[b]Look out![/b] The shout came from Vivian as he finished up with the gore from the first scab. The second scab came in too close. He didn't have much time to think about his options, no real chance to counterattack, his best bet was a defensive move. He had forced himself into a corner with the vehicle wreckage that had hidden the scabs from view, so he couldn't simple duck and cover. The next best thing he had at his disposal was the corpse of the first scab. William grabbed the corps' arm and gave it a rough tug, drawing it directly into the path of the open jaws of the oncoming Zombie. Giving him something to gnaw on for a moment would give William the chance to counterattack. With his opportunity available to him now, The Maker once again wielded his tongs to grab hold of the lower jaw on the scab. With the sickening force of a man who had worked his whole life in construction and hobbying as a blacksmith he twisted the tongs attempting to rip loose the lower jaw of the remaining scab. The crunch was audible, though it remained attached. William tried it again this time with a grunt of exertion to aid in the effort, which was rewarded by nothing but a wheezing coughing fit. Getting more leverage by putting one of his steel toed booted feet on the scabs shoulder he reaffirmed his grip and with one final jerk tore the lower jaw free from the scab. He tossed the jaw through the air with the effort, dropped his tongs with a clatter and with one large double handed swing of the hammer, The Maker delivered an uppercut blow through the roof of the mouth that sent the now liquified brains out of every other hole left in the head. Breathing heavy he shook the gore from his hammer, picked up his tongs and did the same. He let out a sigh with the effort of bending over to grab his tongs. [b]Well,[/b] The Maker said looking over at Vivian now that the immediate danger had passed, [b]The names William Shoemaker, they call me The Maker for short. I imagine you're on your way towards that light show from last night. I'm headed there myself, shall we keep each other company for a while as we walk?[/b] Of course he didn't mean with conversation, or anything else for that matter, but talking in the open was dangerous, the undead hordes were drawn to sound more than anything. Not waiting for a reply he started walking down the road in the direction of the arrows.