Xoxi hops out of the carriage, staring right at a demolished bridge towards Britain. The only way in is through some very skilled free running, and even then the support of it all looks like it could fall at any single moment. The land around it looks completely ruined. No signs of any plantoids around. "Here you are, lady. I best be outta here before trouble shows up." [color=662d91]"Alright..."[/color] As the carriage driver hauls out of there, Xoxi rethinks everything around her. The bridge is close to uncrossable, and going sideways is also not an option, so there was only one logical answer... Screaming at an ocean. Britain is an island after all. There's water surrounding it entirely except for the Ireland part of it, which is also surrounded by water. If it doesn't work the bridge is a really dumb yet somewhat smart idea. The bridge breaks, enemies can't get onto Britain. It stays up, Xoxi has a way off the island. Xoxi climbed down a cliff, onto the shoreline, and faced the ocean. This was an abysmally dumb idea, she thought, but it was all she had to go on. [color=662d91]"HEY! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME? PRETTY SURE THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK BUT IF IT DOES GIVE ME A SIGN OR SOMETHING!"[/color] With an odd stroke of luck, a boat surfaces out of the water. There's no explanation to it, the boat just appeared out of the water for no reason. [color=662d91]"...cool beans."[/color] Xoxi climbs in the boat and starts rowing it towards Ireland.