Ionathan pondered as he grew closer to the house, was it a trap? To kill the heroes that saved Waeldeshore? Ionathan would never consider himself a hero, he had merely been in the right place at the right time. Nearing the house Ionathan now looked at the people by the door. Ionathan eyebrows were raised to places that they had never been, was that a Deer Faun? He had read about them in some book long ago but just thought they were the stuff of legend. Banging on the door was a large man who didn't seem to have any weapons which puzzled Ionathan, if he was not a fighter what was he? A cook? Ionathan then frowned upon seeing the young lad, how come everyone has half plate accept for him? Putting the thought out of his head he looked the boy up and down, he had seen his type during the war enthusiastic and almost free of fear he was like him when he was young. At least there was a familiar face in the crowd, the Halfling from Waeldeshore, Ionathan never did arrest her for unlawful use of magic in public which she seemed to be doing now. Lastly there was some kind of feline humanoid that had just emerged from the shadows, just by looking at her, Ionathan knew that the feline has a lot of experience under her belt. "I take it we have all been summoned by the master of this place." Tucking his sallet under his arm Ionathan now thought to make his presence known. "Indeed we have and now I feel, it is the time for introductions." Ionathan stood to attention like the drill master had bored into him many years ago "Sir Ionathan Hepburnberg" putting a clenched fist to his chest and doing a half bow "At your service" [@Belwicket] [@vietmyke] [@AdamantiumWolf] [@Zero Hex] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]