislike the Harpies, I'm just competitive; but it's kind of kept me from really getting to know any of them. I guess I wouldn't mind being friends, but your guild isn't like just, a job, you know? Your guild is like your family, there's a very group oriented way of thinking, and the groups...they don't really mesh, right?" [h3]Harpy's Wing[/h3] [b]Allison Levinart[/b]: "I freakin' love her concerts! Every once in a while when the guilds have events or during town holidays she's obviously part of any musical things that go on, and she's great at it. You can really tell she has a passion for it. I've actually gotten an autograph from her before." *Travis blushes and scratches the back of his head.* "She probably doesn't remember me though. It may just be me looking too deep into it, but I think that despite the intense volume and high-energy music she plays, it's a calming thing for her. She's a cheery sort on her own, but it makes me feel like she might have -too much- energy, and that she would get really anxious or nervous without it. Maybe the music gives her something to occupy her mind's more frantic thoughts?" [b]Ceri[/b]: "Never really talked to her before. Seems like the type who'd squeak and run if you looked at her wrong, but I've heard she's pretty good with her Smoke Magic. You wouldn't think that's a strong magic--it has no real physical substance like earth or water, nor destructive power like fire or wind--but like most single-aspect magics it probably has a lot of versatility. I know she likes to read. I go to the library sometimes to research the Monsters my Take-Over magic uses, and I see her there sometimes. Seems like the type that just likes knowledge for its own sake. Maybe I should ask her if she knows about Monsters the next time I see her there." [b]Ethan Larcia[/b]: "This guy should have been in our guild, dammit! I bet those Harpies seduced him or something. Guy likes a good knock-down drag out, which I can definitely appreciate. Kinda odd that he wears armor and uses heavy weaponry, though, considering his magic seems to focus on high speed attacks. If he didn't have that stuff weighing him down he'd be way faster. Maybe he's trying to get the best of both worlds. Other than that I know literally nothing about him. I don't pry into most people's pasts most of the time, so it doesn't matter to me." [b]Hans Grimm[/b]: "Seems like a wimp at first, because they say he hates any kind of violence. I mean, I understand not wanting to fight when you don't have to, but if you don't wanna fight at all why'd you join a mage guild? Monsters, bandits, dark guilds, we fight stuff like all the time. But there's something...not right, about him. Some types of soul-using magic, necromancy, and things like that are illegal, but there are exceptions. I assume his Bone-Make is one of them...but can bones be generated from magical energy the way elements can? Ice magic freezes water in the air, fire magic generates heat. Where the hell do these skeletons come from? And how many of them are in his closet?" [b]Illedrith Andrasia[/b]: *Travis' expression darkens for a moment and he looks away. Then he smiles again and resumes speaking.* "Pretty well known as part of Harpy Wing's backbone, I think. They'll probably make her an S class soon. Has a real devotion towards the guild, but isn't afraid to bust out some discipline. Her Mirror Magic seems kind of unassuming at first but she works really well in a team. I've only really interacted with her one time...it was back when I first joined Golem, and a fight broke out. It was just a couple people from both guilds, nobody well-known or important or anything, just some of us scrub-mages trying to make names for ourselves. I thought, hey I should do something to fit in with my new guildies, so I got involved. She kicked our asses, man. And as part of the lecture afterwards she showed us one of her mirror spells, to make us reflect (ha, mirror pun) on how we were acting. I don't know if she knows what other people see of themselves in her Mirror of the Soul. I really hope not. It's not something I can talk about, but that cat needs to stay in the bag. I make it a point to avoid her." [b]Klisa Bay[/b]: "Kind of like Ceri, in that she seems on the shy side. Really interested in talking to her about her magic though, because the word is she's a Dragon Slayer. I always thought she just used water magic--and maybe the rumors are wrong. But if she was taught by a Dragon, that sounds insanely cool. And, well...it probably sounds stupid, since I've heard no human could ever beat one, but I've always kind of wondered if it was possible to use Take-Over magic on a Dragon. Would that give someone the same power as a Dragon Slayer? Harpy's Wing has a lot of cuties, probably because the name's more feminine. If I had the guts and wasn't concerned about inter-guild politics, Klisa would be one of the ones I'd ask out, after Allison of course. But I uh, hear she -might- bat for the other team." *Travis clicks suggestively.* "I mean, I don't care, people got the right to their own preferences. But whenever a guy (well a straight one anyway) hears that about a girl, he can't help thinking 'what a shame' right?" [b]Kyuuten Rallis[/b]: "I've heard nothing bad about the guy, seems like a friendly sort. So when I say this, I want it to be understood that this is just a gut feeling, and not something I really have any actual reason to say: I don't really think I like him. Don't know why, just feel like we wouldn't get along. And it's weird, because his magic is very similar to mine in some ways. He's a Celestial Wizard (though I've heard he uses another type too but it still has something to do with stars), but instead of summoning them with a key he does...something else? It seems like a Take-Over of sorts, which is why I say we seem alike. But something about him just bugs me. Maybe it's the way his personality shines so genuinely. No long shadow following him around." [b]Odinn Wierike[/b]: "This motherfucker. You're telling me he has