"Noooo, Google," Carys made a heartbroken little sound, both amused and slightly horrified. God, just where had she moved that her evil robot overlords were not supremely helpful? She hadn't really thought about what she might have to do away with when she'd planned this move. It had been more of a desperate escape than anything sensible. Carys chewed on her lip for a long moment, debating what to do with this new information. She knew her need to be unobtrusive was practically pathological. She'd gotten used to doing everything herself, had taken pride in never asking for help. [S]Her mother had called her foolish for it, once. [/s] Steamrolling over unpleasant thoughts, Carys looked back up at Chase. Her storm grey eyes met his, and her [s]bullheaded [/s] stubborn will was finally forced to concede. "You know, you're being annoyingly gracious, considering I've barreled into you twice in as many days," Carys teased, although there was genuine warmth in her voice. "I want to be all like 'pffft, go on your way', but you're being all considerate and logical. I, um, if it really [i]isn't [/i] a hassle, I'd really appreciate that ride?" Asking for help felt so unnatural. Still, she couldn't lie to herself that much. She was exhausted, and all she wanted was to curl up in bed, even if it meant going back to that suffocating house.