"Coulda fooled me," Vivian said, watching as he turned on the scabs. She had only one run-in with a scab and she had been the one who fled. She was not equipped with the strength or supplies to deal with skin like [i]that[/i]. So, as the young woman left him to deal with the scabs, she turned on the shamblers so she could buy him some time. Hell, maybe him and the scabs would take each other out and she could loot the body after--but that would only happen if she focused on the task at hand. It would be an easy one for and even easier if she could use her powers. However, so close to a potential safe zone, she didn't want to risk giving herself away. So as a shambler grabbed at her with a fleshy arm, she only stepped back, then forward to slice through its neck. Then she moved onto the next one, not allowing herself to stand still or else the shamblers--although slow and utterly stupid--could eventually gang up on her. She exercised an eerie cool control over the area, a zombie not stepping an inch out of her perception or expectation. And with each head to drop, she picked up the speed, a grin slowly manifesting on her face as she twirled and twisted her weapon. Step, slash, slash, turn, step, slash, step, turn, slash-- The dance quickly ended and she flicked the blood off her blade, a new light in her eyes--then a flicker of realization. [i]Oh right,[/i] she thought, checking on the Maker. He had finally beat through the scab's skull but just in time for the other one to grow a little too close. "Look out!" Vivian warned. Even with his life in danger, she didn't dare teleport. Instead, she closed the distance with her short legs. And half way there, she realized she wouldn't make it on foot. [i]Oh well,[/i] she thought.