[center][img]http://almarsguides.com/Almar's%20Stuff/SwTOR/Planets/Korriban%201.jpg[/img][/center] [i][color=ed1c24]Korriban Sith Academy[/color][/i] A drop ship containing several new students to the Academy was coming in slowly. It dipped slowly towards the ground, banking to right. The ship's wings folded up to avoid the numerous statues and pillars in honor of the late sith lords that used to roam the galaxy. As the ship landed in the clearing, its loading ramp slowly unhinged. As the ramp tapped against the ground, students quickly moved out. As their eyes looked about, they noticed what they flew over was also an architectural dig site. Sith ruins were being dug up, especially tombs. These students kept moving, a shadow was cast across the barren valley, offering some protection from the blistering sun. Although, the wind wasn't so kind. It stirred up sand, causing breathing to be difficult. The students managed to make it to the stairs, which the climbed up. As they crested the top of the steps, a dark figure stood before them, guarding the only entrance into the Academy. "[color=ed1c24]Stand forth![/color]" The dark figure shouted through the bellowing wind. Beside this figure, was a hairy beast. It was noticeable taller and held a bowcaster, as if it was ready to open upon the students. The students made a circle around the figure. "[color=ed1c24]Reveal to me, reveal to me the medallions you have earned or rightfully taken.[/color]" The figure continued to say. A vast majority of the students took out their medallions and showed it to the cloaked voice. One student failed to do so, for they either didn't earn it through exceptional skill in the force or their aggressive negotiations with another student has severely failed. The clocked figured seemed to glide towards the student, whom was a Kel Dor. "[color=ed1c24]Where is yours? Hmm? Did you lose it in this wind? Is it in the sand, huh?[/color]" The figure questioned. The Kel Dor looked down, away from the voice, shaking his head no. "[color=ed1c24]Where is it? Do you need help finding it?[/color]" The figure's voice seemed to get vexed as it asked more questions. After a short silence, the Kel Dor finally answered "I crossed battles with another and lost." There was a tongue clicking sound that came from the hooded figure. "[color=ed1c24]You lost.. to whom, may I ask?[/color]" The Kel Dor pointed to the Twi'lek across from him. The wind stopped, the shadow that was cast from the Academy seemed to produce a higher temperature. The air seemed thick. The hooded figure extended his arms out and as he did, light sabers flew to his hands, almost like clockwork. In a flash, the sabers erected. One was a beautiful blood orange, whilst the other was a deep crimson red. "[color=ed1c24]Feeble![/color]" The voice shouted with such rage that was capitalized with a quick slash. The Kel Dor's head fell off its shoulders, the body leaned forwards and then collapsed. "[color=ed1c24]During any quarrel, you show no mercy, you show no quarter![/color]" the hooded figure shouted as he turned to the Twi'lek. It tried to defend themself, but it was no use. The Twi'lek screamed in agony as lightning was hurled towards it. It collapsed just as the Kel Dor, except smoke danced off the body this time. After this quick interruption, everything went back to normal. The hooded figure unveiled themselves. "[color=ed1c24]My name is Val Archanius. I am an instructor here at the Academy. I will show you the true ways of the Sith. This big, black and hairy beast is called Shorevge. You will show him the same respect as you will show me. If not, I will not hesitate to let him beat you senselessly with your own arms.[/color]" Shorevge made a sound similar to a dog growling and someone gargling mouth wash, which was probably him agreeing with the previous statement. Val continued "[color=ed1c24]In the coming days, you will learn true power. For those of you who have medallions.[/color]" Val kicked the head away from him as he walked in the circle. "[color=ed1c24]You are now considered Apprentices. You will be put through many trials. Enter the Academy and your Masters will find you. I sense greatness in many of you.[/color]" He said as he looked at several students in particular. The students trickled into the Academy, leaving Val and the Wookiee alone in the courtyard. Shorevge watched his Master. Val stood looking out upon the dig site, unmoving. The Wookiee called for Val, asking him what was wrong. "[color=ed1c24]There is something dark in the galaxy. Something is happening. I can feel it, but as I try to chase it, it manages to elude me. Yet, there is great light around it. Ready the ship and bring it around, I will inform the others of my soon-to-be absence[/color]." Val ran his fingers through his hair, exhaling heavily as if a great weight fell off his shoulders. He shuffled in the sand to turn to the head. He snorted a bit with laughter. The Wookiee came close to Val, ruffled up the Sith's hair and left to enter the Academy, leaving Val smirking.