[hr][hr][centre][h1][color=f7941d]Manky Connelly[/color][/h1][/centre][hr][hr] [centre] [u]Time:[/u] 10:20 - 10:50 [u]Location:[/u]Lakeside [u]Interacting with:[/u] Everyone via text - Seamus [@TheIrishJJ] via - Everyone already at lakeside[/centre] [hr] Manky’s eyes squinted open to the new day. He brought his hands up to his eyes, rubbing out the sleep, as he sat up in bed. He grabbed his phone, reading through the group chat texts he had missed out on. He skimmed through the texts, before responding with his own in kind. [b]To: The Squad[/b] [color=f7941d]Just give us half an hour. I’ll be there bout 11.[/color] was his matter of fact response. Manky always typed out his texts in full sentences, he never used ‘text speak’. In fact, it was probably easier to understand his texts than when he actually spoke. He turned his attention to the text from Seamus. [b]To: Seamus[/b] [color=f7941d]Why is it I live above a pub yet you’re always the one bringing the booze?’[/color] He followed up this first message with another quick text to Seamus. [color=f7941d]I think you’re trying to figure out just how mashed I have to be, but it ain’t gonna happen mate! Haha[/color] Seamus and Manky were best mates, even if Manky did make constant jokes implying that Seamus was attracted to him. As the two foreigners of the group, and coming from countries that were very close to each other both geographically and culturally they had naturally gravitated towards each other. Manky tore back the covers on his bed, pulling himself to his feet and shambling into the bathroom. He couldn’t be bothered to have a full shower. He had showered yesterday, it would be alright. He splashed some cold water on his face from the tap, and dried it off with a towel. Stepping back into his room, he opened a drawer, pushing back items that had been strategically placed to conceal what he was looking for: a tin case, about the size of a DVD case but around an inch thick. He pulled it from the drawer, opening it up and looking inside. There were 2 prerolled joints, a baggy with a few more joints worth of weed in it, along with his tobacco pouch, rolling papers and filters. There was no noise in the flat above the Pub, and it didn’t open until 5 in the afternoon so he assumed his parents were out… somewhere. Manky placed the tin in his backpack and set out about dressing himself. He reached into another drawer, pulling out a clean pair of underwear, socks and a t shirt. He dressed himself in them before pulling on the pair of jeans he had unceremoniously dumped on the floor the night before as he had gone to sleep. Manky’s outfit for the day was finished with a grey beanie atop his head, and his parka pulled on over his shoulders. He grabbed the essentials: His phone, keychain, wallet containing the $30 he currently had to his name. Manky pulled out the earphones that never seemed to leave the pocket of the parka, inserting them into his phone, scrolling through his music, he picked out [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_Tz7bh3rNM][i]Disco 2000 by Pulp[/i][/url] as his first song of the day. He placed his phone in an inside pocket of the coat, zipping it up and pulling on his backpack. He headed down the stairs, taking a quick moment to survey the empty pub, before heading out the side door to the car park where his pedal bike was locked against the fence. He pulled out his keys, unlocking the bike chain, removing the chain and relocking it around the bikes frame. His song was just ending, and Manky decided he wanted to listen to it again. He pushed a button on the side on his headphones to push the song back to the beginning, as he jumped on his bike and set off to lakeside. Manky rode the bike recklessly, paying no attention to the outside world as music filled his ears and distracted him. To be fair, in a small town like this he could get away with it, there was never that much traffic. He stopped once he had reached his predetermined stop-off before the lake, pulling out the tin from his backpack, and taking a joint to his lips. He had decided he would have one to himself before arriving at Lakeside, but it was then he realised he had forgot a valuable part of the puzzle: a lighter. He sighed, placing the joint back in the tin and the tin back in the backpack. Looks like a joint to himself wasn’t going to happen. Well, he could, but the local store was 5 minutes back in the direction he had come from, and that was too much hassle for Manky. He pedalled on towards Lakeside. He saw the small crowd of his friends that had arrived so far in the distance. And of course, it was impossible not to notice the pink head of hair that instantly stood out to him. He closed the distance, pulling on the brakes on the bike as he pulled up close. He beamed his cheeky smile at the rest of the group, trying not to focus his gaze too much on Ely. He stepped off the bike and allowed it to rest sideways on the ground, before pulling out the tin once again from his backpack. [color=f7941d]” Moornin’ dick’eads, any you fuckers got a lightuh?”[/color]