As far as I can tell, they'd both hit. Nicoli's jab was a very fast, stable move. On the other hand, Trixi's response (to drop to one knee) would likely be slower, not getting her quite out of the way on time. The stab might not hit exactly where Nicoli wanted it to, but would still likely end up landing. It's unlikely that a stab wound like that would completely disable the arm, but it would cause a [i]lot[/i] of bleeding and make it painful/difficult to move (probably would disable an ordinary person's, but that'd be mostly from the pain/shock, which wouldn't apply so much here). As for Trixi's attack, Shiden is right about it taking less than two seconds. Nicoli's knife was faster than this attack, however, he did virtually nothing to avoid it, assuming his armor would take the hit. Trixi's drop is likely an unexpected move, and even with its slower speed compared to Nicoli's stab, it would still be fairly quick. The stab itself is too high up the arm to entirely stop the attack (even if it did disable the limb and stop the upper arm in its tracks, momentum alone would carry the baton to its target, which would be within reach already), and even if Nicoli were to see it coming and step back, if he's close enough to get her with a dagger then he's too close to step back away from a 16-inch baton on time, especially not when he was focused on his own attack. The electrical shock would not apply immediately upon contact due to timing (she should have charged it up beforehand), but it's still a pretty strong hit even with just the baton. Nicoli's Spider Step might keep him stuck in place, but that would just make the impact on his knee even more jarring, definitely enough to make it painful to put his weight on it after that. Also, having charged the shock, Trixi now has the option of deploying it in future posts. In short, pretty nasty strikes on both sides. This is probably to be expected in a close-range fight between lightly armored opponents... indeed, most ancient duels did not last long. Unless someone decides to pull a retreat, this could end in the next couple moves. Good stuff so far!