On the outside, the house itself was not -as- different as the rest of the shabby lots in this so called village. It was obvious that an effort was made, at the very least, to make it stand out. Unfortunately, poor weather and time make it unbearably difficult to keep up such appearances. And so, by the time the group had arrived, while they would certainly notice the odd way in which it somehow stood out, it would have looked as pitiful as the rest of them. Suddenly footsteps could be heard from behind the door, rushing to open it. A young woman, barely into her twenties, stood in the door way, her hand over her chest as she caught her breath. Any introductions were cut short as the young woman spoke. "My apologies for keeping you waiting, please do come in." She offered a curt nod, and motioned them all inside. To anyone with keen senses, they might have felt something before entering... something odd, not just about the house, but someone was watching them. It wasn't clear where that someone was, nor was their intent. But somewhere in the distance, a pair of eyes lingered over the odd group. The figure did not stir, did not speak, no sound was uttered upon viewing who was present. They remained silent and hidden, merely observing the going-ons in front of the sage's home. The outside appearance of the small cottage was quite deceiving. For starters it was much bigger inside than the outside may have led you to believe. Everything was polished, exotic carpets draped over the cold, hard floors, fancy curtains shielded the interior from the views that plagued the town, and chandeliers hung in every room, illuminating every corner and crevice. The young woman quickly made her way to the front of the group. She was pretty in a very plain way, mousy brown hair pulled back in a braided bun, and eyes that matched in color. There was nothing extravagant really to speak about her, but she seemed pleasant enough. She led them into a large room, it wasn't a very far walk from the front door, and the group would not have noticed anything distinctive within the nouveau riche setting. Once in the room, there was a long rectangular table of cherry wood, lined with ornate chairs. A large chair was placed on the far end, the seat was padded for extra comfort. "You will stay in here, for now. The master of the house will be with you shortly.", was all the woman said before disappearing into halls. [@Belwicket] [@vietmyke] [@AdamantiumWolf] [@Zero Hex] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [@Jon Y]