some kind of space-manipulation magic, is an S-Class, a pretty-boy, and his guild has all these hotties, and he does NOTHING. Guy doesn't even have his own damn house! If I had a magic that could literally drop my opponent into the ocean, or a volcano, or let me teleport myself anywhere I wanted, I'd damn sure be doing something with it. Any mission would be a snap--you'd be rich, and famous, and all that kind of stuff. Well, I guess I understand not wanting to stand out -too- much. But it really is a waste of potential. Again, maybe I'm looking too deep, seeing things that aren't there. But maybe he doesn't try -because- everything is a snap for him. From what I hear the guy comes from well-off folks, like me. But he never had any real problems, and that Dark Guild raid years ago was the first time he ever used his magic. And after that, he continued to not have any real problems. His magic is so powerful it seems like he'll never have a real challenge, so there's no reason to get excited about anything. Kind of sad, really." [b]Ria Tsurara[/b]: *At the mention of her name Travis flips the chair he's sitting in as he rolls backwards, using it as a makeshift barrier* "Don't fucking say her name, she'll show up!" His expression is an odd mix of fear and exasperation* "That girl pushes my buttons in all the wrong ways. She's way too hyper and annoying. And when she talks, all of her words just spill out and she never takes a damn breath. If she were writing out what she said, she'd be one of those people who can't be arsed to use periods. And she's so goddamn impulsive, throws her magic out like it's candy. It's not candy. It's fuckin' razor sharp ice!" *Travis finally collects himself and sits down again with a huff* "I don't like her, and I don't like her magic. It's..." *Travis glances off to the side* "Way too cold for me." [h3]Golem's Hand[/h3] [b]Amaterasu Lee[/b]: "Amy--that's my nickname for her, and I don't care if it pisses her off--is a grade A freakin' psychopath. Her reaction to anything and everything can be summed up like this: Can I burn it?" *Travis sighs and spreads his hands with a shrug* "She has the broody, anti-social thing going on too, but then there's her happy-act sometimes. Probably bipolar. And unfortunately, I've caught her eyeing me up before. I really hope she ain't nursin' a crush, because I'm not fond of the smell of ash and smoke." *Another sigh* "But...she's still part of the guild, and she at least tries to be creative with her magic. She's good to have in a pinch--as long as you're not anywhere near her targets." [b]Kyvirn Xaesos[/b]: "Ky's...well, he's sorta special. He doesn't talk; I'm not sure if it's a medical issue or what. I've been trying to learn the sign language he uses, but it's a work in progress. Like...so many people in our guild, apparently...he's not a social butterfly, but at the least he's not all broody and shit. But then, he apparently has some kinda split personality disorder. Whenever that one--I've heard everyone else call him Xae--is out, he's much more sociable, but also much more excitable. Not a bad thing, I like going on missions with the guy, although he doesn't seem to have warmed up to me yet. Ky and I work fine together as long as I keep my temper under control and pay attention to what he's trying to show me, and whenever Xae and I go after a monster or some bad guys, it's always a fun time." *Crazy grin.* [b]Rei Miyamoto[/b]: "Lighten up dude, seriously. I know that thing with the Dark Guild in this town years ago gave a lot of people some real baggage...but you're not alone, man. You have all of us here with you, so open up sometimes, huh? I feel like whatever happened to Rei back during the raid must have changed him a lot. He's lived in this town forever, so I've talked to other people who knew him before. Out of respect for his privacy they never gave away full details, but he apparently used to be just a normal happy kid. Now he hardly ever talks to anyone and just does that "brood in a corner with your hood up" thing and the "I work alone" thing. I'd like to be pals with him if I could, cause I don't think he's the natural shy type. I think he isolates himself because he feels like he has to, for some reason." [b]Sun A. Platinna[/b]: "Sunny's cool. A lot of people think he's as lazy as that S-Class Harpy bum, but I think it's just that when he's here at the guild, not doing anything, he's reasonably bored. When a mission comes up--especially one where he gets to shoot something--he grins like a maniac. I wonder sometimes if he's an adrenaline junkie, because he never backs down from a challenge. We're similar in that our dads were both wealthy but wanted us to make our own way in the world. He learned Marksman-style Requip, and was apparently a hunter before he became a mage, so he and I are actually a pretty good team when it comes to jobs that require us to hunt down and exterminate a dangerous beast. Eeeeevery once in a while though he gets kinda...Well, just don't ask him about his family. Especially not his sister." [b]Vega Ashworth[/b]: *A vein pulses in Travis' head as he clenches a fist* "That bastard...! I'm gonna show him one day, Grim Reaper my ass! Thinks he's so tough! But guess what!? My Take Overs change my body--he can drain the magic enough to cancel the transformation if he's in contact long enough, but he can't cancel out my spiky Arzuros fist in his goddamn face!" *Travis crosses his arms* "I haven't beat him yet--but when I do, you can bet I'm not gonna let him forget it! "The biggest thing that ticks me off about him, though...He doesn't have any guild spirit. He picks his jobs based on how much he gets out of it, and he only looks out for himself. For some reason, Golem's Hand has all these lone wolves, which makes you wonder how the hell we all managed to come together to form a guild in the first place. But Vega's the worst about it. Even so he's still my guildmate. I'd help him out if he needed it based on that alone. I wish he'd do that for everyone else." [/hider]