Toriel chuckled as she disappeared into the kitchen. Frisk sat up and leaned against the armrest. "Yeah, she is," she said in a light tone. There was no arguing or denying it. Toriel babied Frisk anytime she got the chance. Frisk couldn't bring herself to refuse Tori's motherly side, especially now that she wasn't living with her anymore. It was the equivalent of a young adult finally living on their own, who still wandered back to their parents for a chat and a place to do laundry. In all honesty, they both needed it. Toriel got the chance to have a child to raise and love forever. And Frisk got a mother who actually gave a damn about her. It worked for everyone. Frisk looked up at Sans. "But I don't mind. It's nice having a mom who cares." She stopped herself there, freezing as she stared at Sans. Those words had tumbled out of her mouth so fast, that she hadn't had time to stop them. It wasn't often that Frisk alluded to her previous life. She didn't like talking about the world she left on the surface, or why she had climbed Mount Ebott in the first place. After all the resets and years, she hardly remembered it. But there were still flashes of...something. Memories? Childhood fears? She wasn't sure. But she did know that she was in a far better place, with people who loved her so much more. Still, it was a touchy subject. Pausing for a moment, Frisk looked away from Sans. "I, um...I'm gonna go help Mom." Just as she always did when the subject came up, she ran away from it. She ran away from whatever reactions she recieved. Quickly, Frisk stood and headed straight into the kitchen. Toriel's voice chimed soon after, but then lowered into a hushed tone. "Frisk...Sweetheart, is something wrong?" "N-No! Everything's fine. Here, let me take those." Moments later, the two re-entered the living room with plates of freshly baked, warm pie in their hands. Frisk carried two, while Tori carried one and the forks. The queen handed a plate and fork to Sans, then made her way to the couch where Frisk handed her a plate as she sat down. Frisk was quiet as she poked at her slice of pie, her mind on other things. Toriel, to take any attention off the human, smiled at Sans. "So, how is Papyrus?"