[Hider=Junkyard Joe][b]Name:[/b] Joseph Johnson [b]Persona:[/b] Junkyard Joe [b]Appearance: [/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VOtIlec.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] Twenty Eight [b]Archetype:[/b] Genius [b]Power set:[/b] [List][*][b][i]Intelligeniosity (2)[/i][/b] - Joe's intelligence progressively expands with no real effort. The influx of knowledge and ingenuity within his mind knows no bounds. To put it in Joe's own words, "I'm black McGuyver. Totally too smart for ma own pants."[/List] [b]Origin Story:[/b][Indent]Joseph Johnson was an individual with an unfortunate past. Cliche as it may sound, he was born in an impoverished family who lived in the slums of New York where drugs, domestic violence, alchohol, and debt were overflowing; inevitably, Joe eventually succumbed to such a lifestyle. For sometime, the responsibity to provide for their family fell upon Joe and his siblings. With no educational background or credentials whatsoever, they were left with no choice but to turn to a life of crime. Petty thievery was the name of their game. Aside from the practical advantages it brought Joe and his siblings, robbery and theft introduced to them a sensation they had never felt before. Deprived of any form of excitement, they quickly got addicted to the high given to them by illegal activities, but this was all temporary. Within the span of five years, tragedy after tragedy had struck Joe's life. His father had suddenly vanished, but they were aware that this was probably related to his debt to the mafia. This drove his mother to depression and overuse of various drugs; she had died a month after due to an overdose. His younger siblings were taken into custody by social services and he never saw them again. Joe was left with Jeff, his elder brother. The two had fled to the streets, where they continued their life of felonies and unlawfulness. Although considered to be low-class thugs, they eventually attracted the attention of the authorities; they were pursued as the jobs they had taken part of had become more henious and severe. Armed robbery, battery, assault, arson, and even murder to name a few. It was a bit too late, but Jeff had realized the error in their way of living and felt solely responsible for the kind of man Joe turned out to be. Wanting to atone for his sins and prevent Joe's life from spiraling deeper into depravity, he had turned himself in. Taking the blame for all of their crimes and pleading guilty, Jeff was immediately sent to prison, to live out the rest of his life. Joe didn't want to put his brother's sacrifice to waste and decided to turn over a new leaf. However, after being informed of his brother's death by the hands of several inmates, Joe's world had collapsed. Losing the last thing he held dear to him, Joe decided that apathy was the only thing he had left to share to the world. Homeless and unemployed, he simply wandered the streets of New York for years, living off whatever he could find. At this point, he was useless to society and was simply a burden. He was insignificant, dispensable, and had no value to those around him. For all these reasons, he was one of many who were abducted by an unknown organization who had needed human subjects to test on. An immeasurable amount of drugs along with a battery of torture-like procedures had left Joe a husk of his former self. Aphasic and immobile, he was basically a vegetable and was no longer a viable guinea pig to his captors. His crippled body was disposed off at a junkyard in Dodgeville. Being buried by mounds of scrap was how Joe's life was about to end. Or so most thought. Through some twist of fate, a miracle had happened. Beneath the pile of trash and debris, emerged Joe, who was full of vigor and definitely not dead. He had no clue on how he survived, but in reality, the pseudocoma-like state he was in was a mere cummulative side-effect of the various tests conducted on him and substances jammed into his body. Along with this, another adverse reaction was the hyperstimulation of select segments of his brain. Basically, concepts and ideas were randomly filling his mind and new information was easily and readily absorbed. His eccentric personality and inventions - that were built with nothing but his hands and anything that he could find - led the Slightly Heroic Incorporation to him. He was subsequently recruited into their ranks; the only thing he asked for return was a chimp that he later named Jimbo.[/Indent][/Hider]