[@frapet] I actually have had that idea. Though my thoughts were that it would only occur if a Jedi made themselves known in 3030. I haven't gotten a word from [@SuperTacticalDerp] in a while, but his character doing something very notable would have possibly triggered that. I like the idea, just would need a reason for an inquisitor to come to the undercity. Also, one the subject of [@The Survivor] going away, it might just be best to abandon the collab for now. Figure out something else you can do with your char. Maybe have him get pulled away for some other urgent reason. [@Raz Ajeel] I like the character, it looks good. Keep working on it as well the gang he's leading. [@cqbexpt] That is something they would consider doing, especially since the issue they sent Del to handle is a pretty big one. If [@EliteCommander] is interested in doing something like that.