Trotting along, a lone horse near the back, Colette rode in silence. Truth be told, she did most things in silence. It was better to contemplate life when things were silent. The other members riding along with her, however; weren't so keen on being quiet, laughing, cracking jokes, and mentioning women they saw and their...attributes and abilities in bed. Colette would have loved kicking them in their manhood for disrespect for the supreme gender, but she reeled it in. She had to remember, she was part of a team now. A team with mostly humans. Humans. What a cruel trick fate played on her. She left one cruel human master only to be placed under another one. The Captain, as he wanted to be known and made sure you called him such (as her shoulder scar was evidence of) was cruel, but it took every ounce she could muster to say that he wasn't without cause. Here she was, a young, elf woman hoping to be a part of his forces. She couldn't imagine the things running through his head as he saw her. She remembered when she was tasked to show off her skills. How she hit the targets in front of her with her arrows. She remembered the human man that laughed it up, making jokes about her as she shot. It took one placed arrow to shut him up. She didn't kill him, but she took small satisfaction in him going to the healers to get an arrow taken out of his arse. One month has passed since she joined. As the company stopped and began setting up their tents, she took a brief look around. One particular man caught her attention. Connor was his name. He looked at her and their eyes met. She felt a small twinge, but let it go. She noted the other humans that were with her. There was one with an odd name. He seemed to punch first, ask questions never. She could get behind that. Gideon caught her eye as well. She noted nothing special about him, though she had an uncomfortable feeling in her gut when she looked into his eyes. Lastly, she noted Odran, an old man and one that didn't mean much to her. A typical swordsman, and an old fool. Humans were all like. She paid little attention to the dwarf woman. She had no strong feelings against or for the dwarves, but she couldn't be sure the woman was someone she'd care to know. There were two other elves part of the regiment, but in her opinion, they were quite different than she expected elves to be like. The first was Triala. The red haired elf liked to drink and joke around. Colette could feel herself probably getting along with her eventually. The other was Kaerun. He was largely different than most elves she's seen. He was an outcast, if she had to give her say. She felt connected to him for that alone. A young girl came running forward and handed her a note. Colette gave her a cold, stare before she retreated. She opened the note and rolled her eyes. A simple message, a vague threat. The undertone of the note suggested she should be afraid. She wasn't. She finished setting up her tend and made her way over. Maybe she wouldn't be bored anymore.