"If yer hear a tune lass," Thranok hissed in annoyance at the Elf maid, "and nah one 'o yer friends be playin' 'n instrument, 'n suddenly yer be fallin' asleep, it be a safe bet that someone's tryin' ta sleep ya. Me nurses used to soothe me 'n me brothers to sleep with such nonsense when we were little'ns, ta give mar some peace, aye?" The Dwarf gripped his axe impatiently, willing the beast to drop dead, but for some reason uncertain that bloody murder was the right way to go with this situation. Few others seemed to show much hostility to the idea of being forced asleep and made helpless - but then the tall folk were often daft in their perception of matters. "What'd yer make of all this, kinsman?" the Prince asked, switching his attention to the Dwarf approaching him and the Elf. "Think we should be slayin' it? Or lettin' that lizard talk it down?"